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Northstar Vale sunsweet - Printable Version

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sunsweet - Tamar - January 07, 2023

it felt like defiance.

her body came awake in a fervor. tamar moved off into the snow to quell herself but she knew it was no illness, no fever. as if in opposition that akashingo should find them, and despite the stresses of the past several weeks, tamar found the bowl of her hips aflash with want for @Arsenio.

and so she sought her husband in the grove of saffron where she had borne their children, in a small clearing that glistened beneath the early dawn, tucked into the red maples.

a place of safety. she breathed it in, all of it, before she sang for him and for the protection of epoch, a call both sweet and resonant.

RE: sunsweet - Arsenio - January 10, 2023

Many thoughts had played through the mind of the Arche. Tamar had said that she would take their secret to her grave, that she would not speak to aloud to anyone. Arsenio did not believe this would help her, but he would not command her to share what had been done – as long as his wife was free, the mercenary man had nothing to complain about.

When her call sounded through the vale, the red wolf lifted his head to her voice and answered in a deep returning howl.

Long legs carried the man to where she was – the red wood. Snow painted the ground in white, contrasting sharply with the remaining leaves that glistened overhead. Arsenio took Tamar in his gaze, heart heavy.

My love… he spoke softly to her, stepping to her side and breathing in her scent. The fragrance of her filled his mind with want.

RE: sunsweet - Tamar - January 10, 2023

arsenio was beside her.

tamar turned to him with resolute pale eyes; her gaze was filtered clear with love and determination.

pharaoh would not end their happiness. not now. not ever. softly she embraced her husband; softly she kissed him, body yielding in his strong arms.

they would dance. and once more she would conceive in the beautiful vale. once more their family would wake beneath the red forest.

RE: sunsweet - Arsenio - January 11, 2023

The warmth of her body pressed against him. Arsenio’s arms wrapped around her, drawing her nearer, if it was possible. Each kiss planted upon his features sparked within his heart. It beat so fiercely within him that he thought it might grow and swallow them both, sweeping them away in a tangle of red love.

The redstone man found her cheek with a kiss. He showered her with them, tracing her feature with each loving peck. Blue eyes burned with love for Tamar. A love so deep that it consumed all he had been and all that he would ever be.

I love you, Tamar.

Arsenio’s voice was a low rumble in his throat.

RE: sunsweet - Tamar - January 11, 2023

"i love you, arsenio."

in the pillars of his strong arms, tamar knew no harm could come to her. to them, to their daughters, their son. the ones to come.

she closed her eyes and breathed in the peace he brought to her, nipping under his chin and urging him on with little small sounds of delight.

RE: sunsweet - Arsenio - January 12, 2023

With her close to him, Arsenio did not think that anything could go wrong. Each nip at his chin was met with a kiss – anywhere that his lips might touch was graced with a show of love.

Nothing could compare to the love that she offered him. The vale would grow and flourish with their family, with the families that had joined them. There would be new young ones racing through the red leaves and finding their way into springtime. Epoch would thrive with the love that it was built upon. The Pharaoh could never take that from them.

Need pressed him against her. Arsenio held her tightly to his figure.

RE: sunsweet - Tamar - January 12, 2023

fading! <3

hers. his. theirs.

tamar would burn for days beneath the red trees with her husband, keeping mouths and words and touches close, rousing him again and again until they both collapsed into the sweet-slaking sleep of long pleasure.

if there had been any timidity in her the first time, it was gone now, echoing in cries of delight on her voice that she did not care might be heard!

and arsenio, all of him, the two of them caught in flame for this honeyed time.