Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek Last Ride of the Day - Printable Version

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Last Ride of the Day - Luka Iva - October 21, 2014

The ebony wolf missed the perks of pack life, being a lone wolf again for a little while made Luka miss the smallest things. He longed to be able to patrol borders and have all his packmate's scents upon his coat. Every single wolf's smell collided into one large, daunting aroma. That smell lingered for miles even in places where the pack wolves hadn't been in a few days.

Jogging through the evening air the swarthy male let the wind flow through his pelt. It felt good to be virtually care free. The lean wolf had eaten a medium sized rabbit that he hunted after he woke. It was a quick meal but the rabbit had filled up him well.

Luka stopped his evening run at the womens' glade. The young wolf paused and dipped his head in the dark waters lapping up the cold water. Luka sat down upon the mossy rocks and rested his body. Looking out onto his new territory the male sat silently.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Falwasi - October 25, 2014

The Creek's recent pack meeting had given Falwasi a lot to think about. One thing she was sure of was that the change in leadership had not affected her particularly, as she had more chances to interact with the cinnamon male. It didn't feel normal, but it felt fine. She would become accustomed to it, like she had done with the land and water of her new home.

Padding towards the Womens' Glade in hope of a quiet evening ponder, she caught a whiff of an unfamiliar wolf, though evidence of her own was carried faintly with it. Lackadaisical from the heaviness and lull cast over the impinging night, the honeyed wolf made her way to the grove of trees, trying to make out the wolf.

Sounds of drinking reached the girl's ears, and soon her eyes met those of a deeply hued male. A smile twitched at Falwasi's lips and, unable to suppress the temptation, she said: "What part of Womens' Glade don't you understand? Unless, of course, you are a woman." She stood serenely, awaiting his response in the unusually dull blue atmosphere.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Luka Iva - October 25, 2014

After gulping up a rather large portion of the icy stream water the silence in the air was broken by a strong but kind female voice. Her sarcasm and humor made the swarthy wolf chuckle. The kind of humor that the female displayed was the kind he always passed out to Scimitar. "Well you see I came here looking for women, and since you showed up well you can say my mission was a success. " Luka reposonded kindly to the wolf with a smile upon his well kept face.

Luka gave a polite head dip to the lean female, it was a greeting but also a sign of respect. The she wolf had striking eyes, Luka couldn't look away. Her long white legs contrasted against her gold pelt. In the sun light it was a glossy looking color. Her body much the same as Luka's. They were both built for speed. Neither of the wolves were daunting but they were noticeable.

"What is your name beautiful. I am Luka, I just recently joined the Creek." Luka spoke breaking the simple silence between the two wolves. The swarthy male gave a kind smile to the female as he greeted her, careful not to offend her.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Falwasi - October 27, 2014

[size=x-small]Excuse Falwasi, she's a bit... emotional? xD[/size]

The she-wolf pouted a little at the oil pelted male's words. Falwasi found them to be a little chauvinistic, and while she could see he was not intending to aggrieve her, it annoyed her. A lot. "Welcome to the Creek, Luka." She said stiffly, dipping her head slightly as she stood with her brows furrowed. Sure she was pissed off, but she knew politeness was key, especially with pack mates. As always, she was over exaggerating, and she didn't attempt to hide the display of pique.

Falwasi noticed that the two wolves standing around the pool of water could be siblings; lean bodies, compelling eyes, gracing demeanours... "My name is Falwasi." She said, answering Luka's question. She tried to push the displeasure away, with some success. The honeyed wolf stood tersely, but her expression reverted to her usual serene one. "How do you like the Creek?" She offered, basic chit-chat that she anathematized, but posing the question never hurt.

The trees cast awkward shadows across the reflecting water, and the light was dissipating at a quickened pace. It wouldn't be long until the soft indigo of the evening shifted to a menacing black that accompanied midnight.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Luka Iva - October 27, 2014

Luka acknowledged her simple greeting "Welcome to the Creek." His female companion spoke after dipping her head. Luka tilted his head slightly after looking at the female's furrowed brows. He wondered to himself if he did anything wrong or if the lean she wolf always did this.

Falwasi The female spoke her name with displeasure hinting in her tone. Luka was beginning to believe the lean bodied wolf was always like this. Soon the cream colored wolf changed her expression. It went from slight displeasure to a face of tranquility. Luka tiled his shaggy head once more, the female had already shown many emotions in such a little time.

The brownish female inquired if Luka like the Creek so far. In all honesty he did. He enjoyed having a permanent home compared to being a vagabond. The ebony wolf had a purpose here. "I love it here, i missed Scimitar and i am happy he allowed me back into his life." Luka answered truthfully to the graceful wolf.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Falwasi - October 27, 2014

When Luka said he knew the Alpha, the she-wolf raised her eyebrows. This shouldn't have been particularly interesting information - most wolves knew each other even if they were loyal to different packs. Falwasi herself had met some interesting souls. Some she liked, some she despised, some she didn't really know how to feel about.

But the words 'allowed me back into his life' piqued Falwasi's interest. Had the wolves had a dispute? Had they had to part ways? The mottled wolf spoke, tail swaying from side to side in a repetitive action, "How do you know Scimitar?" It was a basic question, not terribly nosy, but if the male wanted she would get to know the story.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Luka Iva - October 27, 2014

Luka had known Scimitar for nearly a year. In that year they had faced a lot together. They met through Luka's first pack, Tuathe Dé. Soon after joining and becoming well acquainted with Scimitar the alpha, Murrin, left. Searching for a new home they left the remains of the pack that was once called Tuathe Dé. Scim and Luka were lone wolves, fighting for survival in a harsh winter.

Then a light shined upon them once more. A new pack whose alpha, Charka, was beautiful as the night was dark. Luka (and Scimitar, although each did not know the other's feelings) had cared greatly for their alpha of the Neverwinter Forest. Although a few months after joining Charka had disappeared. In a rush of emotion Scimitar went out searching for her leaving Luka to fend for himself. Assuming Scimitar and Charka had ran off together Luka became a lone wolf. If it wasn't for the faint scent of Scimitar in the Tekkon Wilds the ebony wolf would not be here now.

Luka after all is said and done, is not mad at Scimitar. He felt as though he should have waited for the his cinnamon friend to return. The blame of their separation was carried by both wolves.

When Falwasi inquired upon Luka's relationship with Scimitar he almost spilled the entire tale, but he hesitated. The female would likely be bored of the story soon after it was started. "He's a great friend of mine. We have been through a lot together. I couldn't ask for a better brother, or a more loyal alpha." Luka spoke of his cinnamon companion very highly. In all honestly Scimitar was like a brother to Luka, he had looked out for him after everyone else had left.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Falwasi - October 29, 2014

The tawny woman nodded after Luka finished speaking. It wasn't a very exciting explanation, she thought. Then again her drama expectation level was a little above average, due to her time spent in the Creek. So, so much had happened in such little time. Somewhat like the Creek, Eagle Mountain had been a brooding pack; the mysterious murders forced the numbers to dwindle, and not much was left expect a few wolves, trying to figure out the never-ending attacks.

Falwasi led herself to believe by what the ebony male had said that the two wolves had a long history, so he must have been around Teekon Wilds for a while, unless he met Scimitar before their settlement here. Maybe he knew Bazi, but the young she-wolf was beginning to realise that Teekon Wilds was a large world, so she wasn't convinced Luka's answer would be a 'yes'.

"Did you know Bazi?" She asked, figuring it was worth a shot. Anything in life was worth a shot. Falwasi shuffled her feet because they were falling asleep, keeping her view on Luka. Prolonging seconds after she had spoken, Falwasi realised she spoke of Bazi as if she were dead, and for a moment, she believed she was.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Luka Iva - October 29, 2014

Luka had no history with any of the wolves within the creek except Scimitar. When Falwasi inquired if he knew a wolf whose name was 'Bazi' the ebony male shook his head. "I have never heard of a wolf named Bazi. Why did you ask if i knew this Bazi?" Luka spoke being genuinely curious.

If Luka were to know the history between Bazi and his alpha he would be upset. Seeing Scimitar hurt, especially by a careless female, would made Luka very angry. He would have a few choice words for Bazi. Scimitar had chosen not to tell Luka very much of his past love. He only spoke of a she wolf who had came, and then left with no warning.

The swarthy wolf watched as the cream colored female shifted her posture as though she was bored. The she wolf kept her eyes on Luka the entire time making him feel a little self-concious. The male was not used to so much attention from a female. Even though it was a friendly gesture that Falwasi was offering. It is always polite to look at the wolf you are speaking with.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Falwasi - October 29, 2014

She awaited for Luka to answer her question with a neutral attitude, so when he replied, she was neither deceived nor informed - the question had merely been a marginal spark of curiosity from her, and somewhat of a conversation filler. Falwasi could use more of those.

Somehow, her question had ignited some interest in her crony. "She was the Alphess of the Creek before she left us." Falwasi answered, hopping down memory lane with a wistful voice, "I thought maybe you knew her, because you know Scimitar." She finished. Her answer was a shout into the void, an epitomized version of it.

"Anywho," Falwasi begun with a shake of her plush cinnamon mane, "What made you want to join the Creek? Now, I mean." She asked reticently. If the two males were thick as thieves, what stopped the swarthy creature from joining sooner?

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Luka Iva - October 29, 2014

Luka nodded his head in understanding. So far he had not heard of a Bazi from his friend's mouth. If this Bazi was the female that broke Scimitar's heart but the cinnamon male didn't want to confide in the swarthy male it was okay. "Scimitar never spoke about a Bazi to me, only a wolf he fell in love with." Luka spoke truthfully.

Before these past few weeks Luka was a lone wolf, and he had been for nearly 6 months. In all honesty Luka came back to the Teekon Wilds looking for a home. He was going to join the first pack he found but then he caught a whiff of Scimitar. The swarthy wolf then proceed to search for his brother and soon enough he found him, here, in the Creek. Luka called out to his brother and he came swiftly. After a short make-up talk the ebony wolf asked to join the Creek. Scimitar quickly let him in, happy to have his friend back in his life. "I was a lone wolf for many months after Scimitar left the Neverwinter Forest in search of our alpha. It was his scent that drew me back here. I missed him, and i missed being in a pack even more. So now i am here, speaking with you." Luka spoke as he pointed with his nose towards the cream female.

Luka had done enough answering for now, It was time he asked some questions about the female in front of him. She knew a lot about Luka but Luka knew very little about Falwasi. "How long have you been here? In the Creek that is." The lean male inquired politely.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Falwasi - October 29, 2014

The velvety creature attempted to hide her awe with minimal effort. Had Scimitar... and Bazi ... been together? It was the first she'd heard of it, but Luka gave no further information on the wolf the cinnamon male had fallen for, and Falwasi was certain it couldn't have been any other she-wolf. There were few in Swiftcurrent Creek, and besides Kaskara, Star and herself, there were no established female members. Kaskara was the Alpha's sister, kicking her out of the picture. That left Star or Bazi, or Falwasi, who was convinced it was not her after their slight disagreement. The plush ex-Alphess had the longest history with him.

A questioned tone reached Falwasi's ears, shaking her out of her day-dream. She grasped that she had not listened to the obsidian male's explanation to her answer. The tall girl wasn't extremely bothered by it, and she looked as though she had been listening, so all was good.

Luka wanted to know more about her, her conscience received. She could agree it had been enough about her pack mate, though she wasn't particularly keen on letting him know her. "I have been here for two months." She answered, not a particularly challenging answer. The time she had spent there didn't come to a shock to her anymore; it was starting to become her home, regardless of the daily reminder that she abandoned her brother.

"I came from far East of here." Falwasi added, her information compact. She couldn't help but think of how, if Bazi and Scimitar had been in a relationship, how she would have hurt him deeply by leaving. He said she would be back in a month, but... It had been a month. The earthen she-wolf would think no further than that. She commiserated the Alpha and his loss, but she didn't feel bad for him. No wolf should be felt bad for; not even herself.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Luka Iva - October 29, 2014

Luka had left his mother's side nearly two years ago. When the swarthy male turned one he ventured out looking for a pack. He traveling for almost a month before finding the Teekon wilds. The ardent wolf missed his mother from time to time, but the wolves he had met after leaving her side overshadowed his pain. Luka had made friends in these wilds that would last a life time. The ebony furred wolf had made memories that he would not soon forget.

The hazel female replied to Luka's inquires just enough not to peak too much interest. She was not vague with her responses but the she wolf wasn't exactly vivid in her replies. Luka respected that some wolves had things they didn't want to reveal to strangers. The inky male did not take her lack of exposure personally.

"Do you like the wolves here? Any ones that i need to look out for?" Luka chuckled in a warm manner before adding one more question. "Do you have a mate?"

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Falwasi - October 29, 2014

Luka asked her two questions that although she wasn't too sure of the answer, she was pleased the conversation continued to revolve around the Creek, and not her. Falwasi had a rough idea of who to befriend, and who to stay away from. "Well, I have made good friends with some of the Creek wolves, including Dovev." She replied. The ivory male was still recovering from his bear injury, but she was sure it wouldn't be much longer until he was in full health. Food had been sparce lately, a menacing factor for the oncoming season.

"The Plateau wolves are friendly," The long legged wolf added, remembering her enjoyable interaction with Taltos. "I would stay away from the Sunspire and Bypass wolves, though." Her words darkened, contradicting the warm laughter coming from the male; she had had encounters with both the packs' own, and they were not heart-lifting ones. "The Creek's history with their Alphas is not a joyous one." Falwasi explained. Hopefully Luka was an intelligent wolf, and would listen to her warnings. If not, so be it.

His last question caught her by surprise. Falwasi waited a while before answering, brows furrowed. One day she was bound to have wrinkles stricken across her forehead. "No, I don't. It's not really one of my priorities." She answered obscurely. It was not one of her priorities now, or ever. No wolf had stolen her heart, yet, at least. She occasionally thought of one day having a mate, but a mate led to puppies... and her partner would have to beg her for some of those. Settling down was not her thing, and when that day should come, she would really have to love the wolf to submit to her fear.

"I presume you do not have one as you came looking for women, unless you are polyamorous." Falwasi offered, a slight smirk upon her features.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Luka Iva - October 29, 2014

Luka listened intently to the hazel wolf's advice, and warning. She spoke of a Dovev within the Creek. Luka made a mental note to try and become friends with this wolf. The female spoke of packs outside of the Creek noting the friendly ones and the ones to stay away from. Falwasi warned of internal troubles within the Creek and these two unfamiliar packs. The inky wolf would stay far away from the drama between the wolves. The last thing he needed was stress. It would add more white to his once pure ebony pelt. Luka simply nodded letting the female know he was listening to every word she uttered.

It was a peculiar thing to find out what other wolves put first in life. Luka was all about relationships. He relished in the feeling of having a personal connection with another wolf. There was not much that could give him that pure ecasty, except collecting herbs and practicing medicine. Luka did enjoy that just about as much as connecting with another living creature.

"Your observation is correct. I have no mate, but it is near the top of my list." Luka chuckled at the female's expression. She went from having her brow furrowed and her forehead crimped to having a mischievous smirk dance across her delicate face."I am working on my healer trade and then i think ill focus more on the fairer sex." Luka conveyed, opening up a little more to the female.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Falwasi - October 30, 2014

"Ahhh, you're a healer," Falwasi breathed, surprised by his trade. She had only known... women healers. "Well, I know we have one more healer here in the Creek, however I'm afraid I do not know her name." She said, thinking of the deeply hued female who had treated Dovev the day of the attack. The she-wolf seemed kind enough; shy, but kind.

Falwasi had had a conversation similar to this one with Taltos, her Plateau friend. "I'm seeking the role of a gamekeeper, and warrior." She explained, nodding as she did so for self-confirmation. The gamekeeper trade appealed to her, though the warrior trade not as much. But she was a warrior in her old pack, and she and her old pack mates would expect her to pursue it.

The lean female noted that having a mate was one of Luka's first concerns, and she wondered why. Why would any wolf that was young be in such a rush to find a mate? If you look for happiness, you'll never find it. Falwasi wanted to tell the male, but the words failed to come out of her mouth.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Luka Iva - October 30, 2014

Upon hearing that another healer was in the creek Luka became very happy. He finally had another wolf, besides his mother, that knew about healing and helping others. Luka's mother, Raven, was a healer in her birth pack before she left shortly after conceiving the ebony wolf. Raven had taught her son almost everything she knew before he turned one. The swarthy male was excited that another wolf could help him on his journey.

The warrior and warden trades were something that Luka would never pursue. He did not consider himself a great fighter, nor a very dominate wolf. He was friendly and loved helping other wolves. The inky wolf respected the female's choice in trades. Gamekeeper was a very important trade which took a lot of responsibility. Luka was sure the female could handle it. "Do you consider yourself a good fighter?" Luka inquired in a nonchalant way. He was curious, because if she was then he would try his best to keep on her good side.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Falwasi - October 30, 2014

The oil pelted wolf asked her another question that took her by surprise. Falwasi would have to get used to his startling inquiries. She looked at Luka, a genuine expression across her face, hinted with a cutthroat one, "I do what I have to do." The hunter said. It was true, she would fight when she had to fight, and when she did she would try with every last inch of her mind, body and soul to win. She wasn't emotional, or hormonal, but when provoked her feelings were hightened, and nothing would get in her way.

"Do you consider yourself a good healer?" Falwasi countered, her tone warmer than before. She tended to dim the mood, and she knew it wasn't appealing to other wolves, so she made an effort to lighten it. The independent she-wolf didn't like being medicated by other wolves, being a kind of hands-on girl herself, but were she to entrust a healer she would willingly allow herself to be treated.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Luka Iva - October 30, 2014

"I do what i have to." Powerful words, with many meanings. The male thought to himself. Everyone does what they have to, in their own mind. Whether there be a different path or not you still do what you believe you have to do in the end. Luka if he truly had to could fight, now would he be good at it? no. He would only fight if that was the final choice. Talking things out is always a better option, for both parties.

The ebony wolf was not one to toot his own horn, but he considered himself above average on the scale of healing knowledge. "I do what I have to, when I have to." Replied to the female, giving her the same answer she handed out.

RE: Last Ride of the Day - Falwasi - October 31, 2014

[size=x-small]Last post from me! Thanks for the thread :)[/size]

The she-wolf was starting to like Luka, forgetting about the beginning of their encounter. He was different to her, but it made conversation more interesting, as they had different views for different topics. The slender male carried an intelligent ambience, and Falwasi could not stand nothing more than talking to a daft creature.

Though it was not pitch black yet, the sun's opposer hung in the sky, nothing more than a starved crescent however Falwasi had seen it much thinner before. Ironically enough, she felt her stomach churn; on nothing. The graceful wolf would go hunt after their conversation was terminated, and though she would normally invite a fellow pack mate to join her, she would prefer to greedily take the moonlit hunt herself.

"On that note," She said, "I'd better get going." The earthen wolf waited for a few moments before turning away from Luka, seeing as she wasn't sitting down. She looked back at the slate male for a second and said: "It was nice meeting you." Her head returned to look ahead of her as she walked away, moonlight shining across her shadowed back.