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Blacktail Deer Plateau Desperate for attention you got me climbing your ladder - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Blacktail Deer Plateau Desperate for attention you got me climbing your ladder (/showthread.php?tid=52965)

Desperate for attention you got me climbing your ladder - Orvax - October 16, 2022

Open to any current member of Basilica!

There were more that inhabited this land; more than the two he knew of: he and the dreadfather. Sanguinex was curious beyond compare. It had been told that this was a religious place, but also one open to those non-religious. He wondered who else had been granted a step on the ladder. More-so, he wondered who all he would need tolerate whilst here. The deathbringer was an easy target to drive to impatience. One snap of a brittle twig and someone could wind up lain out like a wilting carcass. Of course, the muddied man would do his best not to maim any of his new liege's wards; however, how could he dare make such a promise without first being aware of whether he could keep it?

The goal, for now, would be to keep his instance. When they were ready to know of his presence, they would find him. Only then would he take time to gauge the mannerism and habits of each. Until then, he would appear to be but a solo roamer.

RE: Desperate for attention you got me climbing your ladder - Syrax - October 16, 2022

There were others, beyond Ash and the Dreadfather Ingram.

He just simply had not met them yet. Which hardly surprised them. Some seemed guarded, or perhaps deeply submerged into their religion ongoing. He blamed none of them, of course. Each their own and he trusted he would see each face in due time.

Today he spotted one. Another man. Milky with spots of earthen colors. Giant, much like himself, but heavier.

He only offered a non-verbal introduction for now. A warm rumble deep within his chest. He planned to head to the borders, and this man was invited along if he cared for it.

RE: Desperate for attention you got me climbing your ladder - Orvax - October 16, 2022

Speaking of which ...

Someone approached. He needed no confirmation of who the man was. His confident presence alone was enough to indicate that he was one of the dreadfather's recruits.

Though against his better judgement, the man chose to follow the other on the trail he led. They knew nothing of each other, so why not change that?

Deathbringer. He offered plainly. Ingram had chosen his preferred name, so such was the name he would passed to others that inquired. Now, this one hadn't yet asked, but it was time he knew. Sanguinex was a contender here in any rank he held. Those present would learn not to cross him, or they would soon find the true meaning behind his given name.

RE: Desperate for attention you got me climbing your ladder - Syrax - October 16, 2022


Well then, he seemed to fit in with the claims and religions here. Baudelaire. He spoke his own name with a slight distaste, before he carried on with ease. Prepared to learn more as they traced the borders.

Are you a follower of the Dreadfather's religion? He asked with a crooked raise of one brow. Perhaps the man could see the connections that he was making, without being explicitly told.

RE: Desperate for attention you got me climbing your ladder - Orvax - October 16, 2022


A name to keep close in mind.

But of his religion? I follow no religion. A blunt truth; one he was not ashamed of in any way.

And what of you?

RE: Desperate for attention you got me climbing your ladder - Syrax - October 16, 2022

Then we are the same.

He answered coolly, hiking a leg without shame to mark a tree.

I've begun to learn and further respect those that are around us, but I am not a...follower to any.

He continued along the path that would become well worn. Someday.

RE: Desperate for attention you got me climbing your ladder - Orvax - October 16, 2022

The same... Oh, he hardly doubted that were true. But the man could continue on believing whatever he chose to.

The milky gargantuan halted at Baudelaire's next words. If you are no follower, then how will you continue to view the Dreadfather? Some worthless idol? He hadn't realized at first, but a small growl encompassed his sharp reply. Sanguinex was quick to defend, regardless of the sheer fact they were but mere acquaintances.  

RE: Desperate for attention you got me climbing your ladder - Syrax - October 16, 2022


His head turned and nostrils flared. A heavy questioning look upon his face.

Why would you even insinuate such a thing? I do not have to be a follower of religion to respect those who are.

RE: Desperate for attention you got me climbing your ladder - Orvax - October 16, 2022

A quick scowl appeared upon his facial features.

When you suggest you are a follower to none, I take "none" as a whole term — meaning you have suggested you will not follow any, regardless of religion or not. Take better care with what words you speak and how you speak them. Perhaps he'd jumped to a conclusion too abruptly, but he wasn't about to admit his fault to eagerly. It was a fair lesson to learn anyhow.

RE: Desperate for attention you got me climbing your ladder - Syrax - October 16, 2022

sorry this is cutting so short :x

He snorted.

It was all he had left to say on this matter. He did not have to be the best of friends with all, and it was best to let these things lie than poke and prod.

He would gain nothing sticking around for this conversation.

He moved to leave the man behind, seeking borders to patrol elsewhere.

RE: Desperate for attention you got me climbing your ladder - Orvax - October 16, 2022

No worries! ^^ Archiving it here. Thanks for the thread! 

Clearly this one had no more interest in his company. 

With a simple distasteful snort, they were off on their lonesome, like to continue on as they had been before happening upon the deathbringer

But all was well. It was better this way. And now, fortunately for he, Sanguinex knew who to first mark as undesirable. A win-win situation, in reality.