Wolf RPG
Rising Sun Valley Run up - Printable Version

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Run up - Sovereign - November 28, 2022

For @Bjarna! Children's meeting :D other tags are for reference only rn! Located within a few miles of Stone Circle!

Sovereign definitely should have known better than to leave the Strath, especially so soon after she was attacked by the one man. 
The Crown Prince still had a slight limp in her foreleg where @Void had bitten down on her.
Yet she was bold.

The Hilmir moved with a poise and alertness she did not yet possess in full. 
She would still need to grow into herself, as any heir and child would.

Shaking out her massive head, Sovereign would pause within the trees and grasses, looking curiously upon a set of monolithic stones in the far distance. 
She could probably get there in a medium amount of time, but the scents of other wolves got more potent the closer she got, thus the girl decided to steer clear. 
Her mom and dad were not here to protect her right now, she was vulnerable in more ways than she'd like to admit...

RE: Run up - Bjarna - November 28, 2022

so excited!!! ♥⌣♥

bjarna spotted her, not far from home.

she liked to imagine that may she might look like the girl if she had been born right. tall and pale. beautiful and strong. and in bjarna bloomed that familiar feeling.


that quickly twisted into possessiveness — for the child had become like a stray collector. anyone who could be useful — or that she may find comfort in — was brought home. it was not such a terrible thing, was it?

her limp tail swayed behind her and despite her weird shaped body, every sign of it was as friendly as bjarna could make it. she barked (a rather doggish sound, thank you 'mom' and 'dad') to the girl a few yards away.

RE: Run up - Sovereign - November 28, 2022

A barking sound. 
It was unlike the barks made by pureblood wolves, yet Sovereign looked upon the strange-shaped child without judgement.
Yes, Bjarna looked kind of weird, but to Sovereign there was much, much she had not yet seen, and figured the build of the wolfdog before her was just a product of genetics, and nothing past that. 

The Crown Prince barked back in her pureblood-wolf way, swaying her tail a few times as she dared to approach only a few paces closer to Bjarna with intrigue in her amber gaze.

RE: Run up - Bjarna - November 28, 2022

bjarna had never seen a girl close to her own age, not like this. most seemed to be beyond their first winter. experienced in ways and given a form more befitting.

yet this girl seemed closer to her.

not in looks, but still growing. not yet filled out the form she had been so blessed with. bjarna was dazzled. something else too, that she could not place a word upon. something she had not felt yet. something good.

so as the girl approached, bjarna welcomed her in full.

hallo. warm, but a sudden shyness swept over her features.

RE: Run up - Sovereign - November 28, 2022

The voice that spoke from the wolfdog sounded girlish and shy.
Sovereign sounded back with a hesitant "Hallo." In return.
The wolfdog's northern accent sounded similar to her own mother's.
Did this canine speak one of the tongues she herself had grown up around?

The Crown Prince lifted a paw to her chest and spoke her name "My name is Sovereign." 
Would Bjarna extend a similar pleasantry?

RE: Run up - Bjarna - November 29, 2022

a paw to their chest.

a big word. so many seemed to have such big names that she could not think of repeating. she thought fondly of being able to call the tripod in the hollow croo.

at least this time she understood that it was an exchange of names. the paw to the chest the biggest clue to that.

her, she tried her best (for that warm fuzzy feeling in her stomach...) to attempt.

sov... the rest should have been easy. only she felt embarrassed, flushed. as if she might mess it up and ruin her moment with this wonderful girl. sov? she wondered if it would be okay to say that instead.

regardless —

a paw now to her own. bjarna. kvarsheim. then her paw was placed back down and her head looked over her shoulder back towards home.

did the girl understand too?

RE: Run up - Sovereign - November 29, 2022

The wolfdog attempted her name, but all that came out was "Sov?".
The Hilmir nodded with a big smile. 'Sov' was just fine. 
The fellow child's own name shared then. 
Bjarna, of Kvarshiem.
The Crown Prince offered her own pack name with an adjustment. 
"Sov of Hildibrandr." She beamed a smile as the accent of Old Norse (or Icelandic, her player is not certain of which rn) rolled off her tongue so perfectly. 

Bjarna looked back towards the monolithic stones. 
Sovereign looked at them, reminded in a way of her mother. 
Regal, powerful.

"I go with?" Sovereign asked, uncertain of what Bjarna wanted from her in this interaction.

RE: Run up - Bjarna - November 29, 2022


it sounded not so different from her own words. it certainly was no heim, but it was familiar in a way others had not been.

then sov ask if she go — for bjarna had not understood the context in full. so she desperately tried to find a way to keep the girl with her longer.

ah, uh! what was the word her mother had used? trade? bjara trade!

this was a thing she had come to learn and she looked with an overwhelming eagerness to the other girl.

RE: Run up - Sovereign - November 30, 2022

Sovereign smiled and shook her head at Bjarna's misunderstanding.
The desperation that seemed to lace the wolfdog's voice.
She would try again.
"Kvarsheim...I come?" She would inquire again, walking to stand beside Bjarna with an inquiring gaze that asked: Do you want me to come with you? 
She hoped the wolfdog understood this time.
Her tone and body language was patient.

RE: Run up - Bjarna - December 01, 2022

kvarsheim again.

she felt puzzled, wondering. for a moment she thought no, i cannot trade kvarsheim! despite knowing all at once that could not be what the girl meant.

but bjarna had a new plan. two bodies would be better for her chores of the day.

hunting and in that she could show the girl the edges of her home. bjarna softly motioned for the girl to follow. her path would cut alongside the claimed markers of kvarsheim, careful to not plunge them over them.

RE: Run up - Sovereign - December 02, 2022

Sovereign saw the confusion in Bjarna's eyes at first when she mentioned Kvarsheim.
That was what she assumed the emotion was, anyhow. 
But under her amber gaze she watched whatever emotion it was, dissipate, as Bjarna softly beckoned and lead Sov along the outskirts of the territory. 

The young Crown Prince followed in a prowl, the same predatory prowl of her mother, the same battle-forged appearance of alertness (that she did not yet fully have) as she kept her ears perked for noise, and eyes moving to catch any movements in the terrain. 

Lucky for the two girls, her developing skills allowed Sov to catch the sight of a small herd of deer in the grasses on the outer edges of Bjarna's claim. 
The Princess looked to the wolfdog with inquiry...
Would they hunt for one?

RE: Run up - Bjarna - December 16, 2022

something about the girl reassured her.

perhaps it was the large power of the other girl, her size and building muscles. things bjarna lacked sorely. she too noted the deer among the edge of the land. they must have come from the field near the stones, deciding to roam a bit wider than the territory.

softly she nodded towards the herd, knowing her words would do no good here for further explanation. then looked curiously towards sov.

it would be with a heavy heart of hope that the girl might help her feed her family tonight.

RE: Run up - Sovereign - December 19, 2022

Sovereign smiled softly with reassurance to Bjarna.
She would help. 

Quietly the Crown Prince fluidly fell into a low prowl, stalking through the tall grasses with amber gaze locked on the herd.

She would occasionally glance to Bjarna to see where the wolfdog's attention drew. 
Would either of them find a suitable quarry?

RE: Run up - Bjarna - December 25, 2022

she did her best to mimic, to think upon the things she had been taught.

bjarna had only but an ounce of grace in her. no more, no less. however she did have a hunter's eye as she spotted one.

not young, sick or injuried. no. this doe would be older, beyond her good seasons. around the fringes of the herd she would be a choice pick among them.


her gaze fluttered back to sov.

RE: Run up - Sovereign - December 31, 2022

Sovereign too spotted the elderly ungulate, meeting Bjarna's gaze with a nod as if she understood the suggestion, to take down the old doe - though it was merely a guess.
The Prince moved in a predatory stalk towards their quarry, silent and ghostly.
The aged deer was on the fringes, a fortunate position for the kids in their efforts to hunt.

Sovereign attempted to ease her way as close as she could undetected, coming at the doe from close to the front while her head was lowered to graze.