Wolf RPG
Hideaway Strath My breath is earthly strong - Printable Version

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My breath is earthly strong - Khasni - January 02, 2023

Hoping to maybe meet someone she has yet to within Hildibrandr ... which is basically everyone, aside from Fury, lol 

The winter season had no mercy to give. The winds could be heard whipping against the walls of her hollow. It often became a distraction to her spirit talking; but like always, she made do.

In the center of the large, recently renovated den space, a collection of dry bones created an obvious circle. Lain within: the völva. She had been this way for many, long hours.

The spirits had much to say on this day. Each had their turn warning of the possibilities of dangerous snowfall — such that could all but near bury the strath. Then there was the threat of their prey supply. The herds migrated often to find where the grass was still rich. But in each place they ventured, the grazing was not so fruitful. 

There was more to be heard, but a faint sound disrupted the silence.

Khasni's head jerked sharply upward. Dark eyes turned toward the entrance to the hollow. She waited like this in silence, keen to know who or what had been so noisy and so near to her works.

RE: My breath is earthly strong - Maleah - January 10, 2023

Maiken didn't travel among the pack too often. She preferred the fringes. The hunt for plants and herbs that she would need. The cultivating of them, down in the warmth of the hot springs. Which was also where she had made her home.

It was with surprise she moved towards the den that she knew nothing of. She smelled a newcomer there. Though the wolf's smell was mixed in with Fury's she didn't know them. She let a chuff leave her lips and then she settled outside. It was rude to go inside someone else's den.