Wolf RPG
Lion Head Mesa Can't stop these feet from sinking - Printable Version

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Can't stop these feet from sinking - Sokha - November 01, 2022

If to have the hope of getting any proper visitations in, she would need do so now without hesitance. The fellahin sapling would be returned to the mesa soon. But until then, the nebet's time was fairly upon, and she intended for it to be a fruitful time.

Neb @Gucci had been on her mind recently, what with the loss of Maegi and for the sheer fact she hadn't seen the tiny man in such a lengthy time. 

Through to where the chambers rested, Sokha roamed until she came upon the one doused in his scent. In, she called, Gucci? Are you here ... May I come in? She almost dared peer an eye through the entrance, but thought it rude and depriving of his entitled privacy.