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Wheeling Gull Isle we fuel the fire, the spark - Printable Version

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we fuel the fire, the spark - Sumayl - October 16, 2014

@Vienna Suma is so bad lol! xD

It was within Sumayl's awareness that Vienna was going for her Outrider trade, if she hadn't already earned it, and it was the smoky gray female he sought to join him on his adventure. The Ostrega wasn't struck with wanderlust in the same way that some of his siblings had been struck by it. Though he'd only been apart of one other pack in his life he was type to stick around in one place. If it hadn't been for his desire to venture out on his own and join a pack for himself he, likely, would have stayed. The golden outlaw enjoyed his independence from his siblings — despite that he missed them, of course — and from his foster parents; but he had a higher calling. Sumayl hadn't considered that Vienna would turn down his offer to sneak out head out of The Sunspire's claimed lands and explore the coast but was pleased, nevertheless, when she agreed to join him.

It was with his destination, despite being rather unspecific when he said the coast in mind he took the initial lead but hung back, then, to let her do her (future) job as Outrider of The Sunspire. It was true, too, that she knew the Wilds much better than he did. Though Sumayl was, by nature, an authoritarian creature, he didn't mind allowing her to take the lead, walking a few paces in front of him. His pace was leisurely, and though he could have easily kept pace with her the Ostrega lingered just a few steps behind, enjoying the view. Eventually, their journey took them to exactly where he hoped to go: the sea. A long stretch of beach greeted them and eventually grass and earth was replaced by cool sand. Sumayl loped past his fair companion then stopping when he was, what he thought, was a safe distance away from the greedily lapping water's edge was. The scent of salt was pungent in the air but after the first few seconds it became less of an insult and morphed into something much more refreshing.

“How cold do you think the sea water is going to be?” He inquired, golden gaze straying to Vienna as a cheeky little grin began to tug at the corners of hi slips. “There's an island and I want to explore it.” She didn't have too if she didn't want to but he was going to brave it. Giving her the only warning he was going to, he loped forward, sucking in a soft breath when the frigid sea water splashed up against his legs. Ears slicked back to his skull but he kept pressing forward, surprised to find a sand bar and hoping, as he followed it towards the Isle, that it went the entire length of the small strip of sea between the Isle and the Mainland.

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Vienna IA - October 16, 2014

But omg I love him so much!

Vienna hadn't even hesitated an instant when Sumayl proposed a journey, her excitement uncontainable at the prospect of going out with a packmate to the beyond lands. So far none of her new family had shown the proclivity she had for wandering, a fact that was lamentable but understandable. She got the feeling, though, that Sumayl would be up for just about anything.

He let her take point, lingering behind a bit, but she did not mind. When Vienna traveled, her mind wandered to places others oftentimes had trouble following. Her attention would dart around, head and gaze following, as particularly interesting bird calls, plants, or even whimsies caught it. There were a few times when she had broken their path and swerved off sideways, investigating something of particular interest before continuing on. It never occurred to her that this might seem strange or irritating to her traveling companion, delays coming second nature to her.

In time, despite her tendencies, they arrived at their destination. When he had first mentioned the coast, she had immediately thought to her promise to Summer, and she resolved that someday she would make good on it. However, there were no rules that stated one couldn't visit the coast more than once. She dug her toes into the sand, reveling in the scent of the salt; the scent of home.

Though he stayed back for a moment, she walked straight up to the edge, the waves reaching about to her paws as they came in only to be pulled out once more. "Only one way to find out," she threw back, wanting nothing more than to get into the water. It couldn't be nearly as cold as the waters back home and god how she had loved swimming. She charged in right behind him, her head ducking under, eyes shut tight, before coming up once more and shaking drops off her face. A delighted shiver ran through her at the feel of the water. It was a nice day, if a bit brisk for a swim, but she wasn't about to let this adventure pass her by. Legs churning in the waves, she followed Sumayl, her paws finding the sand bar shortly after. She stepped onto it, allowing him to take the lead now. This was his idea, after all. If one of them was going to be eaten first by the strange creatures on the island, he had the right to it.

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Sumayl - October 17, 2014

Thanks! ;D

During their journey to the coast, Vienna had a tendency to deviate from the path often — Sumayl assumed when something interesting caught her attention. The golden Ostrega would pause, good naturedly, and like some kind of mischievous rogue playing the part of societies' gentleman. When it came down to it, really, Sumayl couldn't say that he minded. Vienna's personality was cute and bubbly and for some reason that seemed to have some sort of force that gravitated the rough n' tough outlaw towards her. Besides, what kind of traveling companion would he be if he didn't allow her to deviate and investigate whatever had drawn her interest? A poor one, Sumayl knew. Especially since he had asked her to join him. He could have easily taken the journey by himself but he'd been traveling on his lonesome for some time these days and it was no fun by himself. They didn't converse much on their way to Wheeling Gull Isle, but they hadn't needed too really. Sumayl was content to enjoy her presence and her random stops.

He had to give her the fact that, at least, she didn't take too long and after a few minutes they would be back on the trail once more.

Vienna was braver than him, Sumayl deduced when he wanted her plow right into the sea water, squinting against the onslaught of the sun, and the sticky sea brine as it buffered against him on the wind that was constantly coming off of the Sea. Eventually, he made it to the shore of the Isle, the call of the Gulls louder from the side. Golden gaze took in the small little oasis the Island offered, a coniferous forest, dominated by a rocky outcropping directly in the middle of it. Despite that his legs and the fur of his underside was dripping with salt water the Ostrega lowered his nose to the ground as he headed up the beach, pausing only when the sands of the beach gave way to hardened earth, right at the cusp of the woodland. Very, very faintly the scent of wolves lingered, so faint that it almost didn't exist though it could have easily been wolves exploring it just as he and Vienna were. The tracker instinct in him, however, told him that a pack probably once lived here. It was on that hunch Sumayl lifted his head and turned to look for Vienna. “Hey, do you happen to know if a pack used to live here?” He was confident enough that he was right but because he couldn't be a hundred percent correct on a hunch he figured it was safe to ask her considering she was the Outrider and that was sort of thing they typically knew.

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Vienna IA - October 17, 2014

Despite her prior experience, Vienna doubted she could have made the swim out to the island without the sandbar to help at least part of the way. Her time on the mountain had lent her a rangy strength, true, but the ocean was a different sort of beast. It's constant attempts to duck the unfortunate souls caught within its grasp made swimming difficult at best. She had never gone out this far from shore, but with her feet touching sand, she followed Sumayl without worry.

The island was beautiful with forests stretching away from the beach. Who knew what sort of treasures they held? Vienna refrained from running off to find out, a rare show of restraint in deference to her companion. She was having more fun in the company of another and couldn't very well expect anyone to come with her again if she constantly left them behind! There was time to explore later.

She caught the pack scent, faint but still present, as Sumayl asked the question. Silently she took inventory. There was the girl from the Spine, but this wasn't that scent. Nor was it like the man from the coast.... Stavanger Bay. And it definitely wasn't the Creek or the Plateau. "None that I have encountered," she answered thoughtfully. "It is an ideal spot though, isn't it? Wonder why they left." She looked around, but there were no real signs to give a clue. Just a lonely beach and the sound of the waves.

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Sumayl - October 17, 2014

Sumayl wasn't sure if Vienna would have an answer for him or not but he could draw a pretty solid conclusion from the evidence presented to them. The scent of a pack was extremely faint, and if he had not been so keen he might not have picked it up at all. Whomever had lived her had been gone for quite some time, for some reason or another. Golden ears swiveled towards the side as Vienna spoke, breaking the silence between them, admitting that it wasn't a pack she'd encountered before. It left him with more questions than answers, her wondering thoughts about why they left mirroring the golden outlaws own. “Well maybe not,” Sumayl drew with an apologetic, brief look in her direction. “I doubt this Isle is self sustaining for a pack. There is no real way for herds to reach this except to swim or the sandbar and I doubt they would risk it when the mainland has so much more for them,” At least, Sumayl didn't immediately smell any kind of prey herds. About the only thing he saw so far was seagulls which were a salty little snack at best.

Sumal's philosophy was if it couldn't feed him it couldn't feed anyone else, even if that logic was horribly flawed in it's self centered design.

“I feel like dragging kill back here would be a major pain in the ass, too,” Sumayl spoke his theory aloud glimpsing back towards the beach. “If you could even get it across the sandbar, the sea at strong points could rip it away half way across,” He set his golden gaze to her once more. “Caches outside of claimed pack lands are dangerous, too. I mean if I found a cache in free territory I would take from it.” But maybe he was the only one who would be so selfish as to do such a thing. “My guess is they relocated because living on this Isle would be a pain in the ass.” It was pretty, Sumayl wouldn't deny and perhaps it was good for a vacation spot but he couldn't see how it would feasibly be able to sustain a pack of any decent size. “Makes one hell of a vacation spot though, eh?” Sumayl asked her with a gleam in his eye. “Come on, lets explore some more.” He encouraged, assuming that was what she was most eager about. After all, he had promised an adventure.

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Vienna IA - October 18, 2014

Another might have been offended or embarrassed when he completely shot down her statement, but Vienna wasn't grounded much in logic. Where he saw lack of prey, she saw a defensible and undisturbed paradise. Food wasn't on her mind at the moment so it had been far from her thoughts when she had made the comment. Now that he said it, she supposed it was true, but she still didn't think it would be all that bad.

This was why she left logic to others. It was obvious that her friend here was grounded in it.

"Your probably right," she said nonchalantly, mind already moving on. She had to agree with him on the vacation spot though. The place was quiet, obviously uninhabited, and it wasn't likely that any would be intruding anytime soon. "I'm excited to take a look around though! I've never seen or been to an island like this one. I do wonder what kind of creatures, besides wolves that is, would make it their home." She cast a glance around, but could see nothing but the gulls overhead.

She started for the forest with an excited glance back, totally enthused to start looking around. As she entered the shade of the leaves, she looked up, catching sight of a stony outcropping in the distance through the leaves ahead. "Hey, look up there! Wanna check it out?"

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Sumayl - October 18, 2014

A soft, barely audible sigh left Sumayl's lips when Vienna conceded that he might have been right on his assessment, nonchalantly, assuming that she wasn't upset with him for being a butt and shooting her thought down. It hadn't been the smoothest move Sumayl had ever made and dammit if he didn't feel guilt for it. It wasn't even that he had to be right or anything along those lines — as a Hunter the first thing he tended to look at in a potential pack land was it's ability to sustain a sizable pack. Would prey come easily to them? If prey didn't how hard would it be to get it back to the pack lands for the caches? And while this island was probably defensible from potential attacks by other packs if a bad storm were to come through, even a tsunami or hurricane and any wolf pack that claimed it would be royally screwed over, lest they were able to flee to the mainland in time but even then to get above sea level they'd have to likely travel for days and even then what would be left of the island in the aftermath? Sometimes, Sumayl wondered if he was too analytical for his own good. Especially because this was all theoretical. It wasn't like Vienna and him were looking for claimable pack lands with intentions.

“I think I saw some crabs on the beach,” But crabs were pretty much a given for any beach, sand pipers as well with their long spindly legs that nearly blurred as they tried to outrun the lapping waves. “I don't know though,” Which was expected since he'd never really lived close to the shore. Snakes came to his mind as an Island native, and maybe some cool little neon colored frogs. At Vienna's exclamation, and following question Sumayl's golden eyes followed her gaze, craning his head upwards, taking in the rocky outcropping visible through the break in the green canopy above. For a second longer Sumayl sized it up, though it was hard to do so with the leaves obscuring most of his view of it. “Sure,” Frankly, he was down for whatever as long as it meant spending time with her. “Lead the way, my lady.” Sumayl teased her with the last two words, grinning cheekily at her, as he gestured with playful extravagance for her to take the lead once more.

Sumayl wasn't really the type to follow but there were those special circumstance in which he could honestly say that he didn't mind. This was one of those rare cases.

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Vienna IA - October 19, 2014

These two remind me of these two

and it makes me happy XD

Crabs were interesting little creatures for sure, and while some might not think them cute, Vienna found their way of moving completely fascinating. They were surprisingly quick little buggers for their weird sideways crawl. She hadn't seen any, but was unsurprised he had, as most beaches did contain the critters. "I've heard crabs are pretty good eating, though I've never tried them myself." He was pretty big on the hunting thing, so mayhaps that would interest him.

She was truly glad he had stuck around despite the initial almost-issues with his joining. First off, this fun trip wouldn't be happening. Second, though, she would have lost out on the chance to make a good friend. It didn't occur to her to compare as to whether she'd miss his friendship more than others she had met, though it was probably true. Generally, if a situation didn't involve conflict, she didn't look too deeply into it.

"As you wish, milord," she responded just as cheekily, giving him an exaggerated bow before continuing jauntily on. When she got to the base, she walked about it for a short ways, eyes trained upwards on the peak and the birds that circled it. She hopped up onto some of the lower rocks, stepping up a few feet before looking back down at Sumayl. "Up for a bit of climbing?" If he'd rather stay ground level she'd likely pass on it as well, but her time in the mountain had given her some proclivity for rock hopping.

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Sumayl - October 19, 2014


Having not grown up on the coast, while Sumayl wasn't entirely ignorant of what was edible and what wasn't it was news to him that crabs were edible. Golden gaze studied Vienna for a second, wondering if she was pulling a prank on him, brow furrowing as he tried to fathom how they could possibly be edible. He wasn't so sure that eating a splintering shell would be all that appetizing, only to smooth his expression when he considered it a bit further. Perhaps there was a way to get inside the shell and eat it's innards without getting a mouthful of sharp shell in the process. Perhaps, like any animal, they had a weak spot that could be exploited. “What do you have to do it kill it? Step on it?” Sumayl half joked, though it seemed the most logical and effective manner of snuffing out their life forces because there was no way in hell they'd realistically stay still. “Maybe they have a soft spot somewhere on their shell, otherwise I can't imagine eating it would be very good.” But he wasn't very well versed in the eating of marine life. He wasn't a very effective fisherman either, but that was mostly because he wasn't a huge fan of fish.

Sumayl chuckled softly and rolled his eyes at her exaggerated bow, letting out a soft, derisive snort, falling in line behind her with a stupid grin on his face. He stopped at the base of the rock outcropping as Vienna began to climb before she paused and looked back down at her. Sumayl tilted his face skyward, squinting against the sun, closing the eye who received the onslaught of it as he peered up at her. “There isn't much I'm not up for, to be honest.” Sumayl told her before he looked back down, stepping up onto the outcropping, stopping when he was directly behind her. “Keep climbing,” He grunted in a soft huff, claws scraping against hard, unforgiving rock, figuring that his litheness might actually come in handy (besides it's usefulness for speed, of course).

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Vienna IA - October 19, 2014

She laughed at his suggestion, nodding. "That's one way! I'd like to catch one and try it out sometime, see what it's all about. Maybe some of them don't have as hard of shells?" Or perhaps, as he said, some parts of them weren't as well armored as others. Really she'd never gotten all that up close and personal with one of the little creatures so she couldn't say for sure.

"That's good to know!" She'd file away that little promise for future use, as he'd make a fine adventure partner for some of her less appealing ideas. Some just couldn't overcome an idea and see the fun in the situation such as marsh exploring or honey collecting. They just saw the threat of bees or the somewhat smelly, dismal setting and backed out before even giving it a shot.

She did as he suggested, careful where she placed her paws. To make a slip up now would result in quite a tumble, and it was more than likely she'd take him with her should she do so. Luckily, she only had one minor slip when a paw skidded off the rock, but it was on the side facing the cliff face, so she doubted her companion even noticed it. It sure gave her an adrenaline jump for a second, though... not an entirely unwelcome one either. The thrill of being up so high was part of the fun. Vienna was birdlike in more ways than one.

She paused on a ledge, the air cleaner up here while still containing a hint of brine. There were birds everywhere here, so she assumed they had nests further up. It wasn't mating season, so they weren't being too territorial at the moment, although she wasn't sure how that would hold out the further up they went. "Oooh," she breathed quietly, looking out over the ocean. While they weren't as high as their vantage points on the Spire, there the beauty was in the trees. Here, the ocean held a different sort of wonder. "Imagine the sunset here. Wowww."

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Sumayl - October 20, 2014

Sumayl felt a little idiotic suggesting that they step on a crab to kill it, hating that he didn't know for any sort of fact. As a hunter, it would only make sense that he be cultured on all things edible and how to at least eat them in theory. “Maybe the smaller ones it's okay to eat whole,” Their shells looked hard and splintery but, again, he didn't know. Sumayl didn't mind adventure, and wasn't afraid to get down and dirty, either. It was true he wasn't, really, struck with wanderlust but sometimes staying within the claimed lands of a pack days on end without exploring the free territories was mind numbingly boring. Not to mention, his primary trade required him to travel to track the herds, anyway. What kind of Hunter would he be if he wasn't up for roughing it, or exploring? The more familiar he became with the lands that occupied the Teekon Wilds the easier it would make it to track the movements of the herds. Sumayl could only think of the ways that it would work to his utter advantage.

Sumayl began his climb when Vienna began her own ascent up the rock structure. The Ostrega's steps were careful, calculated his attention upon the path Vienna had taken as opposed to Vienna herself — which would only serve to work to his advantage. If he was focusing upon her then he wasn't focusing upon where his paws went which might be treacherous. It was true the fall wasn't enough to do much other than bruise but he'd rather not ruin their adventure by being uncharacteristically clumsy. Sumayl paused in his climb to glimpse up at his companion who had picked a ledge to stand upon to glimpse out at the ocean, and careful not to slip himself he joined her up on the ledge, hoping as he slid to her side that there was enough room for the both of them despite having not asked before it was too late. They could see over the tops of the tree line, the canopy of autumn stretching out before them, and beyond the endless stretch of sea. “I'll have to remember this when I'm on a date and trying to impress a girl,” Sumayl spoke freely, with a soft chuckle, pretty sure that a sunset from up here would be pretty damn romantic.

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Vienna IA - October 21, 2014

Vienna scooted over a tidge closer to the edge to make some room for him to join her, but the ledge wasn't huge. As a necessity her shoulder pressed against his (not that she was complaining). At his words she gave him a little bump though, responding teasingly . "I imagine I'll hear about this place often, then?" She didn't really know him that well yet, but he certainly was attractive enough to be that sort. Even if not, it made for a good jest.

She wouldn't have thought of the date application had he not mentioned it, but now that he did, she had to agree with the prospect. Honestly all that romantic stuff didn't really make much sense to her flighty mind, but as far as cliches go, it would be a top notch spot. How many ladies would be willing to make the swim was the question.

"Better hope a bird doesn't drop one on your head though. Might put a damper on the mood." She giggled at the thought of it. She'd trade about anything to be able witness that.

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Sumayl - October 22, 2014

Vienna scooted over as much as she could on the small ledge to accommodate for him, luckily he was fairly lithe thanks to his coyote heritage and didn't take up too much space. The two of them fit upon the ledge though the small size of it caused them to touch shoulders, though Sumayl hardly minded. A soft chuckle rumbled in Sumayl's chest, working its way up his throat and spilling free past his lips at her jest, her accompanying nudge causing him to snicker. “Oh yeah,” Sumayl agreed teasingly. “Well I'd rather they talked about me than this ledge and the sunset but you know,” Though the view would help to set the mood the only thing that truly made something romantic was the two wolves who were enjoying it. If the chemistry wasn't there then it would be just another sunset. In the grand scheme of things, Sumayl hadn't given himself time to consider dates because he put much of his effort into earning the Gamekeeper trade. He spent much of his days tracking and hunting. Besides, he wasn't sure he'd find a girl that would make the trip like Vienna was eager to do. Vienna, Sumayl expected, was a rare breed of woman that had managed, in a short time, to thoroughly impress him.

“Since you probably just cursed me,” He teased her, golden eyes fixating upon her, scrunching up his nose with a playful roll of his eyes. “I better make sure I bring a girl that can laugh at it with me as opposed to squeal and potentially end up falling over the side of the ledge.” That went to a disturbing place, Sumayl thought grimly. “Tch, on second thought this place is losing it's appeal.” Sumayl spoke briskly, or perhaps it just meant what he thought it did: that he shouldn't actively pursue dating as he once upon a time had. After all, it hadn't worked out well for him so far so perhaps if he just focused upon his priorities love would gleefully bite him in the ass all on it's own.

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Vienna IA - October 24, 2014

He was just too much fun to poke fun at. "I mean, you couldn't blame them. It's just too pretty." As if he weren't, though that certainly wasn't the case. No, she had little doubts it was him that she would be hearing stories about. And they would likely be wonderful. It didn't even cross her mind that she could be one of them.

"Well then, I hope they didn't give them any ideas." She looked up at the birds circling, eyes trailing after them. What she wouldn't give to be able to fly like that. They could go anywhere, never had to worry about falling or climbing. It had to be just about the greatest thing. She was sure the appeal was less when seen from the bird's perspective, but from hers it looked pretty good.

"Yeah, not really an ideal way to weed out the prospects." Any girl who would be that freaked out by a little bird crap probably wouldn't climb this anyway. She didn't know that she'd ever met anyone that skittish. The conversation was turning somewhat dark, so she gently nudged it in a slightly brighter direction. "So, you've met my brother. You got family?" Well, maybe a brighter direction, depending on his family history.

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Sumayl - October 26, 2014

“Pffffft,” Sumayl snorted when Vienna continued to tease that the view was just too pretty to not gush about. In the grand scheme of things Sumayl thought that he was much prettier but he'd already made himself sound like the world's biggest narcissist — several times in her presence, actually — and for the sake of not sounding too off putting he resisted the urge to continue boosting up his own ego. Sumayl wrinkled his nose and squinted up at the circling birds as if he were sizing them up for Thanksgiving dinner. They wouldn't produce much meat, it was true, but even then eating them had to be better than being subjected to their shit bombs. “While I heard it's a great moisturizer I'd rather not.” Sumayl grumbled with a soft laugh though he might have been singing a different tune would Vienna have truly cursed him and he was pooped on. He didn't want to have to get down and dunk his head into the sea to get it off. That was a whole experience he was good not having.

“Ah well,” Sumayl shrugged, feeling her fur mesh with his as it mussed with the supple rise and fall of his broad shoulders. “My priorities are a little askew for me. For once a girlfriend isn't at the top of my to-do list.” Not that if it just happened to ...happen he wouldn't shift them around once more, but at the current moment he had to prove himself to the leaders of the Sunspire. What use was love if he didn't have a place to raise a potential family, after all? “Yep,” Sumayl responded when she mentioned that he'd met her brother. Not only had Sumayl met him they hadn't exactly gotten along — which wasn't all that surprising if Sumayl was being entirely honest. “I've got an older brother and sister, Ciervo and Andalusia and a younger sister Chehlia by blood but I have three foster siblings: Solice, Rhovia, and Caedeth.” It was probably way more information than she wanted, and in reality Sumayl wasn't sure why he named them off to her. The accident with the forest fire and the death of his parents: Dhani and Celia had been a long time ago but even to this day he still had nightmares about it, and a healthy fear of fire to boot.

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Vienna IA - October 26, 2014

For once. She had to grin at his terminology, noting the words. The priority shift would probably serve him well, for she was well aware that he and Jace hadn't exactly hit it off (something that was accented by the simple, unadorned 'yep' that came as a response). If he focused on pack duties, though, she was sure her brother would come around. He was a serious wolf when it came to getting the job done, but wouldn't be able to see Sumayl as anything but an asset should he hold true to what Vienna had seen thus far.

She listened as he spoke of his family, for once actually staying in-tune to what he was saying instead of allowing her mind to wander off in some random direction. He kept it brief, saying only names, but she didn't mind. Some wolves didn't like talking about their families for one reason or another. Vienna, having what she considered an ideal batch of immediate relatives, didn't mind going on about her own. Not everyone was so lucky.

"A lot of siblings! I've always wondered what it would be like to have more than one. I love my brother, but it might have been nice to have a sister as well." There were things the two couldn't connect on or really talk about (boys being one of them) that a sister perhaps would have been the perfect candidate for. She wasn't going to complain, as she'd been dealt a rather nice hand. Still, it would have been pretty neato.

She didn't ask him where they were, though she did wonder. She and Jace had been separated for a time, but she had found her way back. If they were as close as the two of them, then perhaps he was seeking them out? It didn't seem that way, but who knew for sure what another was looking for.

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Sumayl - October 27, 2014

Sumayl couldn't help but mirror Vienna's grin, idly wandering in some far off corner of his mind, how long he could keep his priorities in their current order. Hopefully, he could restrain some much needed self control and focus on what was important in his life at the current point in time. Sumayl had a habit of putting women first and slacking for the short time that the dates seemed to last. Sumayl had no issue getting girls, it was the whole “find one to spend the rest of his life with” that would stay with him seemed to be the part that tripped him up. “Most of the time it's a pain in the ass,” But that was just Sumayl's personal opinion on the fact of having lots of siblings. “A lot of siblings means that some of you definitely get skipped over,” Not that Sumayl meant to sound ungrateful for Takalv and Harlyn's generosity because, realistically, without the Alpha pair taking in the orphaned Ostrega's Sumayl and his siblings might not have lived. Actually, the chances were better that they would have died, then they were for survival. “You can have some of mine if you want,” Sumayl offered seriously, before he broke out with a laugh, though there was a part of him that had been serious even in the face of the partial jest.

Sumayl wasn't particularly sure if any of his siblings were looking for him, neither did it really matter, he supposed. It mattered in a semblance of course because they were his siblings and despite what he said about them being pains in the ass he did love them. Wouldn't exchange them for the world, and if they were to find him, he wouldn't spurn their presence. Family had to stick together, after all because at the end of the day it was all you'd have left. Just the wolves that loved you and that you loved. Sumayl fell silent then, unsure what was appropriate to ask her before deciding that perhaps the moment didn't need to have conversation in it. He wasn't very used to taking the time to get to know girls, and when faced with the desire to want to know her, to know what made her tick and what made her cringe and all that good personality driven stuff he was left stumbling around in the dark feeling for the light switch.

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Vienna IA - October 27, 2014

Want to wrap this guy up? I'm loving it ^o^ but we can always have another one sometime! Up to you, I'm game for going a bit longer as well <3

Vienna paused as though seriously considering his offer of taking some of his siblings for her own. She guessed the getting skipped over made sense, she'd been rather spoiled in attention by her own parents. But surely the camaraderie overcame that little downside? Finally she sighed and shook her head. "And deprive them of the absolute pleasure of making your life more difficult? I just couldn't, it wouldn't be right." She laughed in return. "Seriously though, family can be a pain, but I wouldn't trade it for the world." She assumed, from the fondness with which he joked about his own, that he felt the same.

When the conversation lulled, Vienna let it. She was normally rather talkative (a bit of a blabbermouth, really) but sometimes companionable silence wasn't the worst thing. There were things she'd like to know about Sumayl, just as he wondered about her, but she had always found such more serious conversations to be better suited to starlit nights or rainy afternoons. Sunny, beautiful days like today suited much lighter tones better. After a time of looking down at the waves breaking upon the shore, though, she looked at her adventure partner sideways and gave him a small bump on the shoulder to get his attention had it wandered. "What says you to testing those theories on the crabs? I bet we could still find some on the beach if we wanted."

RE: we fuel the fire, the spark - Sumayl - October 30, 2014

Sounds good to me. :-) I'll go ahead and get this archived.

“I see how it is,” Sumayl teased Vienna lightly with a soft laugh that rumbled in the confines of his chest. Vienna was right in her assumption that, despite how much of a pain in the ass family could be, he wouldn't exchange his siblings for the world, nor his foster family, either. Leaving kind of left him with the stale taste in his mouth that his willingness to leave made him look ungrateful but no one had tried to make him feel like that and, eventually, Sumayl had gotten over the guilt that had plagued him the first week since departing. He was a full grown adult and he needed to find his own place in the world. Staying home for the rest of his life wasn't apart of the map that he was making as he went along. Plus, the golden outlaw couldn't dispute that the idea of meeting other Ostrega's — distant family, even — was a rather tempting one. Surely, his father was not the first Ostrega out there in the world. Sumayl didn't really remember if Dhani had ever spoken about his family, having been fairly young when him and his mother had died in the forest fire.

Sumayl glimpsed at Vienna, briefly startled when he felt her bump against his shoulder. “I say lets try it,” He was down for it. He wasn't sure his plan was the best one out there, but he figured it would be an interesting learning experience, nevertheless. And who knew, if it actually worked then he could advise others on how to eat and kill crabs, which was apart of the description of hunter as far as he cared. Being knowledgeable was a step forward in the right direction. Offering her a cheeky grin, he took the lead down the rocky incline, all the way to beach where they began the crab fest.