Wolf RPG
Hideaway Strath you ain't gotta eat everything they feed ya - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Hideaway Strath you ain't gotta eat everything they feed ya (/showthread.php?tid=53050)

you ain't gotta eat everything they feed ya - Tracker - October 21, 2022

all welcome!
Territory #13 - Windrunner Fields
A prairie-field great for open sprinting and large-scale hunting such as elk, the Windrunner Fields are an open vastness of tall and short grasses over rolling hills toward the south of the valley, gradually returning to rocky forest terrain closer to the mountains.


bigger beast than he could take down. their group was small, as they grazed along the last of the field. autumn was their season. this he had come to learn over time.

as a whole, the pack could take them. secure meals over the cold weeks to come.

or he could pass wisdom along to fullvalda to leave them be. let them own these fields so that they may grow within the strath. wait until there was a weakness.

things he considered as he watched them from a place crouched among the ground.

RE: you ain't gotta eat everything they feed ya - Maleah - October 22, 2022

Maiken moved boldly through her pack lands. Tiny paws, dainty and minced, but with their own strength to them. There had been an influx of pack mates, she was glad for it, but also there was something to be said about turnover. Would they continue to stay, or only come for a time and then leave. On to greener pastures and brighter days.

One such new recruit caught her attention as he watched an elk heard. She moved into position beside him and stared down.

Do you want to try and catch one?