Wolf RPG
Totoka River i keep writing letters i'll never send - Printable Version

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i keep writing letters i'll never send - Kacia - November 11, 2022

she'd not traveled far from the isle, cotton paws only wandering far enough inland to where saltwater turned fresh.

she'd not intended to linger, but as blue sky turn to sunset and the heavens paint a scene of peach and marigold, the sylph found herself awestruck. water turn to glass, ripples in the stream now shards of a broken mirror. it was a sight to behold, mesmerizing, hypnotic.

where once feet wandered was now still, the tenderhearted melody of songbirds and gentle swells of the current the only sounds to be heard.

a vision of peace manifested in nature, a vision she thought worth admiring.

and so she rest herself along the riverbank, soft blue set to appreciate the portrait of scenery before her.

RE: i keep writing letters i'll never send - Iseul - November 26, 2022

this land was not like her home. iseul knew this fact when she touched the ground with her sister.

her searches have brought her nowhere near finding her sibling. the scent that she once held seems forgotten in her mind, and iseul is afraid to admit the fact that she may never find her. though, the girl must keep herself composed to the best of her ability.

hunting is what kept her busy, especially as it continues to become colder at night. iseul has traveled through the forest parts of the wilds but now finds herself at a river splitting into deltas. and while someone else enjoys the scenery, iseul perhaps is the one disturbing it.

the birds went quiet for a moment when she entered the river upstream from her pretty counterpart. for some reason, the girl has been finding herself in the presence of lots of pretty ladies lately. perhaps its a sign from the universe...

ah, best not to linger on that. instead, the girl searches for the quick-finned fish that hurriedly swim past her to avoid her jaws. eventually, iseul finds a place with a good hold for her feet and would stay still, lips close to the water in hopes of snatching something up.

the bird song returns, the water still runs, and the peace is undisturbed for just this moment as the girl is still as a statue.