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Ankyra Sound well i didn't do it - Printable Version

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well i didn't do it - Tethys - October 14, 2014

All Ankyra welcome, please let Nishu post first :P

The river in which Tethys had come upon the knight had long since disappeared into the crook of the mountains as the pair traversed Ravensblood Forest and turned north towards the lair of the Sirens. The black female had kept a steady pace, always remaining at least five or so feet in front of the male as her compass dialed in their course. Now, Tethys could see the curve of white sandy beaches and the cliffs that the female-driven pack had staked their ownership on.

Crossing into the territory, the raven slowed her trot to a meandering walk, already mostly familiar with the terrain. Rainy coastal forest covered most of the wooded areas in Ankyra, providing plenty of shade and respite for wolves, and their prey, alike. She would stop occasionally to sniff at the marker of one of her sisters or some male, but mostly her tail flickered as she led the way towards the beach. Tethys couldn't wait to show off her new toy.

RE: well i didn't do it - Nishu Inte - October 15, 2014

Nishu offered to be Tethys' temperary Knight just to prove that Knights exist and should be valued. It was considered a test but something was already going wrong. Normally it would be the Knight who guides the others but Nishu did not know the area at all. He had to let Tethys guide him but not for long.

Nishu carefully looked around for any interesting landmarks. The scent of other wolves were around which meant they were close to destination. He didn't want to be guided more than he had to so it was best for him to remember as much of the area as possible or atleast the way here. The land is different compared to what he is used to. Something he had never seen before was slowly appearing ahead. It appeared to be the largest lake he had ever come across but more importantly there was a gap between the forest and the lake with a different kind of dirt. He couldn't see the other side of the lake from here but maybe once they got closer he would be able to see how large the lake actually was.

[size=x-small]((OOC: Nishu.. One who hasn't seen a beach before xD))[/size]

RE: well i didn't do it - Caiaphas - October 16, 2014

The pale waif was in the most foul of moods today -- and it reflected in her stormy countenance. Earlier she had come across more coyote tracks -- this time too close to the heart of Ankyra for comfort. Caiaphas had stared at the tracks a long time -- they were small, female -- and followed them to the beach where the sea had swallowed all signs of the coyote's passing.

Scowling -- and much to proud to admit she had been stumped -- Caiaphas slumped down onto the sand in resignation. She was not in this posture long before she saw a familiar form sleekly emerge and depart from the shadowed wood-line -- and she would have paid little mind to the Amazon were it not for the wolf that followed behind. Caiaphas rose into a sitting position and watched them as they came closer, her expression now molded into one of polite interest. It was not often (if ever) that a new male was indoctrinated into the clan -- and Caiaphas entertained briefly the idea that the male had yet to realize what was in store for him.

Smoothly the skeletal menace rose and drifted towards them, her posture neutral. "What tidings there, Tethys?" She asked peculiarly, her voice almost dreamy as she stared blatantly at the male.

RE: well i didn't do it - Aktaiê - October 17, 2014

Aktaiê was growing more and more comfortable with leaving the border patrol to her acolytes, but there was still importance with her own presence there; it would provide her followers with the security of knowing she had just as much to do with Ankyra's protection as they. She had been on the opposing side of the cliffs as Tethys, a view she often preferred. It allowed the matriarch to look down upon her kingdom's beach, where the wolves of Ankyra often gathered, and she could watch them from above.

When the form of one of their newer recruits appeared, a male following behind, Aktaiê moved to alertness. Nereides were territorial creatures, and she had not given permission to allow a stranger this far into their claimed lands; she moved with liquid grace down the cliff side, breaking into a run along the sands towards the three wolves. Still, as she approached, her demeanor remained level for the anger she felt. Failing to hear Caiaphas' words, the matriarch queried Tethys directly, "Who is this that you bring to Ankyra's heart?"

RE: well i didn't do it - Tethys - October 18, 2014

The pair broke through the treeline onto the familiar soft sand. The feel of it in her toes made Tethys spring into a joyful pace, putting some space behind the larger male behind her. Although Tethys would need to think about fun ways to 'train' or 'test' this knight, for now the pack would have to meet him first.

She could smell Caiaphas before the petite female reached her, and Tethys stopped. She could sense curiosity under the star-ridden gaze her sister held, and the raven turned slightly to watch as Nishu came up behind them.

Afternoon, the ebony female responded with a wide, toothy grin. I have here, a guest! It was that time the tawny female, known as Aktaie, came bounding up the beach from the cliffs. Tethys shifted slightly, her ears flattening. She did not like the look on the Alphess' face as she addressed them sharply.

This is Nishu Inte, the knight,
she replied with an emphasis on the foreign idea of a 'knight'. The black female's fur was bristling uncomfortably, her blue eyes shifty as they glanced from each wolf.
He wasn't going to bite anyone.

RE: well i didn't do it - Nishu Inte - October 19, 2014

Nishu moved a bit more cautiously when walking on the sands. It's probably the weakest ground he had ever stepped on. Each step and his paws would sink in a bit. It was something he needed to get used to quickly. Training at the beach would seem like the wisest choice, It would help him get used to the area.

Two wolves made their appearence, one seemed friendly and the other was more on the alerted side. Nishu would assume the level of responsability between the two was different. He was more concerned with the alerted wolf with the sea-green eyes. If these wolves were Tethys' allies then it was important to gain their favor and trust. Tethys decided to introduce him but not exactly in the way he wanted to be introduced. "Your Knight.." he said softly to Tethys as he walked passed her, he couldn't have her do everything for him so it was time for him to make his own move as a Knight. Nishu was not the only Knight out there so being titled as 'The Knight' wasn't acceptable.

He bowed respectfully to the two wolves while keeping eye contact. Eyes told the best kind of information which is why he does his best to keep them connected with those he couldn't fully trust. It's a different story when faced with a commander, eye contact was a bad sign but Nishu figured that it was safe to keep an eye on the eyes of others.

"I'll bite if Tethys gives me reason to." He said keeping a neutral expression. He knew that this pack was female dominated but it didn't stop him from walking ahead of Tethys, He wanted to show he wasn't afraid of them and could very much stand on his own.

RE: well i didn't do it - Caiaphas - October 21, 2014

She did not alter her position as Tethys introduced the male -- though her eyes shifted to him almost lazily as she introduced him as a knight. This elicited a briefly curious head tilt from the female -- like Tethys, the word was foreign and the concept even more-so bizarre -- and for a moment she thought to speak up and inquire exactly what a knight was or what its' purpose was.

But before she could speak she heard the commanding footsteps of another -- and the pattern of them was unmistakable. Without looking back she knew who the footsteps belonged to; and like Tethys she assumed a demure position, her ears flat to her skull in deference and her eyes adverted. Tethys was quick to explain herself and for a split second Caiaphas felt something akin to apologetic remorse for the female -- she recognized Tethys' intentions were pure but bringing a stranger into the heart of their territory was likely not the best of decisions. A sly look in Aktaie's direction revealed to Caiaphas that the female was rightly furious -- and inwardly she flinched, not wishing to be the recipient to such anger. She assigned a doleful expression to her ugly muzzle, instead looking balefully at the male as he dared tread in front of Tethys.

In the Amazonian world this was a high affront -- and while Caiaphas was rash and at best impetuous, she was not often hot-headed -- and she looked inquiringly to her superior to gauge her reaction before she dared do anything out of line. She wondered if Aktaie would issue a command to subdue the male for his unintentional impudence, and her gaze fell questioningly on Aktaie as she awaited both a verdict and a command.

There came a verdict -- in which the male was allowed to stay -- though this did not spare Tethys from the tongue lashing of their leader. When all was said and done Caiaphas was thankful it was Tethys and not herself to receive the brunt of her anger -- and with the conversation between them all dissolved each went their separate way until at last it was just Caiaphas staring blankly down the desolate shore.