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Blacktail Deer Plateau Born for leaving - Printable Version

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Born for leaving - Dante RIP - October 18, 2014

@Kesuk @Koda if you like!

Takes place shortly after meeting

Dante was extremely glad that the meet he had called had gone off without a hitch. However, he had not failed to notice that two of their number were absent, failing to answer his summons. Unsure as to the circumstances and whether this was a statement of their opinion of his leadership abilities, he now sought them out to get the situation straight. He could not have wolves on his lands who were not united with the pack.

Lifting his muzzle, he sent up a call requesting that Kesuk and Koda join him. He did not know either personally, a failing on his own part as he saw it, but they were fairly new. He had seen them at Peregrines announcrment, however briefly, and now wished to know where they stood. Would they stay or depart? Or had they already left?

RE: Born for leaving - Koda - October 25, 2014

Koda sat alone on a crag overlooking the sprawling Kintla flatlands, with a blank look on his face. He'd been wearing that expression ever since he'd said goodbye to Kesuk. He was taking the whole thing pretty hard, neglecting to eat, sleep or even move. Needless to say he hadn't bothered to answer Dante's summons. He'd sulked by himself while the rest of the pack gathered around the Alpha. Truth be told, part of the reason why he'd failed to show up was because he was still contemplating running off after Kesuk. His yellow eyes scanned the distant mountains. He wondered if she'd found a place where she'd be happy.

A deep, authoritative howl drew Koda out of his thoughts. He recognized it as the voice of his new Alpha. They'd never been introduced, but he'd heard Dante speak during Peregrine's departure, and Koda never forgot a voice. Lifting his muzzle, he sent up a howl in reply, to let the other wolf know he'd heard the call and was on the way to meet him. Koda knew he would have some explaining to do. He just hoped his new leader was the understanding sort. Koda reached Dante in no time, and bowed his head in respect of his Alpha.

"Hey," he said in a low, glum voice. "I'm still here. Sorry I missed the meet the other day."

RE: Born for leaving - Dante RIP - October 26, 2014

The respect he was shown as Koda approached was a good sign, but he still needed to know if he would accept Dante as new leader. His avoidance of the meeting spoke otherwise, and at such a transitory time Dante couldn't afford to have dissent amongst the pack.

"Why did you not come?" he asked, no trace of anger in his tone, more curiosity. He wished to know what had kept this wolf from attending his call, especially when he had made it clear within the tone that all should attend. Koda didn't look terribly happy, so Dante sensed that more was going on here than he knew of.

RE: Born for leaving - Koda - October 26, 2014

Koda thought for a moment. He knew he couldn't bring himself to tell his Alpha the truth; that he'd been up all night moping and crying over Kesuk. He didn't want his Alpha to think of him as disobedient, but he couldn't have Dante think of him as a big baby either.

"I wasn't feeling well, I needed my rest." It wasn't completely untrue. Koda's heartache left him drained, without the energy or will to do anything. Even though he'd only known her for a short time, he'd fallen hard for Kesuk. It had all happened so fast, and he was so caught up in the excitement and intensity that he never even thought about how hard it'd be to lose her. It was a hard lesson to learn, but he'd never allow himself to repeat his mistake again.

Koda was done with girls, for now. He'd focus his energy on being a good and productive member of his pack. He'd start by atoning for his lack of compliance to the Alpha's call. "I'm well again, and I'm ready to accept whatever consequences I must face for my actions."

RE: Born for leaving - Dante RIP - October 29, 2014

Dante didn't exactly find his answer satisfactory, though his next words helped some. He appeared to know he had made an error, but Dante couldn't really let him completely off the hook. At least he appeared to accept Dante's rise to leadership without question. That had been the new Alpha's most pressing concern.

"You'll just be lower on the totem pole for a bit," Dante responded, looking at him not unkindly. He seemed a good kid. "In the future though, try not to let it happen again?" Pack meetings were not long, nor were they particularly out of the way. Even ill he should have tried to make it, or sought out Dante after. Important information was usually shared.

RE: Born for leaving - Koda - October 30, 2014

Koda nodded in acknowledgement. He was relieved that his punishment wouldn't be too severe. Dante didn't really seem to be angry with him, something for which he was grateful. The last thing he wanted to do was make enemies within his own pack.

"I won't let it happen again," he promised. He was determined to redeem himself in his leader's eyes. It would give him something to strive for, and take his mind off Kesuk. It suddenly dawned on him that Dante probably didn't know about Kesuk's departure. This seemed like the kind of information an Alpha would like to know. "Did Kesuk tell you she was leaving?" He questioned Dante.

RE: Born for leaving - Dante RIP - October 31, 2014

Dante accepted him at his word, seeing the determination with which he said it. His next words were a surprise, but Dante had not met Kesuk before her departure. It saddened him she had not come to inform him but it was her choice to make. Now that he thought on it however it made sense why he had not encountered her. He had made a point to try and get around more.

"She did not, but thank you for informing me." He had no knowledge of she and Koda's relationship as friends or he might have known to ask if he was alright. As a counselor he would be kicking himself later if he found out, for part of the job was knowing where his pack ages stood with one another. They had been recent arrivals, though, and so much had happened... A few things had slipped by, and this was one such thing.

He did know, though, that the fact he was telling meant they had known one another. Koda was another he had not met before Perry's departure, so he had the sudden desire to know what had held him here. "But you stayed?" He had no way of knowing just how deep that question went.

RE: Born for leaving - Koda - October 31, 2014

"She left after Peregrine said he was leaving," he elaborated. "She said she didn't feel like she belonged anymore." Sadness leaked into Koda's voice as he spoke. Why hadn't he been enough for her? "I tried to talk her out of it, but her mind was made up."

Koda breathed a sigh before continuing. "She wanted me to go with her, but I just didn't feel right about leaving the pack at a time when I'd be needed." The plateau wolves had been kind enough to take him in, and he wasn't about repay them by ditching them as soon as things looked bad.

RE: Born for leaving - Dante RIP - November 05, 2014

wrap this up? Perhaps we can give these two another sometime :)

Dante heard the sorrow and sighed. "I am sorry that she felt that way. She could have come to me and perhaps we may have sorted it out. But if she would rather be elsewhere, I hope she finds what she seeks." There wasn't much Dante could do about the situation now, but he pained for Koda's loss of a friend.

"I appreciate your staying." It was heartfeltly spoken. They could use wolves with loyalty like Koda showed, a desire to stay and make a home here rather than simply passing through. "If you ever want to talk, or go for a hunt, let me know." He smiled. It was a show of thanks, but also out of a desire to get to know him better. "I am always up for either."

RE: Born for leaving - Koda - November 07, 2014

Yes, I would like that :)

Koda nodded. He still wished he'd been able to talk her into staying, but he too hoped Kesuk would find happiness some other place. As for Koda, he was starting to feel better about his decision to stay behind. The plateau pack was a perfect fit for him.

He returned Dante's smile. "I'd like that," he replied. He'd never been too big on talking, but he'd never turn down a chance to go hunting. Maybe the talking thing would come as he got more familiar with the new Alpha.

He rose and excused himself with a nod of his head. "I'll see you around," he said as he departed for the river.