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Redsand Canyon respicio - Printable Version

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respicio - Germanicus - January 10, 2023

tags for ref! aw!

cactus to his left, water to his right, germanicus wandered through a part of the southlands he had not yet seen.

it had not escaped his notice that some other members of mereo were old enough to bring forth children.

@Tierra, @Paeon, and @Killdeer, notably. he must revisit earlier tenets.

but for now the eagle only walked, investigating.

RE: respicio - Minne - January 10, 2023

self conscious had been a new state of being.

minne had taken up plenty of solo work in the move while everybody settled in. it was easier to fumble through relearning her depth perception and slighted sight if she wasn't constantly embarrassed.

but it would be her luck that she'd find the imperator on her way to fish. a private spot, she had thought.

imperator, a dip of her scarred face. prepared to not bother him if he was doing something more important than entertaining the new slow poke of mereo.

RE: respicio - Germanicus - January 11, 2023

and minne.

germanicus greeted her gruffly. "cornicen."

"i have just come from that cave," he gestured behind himself. "i left it largely unexplored but it appears to contain water."

he watched her as he spoke. minne remained a sort of mystery.

RE: respicio - Minne - January 11, 2023

she did her best to stay like a stone wall.

she followed the guy, but she felt she did not really know him. although she could say that for anyone really. the only one she knew the most, tierra, she had hardly spotted since the coyote instance.

it left a weird little pit in her heart and stomach.

did i ever tell you i was a fisher? first and foremost, before everything else i'm doing these days.

a soft cracking open of her unnecessary walls.

RE: respicio - Germanicus - January 11, 2023

"i did not know this," the imperator said quietly.

he looked back toward the cave, then fully turned. "indulge me in a little adventure. let us see what sort of fish swim beneath stone."