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Ouroboros Spine Distance dancing - Printable Version

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RE: Distance dancing - Kausiut - February 11, 2023

Fishing and hunting sounded like work. Playing was meant for enjoyment. In Kausiut's mind these two things did not mix at all. Therefore the explanation of, what "fun" actually entailed was as obscure as it had been before. Well, she was not going to cry over a word she did not understand. There were plenty such and it might as well be so that they weren't that necessary to begin with.

"Voice," she pointed to the sky above them. "Hear?" she asked, wondering, if he too had a connection with spirits like all village wolves did one way or another.

RE: Distance dancing - Rodyn - February 11, 2023

Rodyn felt he had botched that, but he had tried and that was what mattered he liked to think. Fun though was hard to explain, it was just well something that you did that made you happy. Perhaps he should have been clearer with that than how he had tried to explain, but it was too late now.

He next question drew him pause. He had to think of what she meant, he thought he knew, but he certain. He shook his head.

I don't speak to the spirits, but i do ask them for help when I go hunting for our village.

RE: Distance dancing - Kausiut - February 15, 2023

Rodyn admitted not hearing the voices and Kausiut felt both envy and pity, for she would never find out, what it was like. Yes - she did not have access to them now, but the memory was there. And she knew that her gift had only been put behind doors - you could feel its presence through them and at any time either she could or would open them or the gift would burst through to take claim of her mind.

"Help?" she tilted her head to the side. That was an interesting concept. She had never asked anything of spirits. Quite the contrary - they had screamed demands at her.

RE: Distance dancing - Rodyn - February 15, 2023

Rodyn didn't hear the voices of the gods and the spirits and all that. However, he did know that Moonglow had a lot of spirit talkers in their midst and part of him wondered. IF that wasn't a burden at times. To have an otherworldly being making demands.....

He nodded. Moonwoman told me that before I kill I should ask Sedna to bless my hunt.

RE: Distance dancing - Kausiut - February 15, 2023

This was not entirely news to Kausiut, but having never been the first to take a life of a big kill, turning to Sedna for blessings was not something she did. Or thought much of. In her reality she had to be thankful to people, who shared food with her. That had more to do with their good will than that of an invisible god's.

"Bless?" she asked. Had that helped at all - perhaps - if it had, she could use it for her own selfish goals as well.

RE: Distance dancing - Rodyn - February 15, 2023

Rodyn hadn't known much about that stuff until he came here. Now he tried to at least acknowledge the beliefs he was a part of. Especially for Samani's and Moonwoman's sake.

Yes they did. I was very fortunate when hunting. he smiled at her and thought on his journey for his bride price. His teeth almost always struck true and he had brought home more than he had planned, making Moonglow rich in a way.

RE: Distance dancing - Kausiut - February 17, 2023

"Always?" Kausiut asked with a hint of a grin in her voice. If it had been one time occasion, or maybe the proportion of wins and losses was equal, Sedna or any other spirit had not done their magic. Even among Walrus Hunters, who had a very pragmatic approach to the realities of life as well as spiritual life (meaning that they did not stick to the traditions much, when the tide was not favourable to them), she had found it odd to thank gods for something that they themselves had achieved. Killing a walrus took skill, strengthy and knowledge - luck was the only part that the gods were responsible for.

RE: Distance dancing - Rodyn - February 17, 2023

Rodyn chuckled and met her gaze with a small boyish grin. They allowed my fangs to strike true almost every game I went for, but without the skill I have that may not have been the case.

Rodyn knew that most of his kills were due to skill, life of learning, and luck. He had the skill and the learning, where the luck came from. Well perhaps that was the gods and he was fine with attributing that to them. And if it made Kukutux and Samani and whomever else feel better to thank gods for what he had killed and earned. He was fine with that, and he had to admit it was nice to sometimes say that small prayer, it felt like it made everything better. But then again. Hunting to Rodyn was a form of worship. It was sacred. He loved it.

RE: Distance dancing - Kausiut - February 23, 2023

It turned out that you needed both. Talent and luck graced by gods. Looking at him Kausiut thought that the divine beings to, whom he turned to, had had a very weird sense of humor, when they had created her. A mute cripple with a "gift" of hearing voices, but being completely unable to convey, what they told her. She did not envy Samani for all she had been given in life, but it did not change the very obvious fact that her sister had been made of the best stuff and Kausiut had been patched up from, whatever had been left.

She had not decided of, whether she believed in gods herself. From what she had learned, faith had more of a transactional nature, it had less to do with the spiritual element. If you believed that you may get something practical out of the divine - then you believed them. In her case nothing in her life had been easy and therefore she had yet to find proof that the gods and religion in general was any good for her.

"Believe?" she asked after a long silence, pointing up to the sky. "Real?"

RE: Distance dancing - Rodyn - February 23, 2023

Rodyn had difficult with gods in general. Not that he didn't believe in them, but that he had a lot of questions for them. Some of the most prominent being why such terrible things happened to some wolves. That bothered him to a large degree.

Rodyn didn't compare the two sisters. Because there was no comparison. They both had good things to them, and he was sure bad too. However, he hadn't seen either one with any terrible flaws.

There was a beat of silence, as he thought of how to answer. I'm not sure. I'd like to, but I didn't believe before here. Not really. My mother spoke to me of them, of different ones, but I was no devout.

RE: Distance dancing - Kausiut - March 04, 2023

"Other?" Kausiut asked, wondering, if there were more gods than she was familiar of. Truth to be told, she did not know all the details of Moonglow's religion and most of the times she had followed the rituals by watching others and in order to fit in, not that she understood or gave any value to, what was said or sacrificed.

"Names?" did those gods have names too. Funny question, when she could not recall the names of gods here. She was not good of recalling words of things or entities that she had not seen herself before.

RE: Distance dancing - Rodyn - March 05, 2023

He nodded. yes many religions are out there. Many packs even single wolves have gods they believe in. My mother was no exception.

he had not paid very good attention in those lessons. Rather being out hunting and playing. He regretted it slightly, only because he really had nothing to share of his home with any future children he had. Which was alright, but they wouldn't know that other half of their bloodline.

I don't remember. he looked down sheepishly. I wasn't a very good listener.

RE: Distance dancing - Kausiut - March 09, 2023

Rodyn admitted that his relationship to the spiritual world was superficial. He took, what he thought was useful or what he liked and he did not bother about the rest. Kind of like Walrus Hunters would do. Kau decided that this was another thing she liked about the man. He believed in life unburdened by gods. He lived it and was fine.

"Kau," she pointed to herself. "No. Good," saying that gods had never given her any favours. But it could also be translated that she was not good at knowing the names either. Both facts were true.

RE: Distance dancing - Rodyn - March 09, 2023

Rodyn sometimes wished he was more in tune with the teachings of many. It seemed nice to have something to believe in, to blame when something went wrong even. Though he'd never admit that aloud. No, perhaps it was better this way. This way he knew when something went wrong it was his fault and also his responsibility to do fix it or make amends for it. Kept him humble.

He smiled at her and dipped his head. Then he looked around. I'm gonna go do some hunting. Do you want me to bring anything back for you?

RE: Distance dancing - Kausiut - March 11, 2023

Rodyn appeared to Kau as having grown tired of their conversation, which was a relief to her as well. Carrying as long as they had already made Kau struggle and she happily accepted the end.

She nodded in agreement - never the one to say no to free food. Then she dipped her muzzle as a sign both of acknowledgment and a goodbye. Turned and hobbled back to her den.