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Swiftcurrent Creek I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - Printable Version

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I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - Estoc - October 18, 2014

The gray warrior had grown a lot since he left Dal Riata. No longer was he the same naive, inexperienced boy competing daily with his sister and his older brothers, sparring with the adults, thinking this was how it was like to everyone. The skills he had learnt when he was young, though, helped him as he left home and began his travels. The dark agouti male missed his family everyday, and the more time he spent without his family in the wilds, the more he wished someone was there to say "Welcome to the real world, Es." But then, he was alone.

Estoc hadn't really committed himself to any packs he found, instead stayed for a few weeks or so (if they allowed him to) and learnt their ways before sneaking away. He was very good at the sneaking away part. And that had been his life for about a year? Pathetic, really, but he had learnt many new things, ways, cultures that he probably wouldn't have learnt if he stayed in Dal Riata or if he stationed himself in a single pack. But the gray agouti was done with his adventures and travels, at least for sometime and the longing of home and his family tugged at him, stronger than ever.

Estoc didn't know where he was going but then, he never really did. A pack for winter, he supposed, a stranger wolf had told him he had entered someplace called Teekon Wilds and was supposedly filled with packs. Good he thought as he moved with grace towards a scent line. There was a pack just beyond these borders. It was early, the sun just starting to rise above the horizon but a strong pack should always be alert, no? Little did he know this pack held a sliver of his home in its paws. Making sure he was a good distance away from the scent lines, he stood and raised his head and let loose a melodic howl into the early morning air.

RE: I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - Kaskara - October 18, 2014

Kaskara had risen early that morning, busy making preparations for her journey northward to Duskfire Glacier. She had yet to mention it to Scimitar, but he had been busy these last few days with his new alpha's duties. She wanted to eat breakfast, find her brother, and lay out her plan. Kaskara had been scouting out a rabbit when the howl rose up in the early morning hours, the dew still clinging hopefully to the blades of grass and leaves that she passed as she moved toward the borders.

Part of her duties as a member of the pack was border patrol, though she usually let her brother and the other wardens take care of that. However, Kaskara had heard a hint of familiarity in that howl, a voice that she had not heard in many months. Not daring to believe it, Kas trotted toward the border with a spark of hope within her heart. It wasn't entirely impossible to believe that not only had she found Scimitar far from home, but Saber had come here as well. Who else could have found them, this far from Dal Riata?

The silver-dusted brown wolf emerged from a line of trees and paused, her eyes scanning the grassy knoll on which one of their borders sat, and found the familiar form of a grey agouti wolf standing there. With a wicked grin across her face, Kaskara pelted across the distance, barking and howling happily at him. "Estoc!" she yelled, finally reaching him, and with a bump of her head against his shoulder, greeted him as if they were children. "Estoc, how in the devil have you found us here?" Not that they were hiding, but it was a strange coincidence that now all but one of her siblings were here.

RE: I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - Estoc - October 19, 2014

Patience had never been one of the male's good traits but it was hammered into him by his father, truthfully he hadn't expected an answer to his call this fast, thinking that he would probably have to wait until the sun had fully risen into the sky for an answer but he was wrong. His ears swiveled forward at the sound of pawsteps before his gaze followed and noticed a familiar form, he did not dare believe his own eyes for he thought it was a daydream. He daydreamed often, but it wasn't. This was real and the agouti gazed at her running towards him with amazement in his golden eyes.

Estoc did not move as his sister ran towards him, too amazed to move his paws as he took in the sight of the brown, silver dusted female, barking and howling happily at him as she approached. Now, the sarcastic troublemaker smile he always used, especially for his sister spread across his face, he tackled her playfully and returned her greeting. "Hey Kas!" he said brightly, nudging her with his nose, a happy gleam in his sun-colored eyes. "Long time no see, eh?"

Truthfully he hadn't seen her for a year? And that was long for a pair of siblings, littermates and he missed her a lot, "I didn't actually mean to well find you, or us whoever that is." a laugh slipped from between his lips. It was good enough to just have Kaskara around, but he didn't know that his older half brothers were here too, except for Falchion. "Missed you too, little sis."

RE: I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - Scimitar - October 24, 2014

The howl that echoed across the lands of Swiftcurrent Creek were hauntingly familiar.. and yet not. A voice he had not heard in many moons, and while Scimitar was usually quick to reach the borders, he found his curiosity had him moving even more so.

Autumn had come upon them. The leaves fell from the trees, and still there was no sign of Bazi. He found each day he thought of her less -- somehow, the ache in his heart was beginning to heal. His paws were swift as they moved, falling upon the fallen iridescent leaves with a gentle crunch. His ears swiveled to the sound of voices, and recognizing Kaskara, he came upon them only moments later.

His sister was embracing another -- and bristling at first at the thought of a male touching her, frustration was quick to give way to understanding.Estoc. Smiling, the large male loped forward, brushing up along Kaskara's side and casting his younger sibling an amused glance. "Better late to the party then never, I suppose," he mused, canting his muzzle. Now all they were missing was Falchion.. who now, Scimitar hoped more than ever, had been the one that would not leave their mothers side.

RE: I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - Kaskara - October 27, 2014

"Scimitar is alpha here," she began to explain, though only moments after the wolf in question arrived. With a grin, Kas returned Scim's nudge and grinned foolishly at her littermate, glad that they were once more together. Falchion was the only one missing, and like Scimitar, she hoped he had stayed with their mother.

"Saber is here too," she explained further. Though she had yet to see her brother, she knew that he was here as well. They'd have to hunt soon, together as a family once more, though they would always be missing their mother and Falchion. Scim had lived without his father, though Kaskara missed hers daily. Marcus had been tough, but not cruel, and his teachings had served her well so far. "How've you been, brother?"

RE: I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - Estoc - October 27, 2014

"Scimitar is alpha here," said his sister and moments later, he arrived. They had both grown quite a bit since he had last saw them, he didn't know if it was a good thing or not. Scimitar into a broad and muscular man and his sister, also into a strong female. She was no longer the tiny, whiny, competitive Juvenile he sparred and tumbled with daily at Dal Riata. The greyscale male grinned at his older brother, bright sun colored eyes lighting up as he made to tackle his older brother. "Nice to see you too, big brother." he said happily.

It wasn't long before Kaskara explained that Saber was here too, only Falchion was missing from the party, he too hoped that his other half brother would not leave his mother's side. He missed both his mother, his other half brother who was hopefully still with mother, and his father. Marcus was a good father, he had been tough with his children but had taught them well. He hadn't been brutal or cruel to them in any way and sometimes, Es wished he was here to offer him some advice. "Been pretty good so far, never got caught, a good adventurous life, haven't found any ladies though." he smirked at the last part. The ashen wolf only appeared like this to close friends and family, other wolves would see him to be a cold and aloof male.

"How was father when you last saw him, sis? You left after I did." Estoc asked his sister, wondering how Dal Riata was faring when Kas had left. Then he turned immediately to Scimitar, "So you're Alpha huh? I'm interested to see how you lead, brother." he said in a playful manner.

RE: I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - Scimitar - October 30, 2014

Estoc made to tackle him, and rounding his shoulder out, he met his brothers force and made to hold himself, a grin smoothing avross his features as he cast a playful nip to the silver male's cheek. Estoc rivaled him in size as well -- it was clear they held the same blood by build alone, though the peppered male was certainly more agile than Scimitar himself. Nicknamed 'Bear' for not just his size but his lumbering lack of grace at many times, Scimitar recalled the days of their youth with fondness, despite being older than the two before him.

"I hope this means you intend to stay," he rumbled as he cast a quick glance over his sibling. He did not need to ask what Estoc was capable of.. He had seen it first hand many times.

RE: I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - Kaskara - November 02, 2014

"Father was doing fine. Stubborn old brute, as always, training those youngsters to be warriors." Kas laughed softly, remembering how their father had taught them himself, even demanding training after the official daily hour was over. Kas hadn't minded the extra work: it meant she could hone her skills and beat all the boys during their spars.

Kas looked toward Scimitar, glad that he had voiced what she as thinking. "Please say you'll stay," she turned back toward Estoc with a grin. "It'll be so much fun with you here. We can start up a sparring school, like Father had." It was a thought that just occurred to her, but it sounded good. Maybe Scimitar would let them train the others in combat, though she hoped they never truly needed it.

RE: I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - Estoc - November 06, 2014

The youth laughed softly as Scimitar rounded his shoulder and sought to meet his force. The greyscale male brushed his shoulder against his older brother's affectionately. "I hope this means you intend to stay," he did indeed, but they didn't need to know it just yet. Estoc was the troublemaker of the three, he loved mischief at times but he was fearsome in battle. Hardened muscles rippled under his coat and swift paws moved as quick as the wind. He was no softie, but a true warrior. He grinned when Kas mentioned Father, despite the fact the brute was strict, he was not brutal and he thanked his father many times for the skills he had given him.

Sparring school, Estoc recalled fond memories of it and bright golden eyes glistened with happiness for a brief moment before pulling his indifferent look decorated with a smile back onto his face. "I love ya both and I'll love to stay but I am a traveler, an adventurer and there are so much more undiscovered." he paused and made to hug the two of them before a broad grin spread across his features. The youth laughed, bright eyes that resembled the sun gleamed, "Of course I'll stay, you two along with Saber need someone to look after your hides, and because Lord Scimitar would want my advice when he rules as king of these lands," he offered a bow to his older brother, though only a moment later, he made to hug his brother. Although he would never admit it to them, Estoc had missed his siblings a lot.

RE: I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - Scimitar - November 07, 2014

He refrained from rolling his eyes – each of his siblings had been taught to withhold their emotions – a trait Rapier had found to be most desirable when dealing with anyone. It was because of this they could likely read him more than any other could – and it was for that reason alone he felt elated when Estoc agreed to remain. With Kaskara, Saber and Estoc here now.. somehow, he felt he could survive emotionally through the grueling winter they were likely facing. Swiftcurrent Creek was family, but they were his blood.

“Lord Scimitar is exactly what I expect you to call me,” he decided with a teasing glint in his bright eyes, knowing full well his younger brother would twist this somehow. He was the very much the ‘Puck’ of the family, and with a fond nudge to his cheek, the regal drew himself up to full height, if only to have a stretch. “Kaskara, how about you show this clown around?”

With the twitch of a smile, the cinnamon male shifted then, moving past his siblings and back to the path of the borders – he never could stay still these days or else his mind would linger back to a tiny white female who had shattered him in more ways than he cared to admit.

RE: I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - Kaskara - November 09, 2014

One more post from you Dain and we should be good to archive this. :)

Kaskara laughed as two of her brothers bantered and fought playfully. She had missed this more than she knew, and having her family together again felt right. She felt whole again, though she had never truly felt splintered apart. Kas was just glad that Estoc was here with them, and they could move forward and make the Creek the best it could be.

"Sure will," she agreed, giving Scimitar a loving nudge before watching him walk away. She understood his pain, though she didn't know it completely. Bazi had left her too, in a way, and living without her friend was torture enough. She turned back to Estoc with a grin and bumped her shoulder against his. "I'm glad that you're here, brother. Let's go on this tour, and then we can get you something to eat." With a playful nudge, she moved along the border away from Scimitar, before they reached a point that she loved: the Creek.