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Very Uneasy... Amber Arival - Printable Version

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Very Uneasy... Amber Arival - Amberr - October 17, 2014

Amber trots through the woods of Blacktail Deer, with a purpose. She tries to sound as light as she can, but she feels heavy on her paws. She lets the sent of wolves drift in her nose and follows the sent.I must find the pack... She repeats in her mind,must! She was tired of being alone, she needed a pack to survive. Amber stops dead in her tracks. "I need to think this through. What if they're hostile?",she whispered aloud. But part of her said, Just go for it. She sighed.

She knew she had to go with her gut. Enough cowering. She had to go for it. Amber followed her nose deep into the heart of of Blacktail Deer territory....

RE: Very Uneasy... Amber Arival - Dante RIP - October 17, 2014

I am going to see if I can get this moved into the pack forum :) since it's a joining thread and all

Dante had woken up before dawn yet again, his sleep troubled. Atticus's disappearance weighed heavily upon the Alpha, for he felt it somewhat his fault. He was in charge and therefore Atticus had been his responsibility, but in the chaos of changing leaders and winter's approach the responsibility had fallen to the back of Dante's mind. Hindsight was always 20/20.

They had lost quite a few good members to Perry's departure and, though they were not small, nor did they have the numbers they had before. Therefore, when Dante caught the stranger's scent leading well into pack lands, it was to this that he attributed the missed border intrusion. Besides that, it seemed recent.

Picking up his pace, he broke into a run, cutting off sideways in order to intercept her. It was not long before she came into sight, and he darted in front (as well as he could, considering his lack of speed). It was there he stopped, blocking her path. She did not seem much of a threat, but still his words were laced with a growl. "What are you doing in pack lands, stranger?" His head was held high, a posture he knew would demand respect. While not a particularly aggressive wolf, Dante couldn't afford to pull punches with intruders.

RE: Very Uneasy... Amber Arival - Amberr - October 17, 2014

Amber kept her ground. She whimpered into submission. "Please take pity on me. I have been in search of a pack, so I came here." Now you've gotten yourself into it... she thought. But she must stand her ground, if she ever wanted to join this pack. She let her tongue loll out to show she wasn't a threat. "I was wondering if I can speak to your Alpha?" Her stomach tied in knots. If this wolf challenged her, she would be in no shape and would be easily defeated. If he did lunge, she would have to turn tail and run. But if she did, she would never be able to get into the pack.

RE: Very Uneasy... Amber Arival - Dante RIP - October 17, 2014

She was quick to lower her defense and plead her case, her intentions clear. If she was lying then she was damn good at it. "I am Alpha here," he responded somewhat warily. "If you wish to join, what do you have to offer us? Why should we count you among our number?"

She looked healthy enough, and had no previous pack scent about her. She was a loner then. With winter coming she would likely need to align herself somewhere, but they couldn't afford to take in those who couldn't help the pack to make it through the rough season. Her answer would decide her place.

RE: Very Uneasy... Amber Arival - Amberr - October 17, 2014

Amber raised her head and replied, "I am a skilled hunter. I also have a great nose." She knew that wasn't a lie. Over the past year she had gained great stamina and it helped very well on hunting. Her nose also grew oblivious from all of the potential threats of being a lone wolf. "I would make a great addition to your pack." She looked into the Alpha's eyes, trying to read his expression. She couldn't quite tell.Oh, please take pity on me, she pleaded to herself. The last thing she wanted was to get into another scuttle,especially with this wolf. Compared to him, she was a twig, no, a flea even.

She stayed submissive, but didn't let her guard down.

RE: Very Uneasy... Amber Arival - Dante RIP - October 18, 2014

If the girl was willing to hunt for the pack, and she certainly seemed eager enough, then Dante wasn't about to turn away the help. They were squirreling away as much as possible for the cold months and another hunter would be welcome in their midst. "Alright Amber, welcome. This pack is a family, so we try to keep the peace here. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to come to me. I'm always around. If I may ask, have you been a part of a pack before?"

Hopefully she would fit well with the others in the pack. She seemed rather excited to be a part of a group and hopefully that would translate into a willingness to get along with her fellows. Dante had never been one to enjoy or much tolerate drama. True, differences of opinion and challenges would happen. But such were only acceptable if they did not endanger the pack's stability.

RE: Very Uneasy... Amber Arival - Amberr - October 18, 2014

All happiness seem to fade away from her eyes. She muttered, "Yes I have." Her old pack was the reason why she was a lone wolf. Instead of a friendship and family bond, it was great discipline. You never hunted for the whole pack, if you wanted to eat, you needed to do it yourself. If you slept or rested during the day, Beta or Alpha would beat you sensess and say, Sleeping isn't good for the pack! The stings seem from her old Alpha seem to be flushing back to her. She wasn't just beaten by them, her packmates, her own packmates, pushed her around, shoved her down cliffs into raging rivers. Amber couldn't help but growl.

But she didn't want to tell this wolf about it. She didn't want to tell anyone about it. She wanted so much to forget her bitter past, but everytime she was nearly killed by a bear or cougar, or chased out packlands, she told herself, They did this to me, Then words flew out of her mouth, "If I join, I won't regret it, right?" She had wished she hadn't said that.

RE: Very Uneasy... Amber Arival - Dante RIP - October 19, 2014

Dante could tell from her look when she affirmed his question that the experience had not been a happy one. Honestly, he didn't care overly much if she shared or not. He would learn first hand if she had what it took to be a part of the group and if not, she would be asked to depart. He wouldn't relish having to do such a thing, and he doubted it would be necessary, but it was an option that he needed to consider.

"Only you can determine that," he replied, surprised by the question a bit. It wasn't one that he had heard yet, but it was the exact same one that had run through his mind when joining for the first time. It would be a lie to say he didn't understand it. "But I highly doubt it so long as you do your part."

RE: Very Uneasy... Amber Arival - Amberr - October 19, 2014

Amber dipped her head in respect. " I'll do anything it takes to serve your pack in these harsh times." It just flashed back in her mind that winter was just around the corner. She hadn't really thought about it for this whole time. She was keeping herself so well-fed, that she didn't even bother to worry about it. Her hunting skills, she thought, would be handy for winter. She looked up at the Alpha, "I swear I will serve your pack to the highest of my abilities." She started to relax a bit. This Alpha didn't seem hostile. She sat down on the cool forest floor. "I haven't asked your name," she said in a casual voice, "What is it?" For the first time in months, she felt that she could finally speak to someone that wouldn't lash out on her. She felt free. Her paws tingled with excitement. I can't wait to meet this pack. She felt like a puppy stepping out of its den for the first time. She felt so eager, so pleased, so.... happy. Emotions that she would have never felt in her past.

RE: Very Uneasy... Amber Arival - Dante RIP - October 19, 2014

Last one from me! :D

He was glad to hear it and had little doubts that she would prove an asset. She had conviction and an eagerness that was really rather refreshing. "My name is Dante. Welcome, Amber." He looked to the sky, taking note of the progression of the day.

"I cannot dally long, for I need to run a patrol, but I can show you around a bit if you like." He began to walk further into the territory, inviting her to follow if she would. If she would rather explore alone, that was fine as well, but he could at least point out a couple aspects of the land. Then she could meet the others when she would.

RE: Very Uneasy... Amber Arival - Amberr - October 19, 2014

Amber stood up and shook her pelt. She followed Dante into the woods happily. She would have to learn the packlands sooner or later, and it wouldn't hurt to much f someone tagged along. She lagged behind a bit to study every tree, every bush, every sent. It felt awkwardly nice to take a little patrol around the woods. She felt so excited to be patroling after such a long time. She loved this place already. It's so peaceful here. It's lovely. She pelted forward a bit, noticing how far behind she was.