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Whitefish River cupid's demanding back his arrow - Printable Version

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cupid's demanding back his arrow - Finn - October 18, 2014

lost stars - adam levine

After a whole afternoon of snoozing under the shade of a tree, the silver Ollivander found the strenght to get out of the Plateu. This time he didn't head for the mountains, fearing that the heavy weight upon his heart might make him more prone to falling. As if gravity could smell the saltiness of his tears and decide to drag him down.

Instead he began to follow the river that separated the Plateu from the southern side of the Teekon Wilds. The sound of the water rushing beside him was somewhat comforting, he often turned his head to glance at the water, hoping to find fish around. The lack of sleep had been mended, now he had to fix his empty stomach.

He felt like one of the survivors from a plane wreck, picking his way along the border of the river in search of supplies to fix his shattered spirit. Seeing her walk away had sent him spiraling down from the sky, and he had been so busy staring at her fading figure he had forgotten to buckle up.

RE: cupid's demanding back his arrow - Elhanna - October 20, 2014

It was another week in which the weather seemed to grow colder, it usually posed little concern to the white boy earlier in his life but now he was alone, and lets face it, lost. He'd spent the better part of the nights wandering the wilds, eyes skyward trying to follow the paths he wasn't even sure existed any longer, and yet he followed them.

Today he was stumbling around an unknown riverbank. The ever-cooling water running alongside whilst he managed to make his away along its edge was given little attention, other then the occasional glance when a stray water-droplet reached him. This would be followed by a quick glare at the water, almost daring it to touch him again. No, El was not a water creature, but that did raise the question why was he walking alongside a river anyway?

Another few steps, a cold glare at the water, followed by a twist in the river and he'd almost step into another mass of fur walking in the opposite direction. Formalities, introductions, names, and possibly self-preservations were all lost on the young boy when his first choice was to just talk. "You lookin' for a way across to?" Not that El was actively seeking a way over the river, but hey, where else was he going today.

RE: cupid's demanding back his arrow - Finn - October 21, 2014

hihi <3

Again, the cloud helmet that blinded the silver Epsilon from the real world almost caused him to crash against another wolf. This time however it wasn't a Plateu wolf. Surpised and a little confused, Finn retreated a couple of steps from the male, his lips curling into a warning snarl just in case the almost-trampled wolf would try to attack too.

He kept his lips drawn until the white fellow showed no signs of hostility. Good. Finn was in no mode to spar now, he was hungry -- so hungry that if the man had insisted to fight, Finn might've had to eat him.
Or not. While the other babbles some senseless question, Finn's olive eyes traced across his figure. He was a loner -- and a hungry one at that. Though he didn't look sickly (yet), the young Ollivander could tell that the male was struggling to get food on his plate.

Well that makes two of us, he thought somberly as he flicked an ear back non-chalantly. In a better day, Finn might've challenged the wolf to a fish-off, so they could both share a meal; but today was not a good day.

No. And there a thing called swimming he barked with an overly-sacastic voice. He didn't like being a douche -- or at least the inner him didn't-- but the younger male was just asking to be messed with.
[size=x-small]C'mon let a bro eat before interrogating him![/size]

RE: cupid's demanding back his arrow - Elhanna - October 21, 2014

The scenario unfolding before him was a new one. The half-attempted effort at aggression mixed with the obvious look of irritation was something he was unfamiliar with. He'd grown up in a shell, protected from the harsh reality that not everyone you ran into (or nearly ran into) was a friend. Of course that didn't stop him, or even slow him down for that matter. There was just enough exuberance, even in his half-starved, totally lost state that had him careening toward an unfortunate end, that he overlooked such hostilities. Even the silver males irate words dripping, with sarcasm were unable to turn him back. Nope, He just looked on with a small smile, and a gentle flick of his tail.

"Can't swim!" He added a shrug, and a grin. That wasn't true. He could swim. He just had no desire to wade through a flowing inlet of cold water. Nuts to that idea.

Gold eyes scanned the male, Of course in the interest of self-preservation he should probably move around him and keep going, but lets face it, El isn't a bright boy. "Well, if there's no way across, what's the food situation like?" Again he overlooked introductions and dived head-long into the notion of eating, and once again he expected others to help him out. Inflicted with a severe case of 'spoiled brat' it seemed.

RE: cupid's demanding back his arrow - Finn - October 24, 2014

The silver Epsilon's eyes narrowed at the male's reaction. Either he had a lot of guts standing there with such a silly smile on his face or he was simply stupid --either way Finn couldn't help but feel he was standing in front of a mirrored image of him from a couple months ago; just with a much lighter coat and a less charming face.

Like the loner, Finn had been both gutsy and stupid. In fact it had been on his first week upon the Wilds that he had gone pissing off an Alpha -- literally. He was no stranger to the idiotic antics that came with youth, he had done (and continued to do) his fair share of them.

His emotionless expression changed abruptly as the yearling admitted he couldn't swim.Finn might've felt like complete shit at the moment but heartbroken or not, there was no way he would let the chance to mess with the guy go unnattended. No worries, your big head will keep you afloat once I push you in he barked while trying to hold back a chuckle as he took two steps towards the younger male, One, two!, he yelled over the boy's next question.

If his feigned attempt to shove him into the water didn't do the trick he'd have to accept the boy's company while scouting the area for prey. It was not an ideal deal for a hungry pack wolf whose job was to provide for the rest of the pack first but he was really in no mood to chase the boy off. Besides as a former loner himself, Finn was not capable of shooing them away.

He had once been lost and hungry too.
He still was, actually, though this time in a different, more methaphorical way.

RE: cupid's demanding back his arrow - Elhanna - October 25, 2014

Of course had El been paying any sort of attention beyond thinking of his next meal, he might have realised what the silver male was actually implying. Instead he was struck for a moment trying to work out what having a big head had to do with swimming, and perhaps more importantly, why he was being counted toward.

It didn't take too many seconds to figure out what was about to go down, of course if he was going to be thrown into the river he'd try and take the silver male with him. He had no real issue with the water, despite his claims of not being able to swim, he just didn't really want to get wet.

Despite being in no real danger a look of shock and no small amount of fear would replace the previous smiles and grins. "H-hey now." Awkwardly trying to reverse along the riverbank. "Let's not do anything too drastic." Of course he was starting to worry that maybe this male just wanted to test how long he could hold the white boy under water until the bubbles stop.

RE: cupid's demanding back his arrow - Finn - November 07, 2014

With his decison made, the silver Ollivander took another menacing step forth, feigning a dive to the yearling's feet as the poor boy tried to bring him to reason. He stopped abruptly then, putting his whole fachade behind him to break into laughter.

After a few good cackles, he shook his head and met Elhanna's eyes again, this time wearing a much more pleasant demeanour. But he was not done toying with him, in fact he had only just begun. With a mischivious click of his tongue he tilted his head to look at the boy sideways.

Alright, I'll spare your life.. he barked with a low chuff and a flick of his tail, acting as he belonged to the higher class wolves of the Plateu. If you get me a snack -- unless you'll rather I munch on you, he added with a little flash of his teeth and a low huff.

Then, after swiping his pink tongue over his nose he motioned towards the river, I was really craving fish, but since you're useless in the water, bring me a hare he barked while turning his head to look at the vast expanse of land of the Great Bear Wilderness

RE: cupid's demanding back his arrow - Elhanna - November 08, 2014

With an audible sigh of relief, the alabaster male relaxed. Swimming was not what he had planned. He spent the moment looking for a quick exit in case the silver wolf decided to follow through with the previous threat and charge him head-long into the flowing waters. It didn't take that long for his attention to return, the mention of food being a strength at the moment. Apparently this fellow had a differing idea.

The off-hand way he spoke of sparing El's life, was it really a threat? It was enough for the hackles to bristle and his own discourteous 'wuff' to escape in an almost annoyed growl. Like hell he was getting a snack for anyone, he was hardly capable of feeding himself. He stared for a moment, trying to read something, anything in the other males face, was this a joke?

A shake of his head and he began moving towards him, hopefully to just walk past. "Not likely. If you really want a snack you can bite my ass." If only the snarky response wasn't so likely to have some truth in a minute

RE: cupid's demanding back his arrow - Finn - November 12, 2014

It was hard to contain the bubbling laughter inside his chest, especially when the poor yearling made such puzzled faces at him. He must've been cursing himself for ever coming across the Ollivander, while he was thanking the heavens for sending a distraction to lift his mood before he did something crazy.

Though he was a reckless man by nature, he did not wish to find out what the troubles of the heart coud push him to do. If he didn't die from not seeing her then he surely would trying to -- out of all the games he had played, falling in love had been the most dangerous of all.

For the pale yearling, however, that could be debatable. Though he didn't know if he was the type of wolf that worshipped adventure, he was fairly sure he had never been caught in a situation similar to this one before. Still he managed to snarl back an answer with sass and all. This finally caused the bubble to burst, sending Finn into a childish fit of laughter that didn't die out until a while later.

There's nothing to chew he barked, making reference to the boy's gaunt figure, Tell you what, let's hunt together and fill you up -- maybe then you'll have an ass to feed other pack wolves you meet he offered with a much more friendly tone and a wave of his feathery tail.

The boy's humor had managed to shake away the rain cloud above his head, and for that he deserved to taste the sunshine -- in the form of fish of course, because according to the silver male there was no better delicacy.