Wolf RPG
Making things right - Printable Version

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Making things right - Kesuk - October 15, 2014


Kesuk ran back to the spot she had seen Vector walk to after the bear incident. She reached the spot and lifter her dark brown head to the star lit sky and let out a melodic howl, calling out to him in the darkness. Now she would sit and wait.

She lay down on the soft moss and rested her face on her paws. She knew she had to make it right with him before she left. Maybe she could even get him to go with her and Koda. She smiled at the thought before closing her icy eyes and awaited his arrival, if it ever came that is.

RE: Making things right - Vector - October 16, 2014

Quote: He's already gotten caught for sneaking out, so I cant have him walk past borders. Just try not get in trouble with Shad.

Vector had let seconds lapse intro minutes, and nearly an hour before the recon sighed. He knew he couldn't let the call go unheard. Unanswered. So he got to his muscled legs, and briskly trotted yet again to the borders that we're thoroughly drenched with the Alpha's scent. He did not pass through into the freedom that he desired, but stayed within his cage.

He sent a gaze of green over to the dark girl, his voice, as the day he had first met her, betrayed no emotion as to how he felt. Neutral but familiar body position, his stance ever ready for action, yet irrationally calm.


RE: Making things right - Kesuk - December 20, 2014

Urmagerd, finally lol, im sorry it took sooooooo long

Vector's voice startled the drowsy girl from her sleeplike trance. She hadn't yet fallen asleep, but the shadows had crept in and her eye lids had grown heavy. She lifted her chocolate colored head and gazed at the wolf in front of her. His stance and eyes showed nothing of what he was feeling, but Kesuk knew better. He had to be feeling something, whether it was good or not, she didn't know.

"Vector. I just came by to..." she trailed off, her sparkling gaze sliding to the ground. The words were stuck in her mouth. She sat up and looked into his eyes again, trying to put on a fake show of confidence. "I wanted to say I'm sorry." she finished, the sadness evident in her normally smooth voice.

RE: Making things right - Vector - December 21, 2014

Quote: Brace yourself for a pissed russian.

Vector stared at her, the mask he had fist worn when meeting her still placed securely on his face. The sickening reason she had appeared at the man's front, was to offer an apology.
Foolish girl.

"I do not want your filthy apology, girl."

He tilted his head, the autumn colors he wore contrasting severly with the winter wonderland he and the other Bypass wolves residded in.
Studying her, his eyes found her neck, the jugular, where his jaws currently lusted to be, what his hatred filled heart wanted to savage.
Vector wanted her dead.

"In truth, devushka, I actually want you dead. "

He was a man of few words, this russian, and one thing many found astonishingly difficult, was recieving a conversation from him. This girl was no different.
The more he thought of her, the more the searing tentacles of loathe curled around his heart, the frozen organ thumping jaggedly within his chest. He had saved her miserable life not only once, but twice, risking his own life in the process. And the nerve, the girl had the audacity to show up, and offer him pathetic words of apology, a meaningless speech, something that could not be converted into the precious time he wasted with this foolish dame. The time he spent with her, only to be turned away by her in the face of another.
How dare she even try.

Vector stared at her, his face just as emotionless as the day he was forced to put his feelings away for life or death reasons. She did not deserve the gist of watching him feel. He actually longed for the feeling of not feeling, at all. However, those were demons he could'nt drown. The damn things knew how to swim.

RE: Making things right - Kesuk - December 21, 2014

Lol xD

It was not fear that filled her at his words, instead it was a feeling that she had yet to identify. It was cold and hard and it filled her chest, turning her sparkling blue eyes hard chips of ice. If he was so dense that he couldn't even except an apology, then he wasn't worth her time. She had come here to try and make it better, fix things with him so there wouldn't be so much hatred. But he couldn't do it.

And he thought he was being strong. Hah. He was just being an idiot.

She stood up and decided to do something not so smart herself. Turning her head to the side, she exposed the place where his eyes had landed and darkened. Her neck was wide open for him to strike, to end her life right that moment.

Her hard eyes sparkled at him through her lashes, daring him to make the move. "Go ahead, then. Kill me." she said slowly.

RE: Making things right - Vector - December 25, 2014

He saw her switch the side of her head, offering him his wish, and the fierce embers renewed the smoldering flames within. Such a temptation.
She always was.

"No. Killing you would only benefit in satisfying my bloodlust. Not giving back my shard of heart I actually offered you. That, girl, is something I will never get back."

He studied her even moreso, his emeralds perephereal taking within every detail of the dark girl. She looked healthy. Better off. Happy. And her pelt reeked of this 'Koda', so that put in mind how she was already to be bethrothed to the male who he had given the antlers to.

"As stated before, zagadochnaya devushka, you look prettier alive, than dead."

Without a second to pause and relive the past he seethed in every day he thought of her, he kept speaking,

"Return to your Koda, Kesuk. He is your love, and that is something that is not to be severed. Speaking with me, being in my company alone, is enough to attempt the feat. I've given him a gift to impress you with. A sign of 'friendship', one here would call it."

Vector actually pondered whether she would be impressed by the antlers of the buck he and Koda had managed to down, together. As comrades, they acomplished the deed, and that was a day Vector had thought he had an ally in this strange and docile land. Yet to see how small the world was, was a horrid realization but one he was prepared for, never the less.

RE: Making things right - Kesuk - December 26, 2014

She shifted uncomfortable when he mentioned giving a piece of his heart to her. She knew that he would always hold part of hers as well and there was nothing she could do about it. She had once thought that maybe they could have a future together, but that was before she met Koda. Everything changed in that one moment by the river. When she brushed against Koda instead of Vector and she locked him out in that one movement.

The emotion that filled her hit the dark girl like a brick wall, making her breathing falter and her heart stutter. Her crystal eyes filled with tears that she could no longer hold in. They spilled over her lashes and dampened the fur on cheeks. What have I done? she thought miserably as she looked back into Vectors emotionless green eyes.

She had hoped to get a feeling of peace from this meeting, but instead it just reopened the wounds that she thought were healing. His words stung and she remembered the conversation that had started all the feelings of hurt. The feeling she had spilled to him and he had handed them back to her on a silver platter. But maybe it was her fault too. Maybe she had pushed him too far. Now along with the sorrow and helplessness, she felt an overwhelming wave of guilt wash over her. It was her fault that their friendship was ruined.

One of Kesuk's many flaws was that she tended to lock up her emotions until she couldn't hold them back anymore and she broke down. Shaking her head, the tears falling from her cheeks, she dropped her gaze from his.

"Well I guess you want me to leave now." she whispered, her voice hoarse. Casting one more glance at him she turned to leave. "I hope you find what your looking for."

RE: Making things right - Vector - January 06, 2015

"Dlya vas, kak khorosho."
To you, as well. Why did he wish her a hopeful future? Why could he hand her something as simple as a reflective answer, when the wench deserved nothing from him?
The memories that desired to overwhelm him, to drown him in their endless seduction of unbridled hatred for this dark girl, he ignored. Brushed off as easily as he would a snowflake. Even powerful emotions like that could not have the strength to drag him down.
He damn sure was not going to allow it. He was a Russian, a Russian of a heartless mindset, a pack of civilized savages, murderous martyrs, ruthless reminders of who should be feared. After all, to be able to pierce his heart, one would have to have a clear pathway, and Vector almost fucked up by removing a bit of foliage to his own.

"Stay yourself, Kesuk, and you may yet find your meaning to others."

The recon backed up, his intention to return to the Bypass evident in his action. His Leafy irises stayed trained on her, but ears canted back, showing his attention divided between the two, no longer solely focused on her.

"Anything else, girl?"

The tears only steamed his inner wrath even more, but the steeled will relented against the emotion. There will be no bloodshed, atleast not today. Not on his hide, nor would he cause any on hers. He knew he wouldn't forget her, for she had been one of the first he had toyed with in this dangerous land of emotions. She would come again, and her force would still throb in his mind, but one's brain could only take so many lashings, before it too, hardened.

RE: Making things right - Kesuk - January 06, 2015

Last post for me :) that was a good thread :D

On attempt to make their farewell a little less horrible, the scared shewolf let a smirk taint her face, though her eyes didn't share the emotion. She flicked her ears at him in a teasing manner, opening her jaws to say one last parting jab.

"Don't call me girl."

And with that, she turned her back and padded towards home, away from this foreign place filled with foreign wolves. She knew no one here any longer, and maybe it was better that way. The ginger wolf had only ever offered her mind tricks, and sure, it had been fun for a bit, but she needed to be around those who really, genuinely cared for her. And he was not one of them.

Maybe they would meet sometime in the future, and that would be one interesting encounter, but until that day came, she would be content with her life back home. She smiled a bit as she imagined her home in the plateau. It was true that she didn't have many friends yet, but the ones she did have were ones she would have forever. Those thoughts were the only things that kept her going sometimes.

RE: Making things right - Vector - January 06, 2015

{Final post from me. Beautiful thread, and hopefully, these two troubled lupines will meet in the future, some day. W_^V }

Vector watched the dark girl swish away, her smirk and sharp twitted words falling before his very paws. They kneeled, but not begging, Unbowed to his rule, any longer. And for that, he gave the girl some respect. For even he saw through her facade of strength, as he had so many times before. She held the truth in her eyes.
Eyes told stories, not lies.

Kesuk began her way back to he presumed her new life to be, one free of him. One he did not have worry on, anymore. She now was betrothed to another, and he no longer had ties to her, Right?...

He turned away from her form, watching until she became a speck within the broad horizon of the Bypass, the lands luscious trees and forestry swallowing her up until she was no longer in his sight.
Watching her walk away, as he had always done.
Yes, he no longer had ties to her. Damn right, he didn't.
She just Kesuk.
Just another devushka.