Wolf RPG
The Grey - Printable Version

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The Grey - Luka Iva - October 01, 2013

Joining a newly formed pack was a risk. Most of the time other wolves would see a new pack as a weakness, they didn't know each other like year old packs did. Luka didn't sense that with this pack, it was strong. He was proud to be apart of this pack. This caused a little more confidence in him than needed.

Luka was strutting around the new territory when he came across a dead hare. It looked as though it died from natural causes. No animals scent was around it. Luka bent down and slowly started to eat the hare. He hadn't ate for a couple of days and even though the hare wasn't fresh it tasted good on his hungry lips. After finishing the hare he laid down on the ground, basking in the sunlight.

RE: The Grey - Scimitar - October 03, 2013

It was quiet here -- something he hadn't necessarily expected on a mountain. He had seen very little of Muirrin since her agreement to let him stay and help her form a pack, though her scent was strong upon the borders. She was around, and likely busy.. a thought that pleased him. She had seemed forthcoming, honest and confidant. He expected great things from Tuathe Dé.

Of course, there were others now, and in turn, the cinnamon male felt it his duty of sorts to find them and become acquainted. If he was going to give an honest trial of letting this place become his home, he would need to begin forming some roots.

The day was beautiful -- a light chill in the air swept past, reminding him the changing of seasons would happen soon. With the breeze lingered the fresher scent of another, decidedly male, and without hesitation, Schimitar prowled forward, his stance held neutral as he tracked down his fellow pack mate. The wolf was found within moments, sunning his ebony fur. Uttering a low 'wuff' to announce his presence, the cinnamon wolf began to close the distance between the two, his aqua eyes stoical as they regarded the other.

RE: The Grey - Luka Iva - October 03, 2013

Luka being lost in his own thoughts and the warmth of the sunlight didn't notice the wolf that approached him. Luckily the wolf barked and that snapped Luka out of his day dream. Luka rose and looked at the wolf, by the smell of him he was a pack mate so Luka relaxed. The wolf eyes were stunning, it captivated Luka for a moment and then he regained his senses again. 

The wolf was a lot larger than him on the muscle front, he feared the wolf's intentions. He decided to take the respect route."Hello, I am Luka and you are?" Luka bowed as he said this. He hadn't met this wolf before and fearing that he was a high rank Luka showed him respect. "I am sorry I don't have food left, if that's what you came for. I can hunt for you though if need be." 

RE: The Grey - Scimitar - November 08, 2013

Scimitar's eyes roved over the swarthy form of the stranger ̶ the male rose to meet him, and quick inspection told the tawny wolf that the two were not far apart in age. HIs tail swept behind him like a proud banner, though his stance was more or less neutral. He held no true rank in this pack yet, and given his new companion's own posture, he could only assume Muirrin had only recently accepted him as well. Tuatha De, after all, was a newly formed pack.

HIs muzzle bent down in a quiet greeting before levelling. Blinking his aqua eyes as the wolf introduced himself as Luka, Scimitar was about to give his own name in turn when the other offered to hunt for him, believing he had approached him for a meal. Blinking, there was a pregnant pause in the air -- Scimitar felt his lips twitch with a smirk at the thought of another offering to hunt for him, though suppressed the laugh that tempted to rise from his chest. "That's quite alright. I can manage to find a meal for myself.." There was a small pause of silence as a crooked grin came to his ivory muzzle then, hoping his pack mate did not take his words as sarcasm. "I am Scimitar."

RE: The Grey - Luka Iva - November 11, 2013

Luka gazed at the male and his pelt made of splashed of colors. Luka watched as a smile raged across his face after Luka had offered to hunt for him. Whatever feeling of tense-ness Luka had, had before was gone. He let himself also fall into a smile, with his tail wagging.  Luka after hearing his response slightly dipped his head in understanding. The male then again stopped smiling but resumed after mentioning his name. "Good to meet you Scimitar." He pronounced, trying to sound informal. Luka wanting to start some type of conversation with his pack mate made a poor attempt at small talk. "So uh, how are you liking it around here?"  

RE: The Grey - Scimitar - November 11, 2013

"You as well," he rumbled in reply, keeping his stance relaxed as his gaze drifted past the swarthy frame of the other and to the view around them. Muirrin, despite her quiet presence, had picked them a beautiful home, and the agouti wolf at least felt comforted by that. Despite not knowing the wolves he called pack mates.

His ears flickered forward at the question brought on by his new companion, and Scimitar's aqua eyes flickered over to the one dubbed Luka briefly. "It's nice," he started, knowing the hesitance in hs own voice could not be missed. "But I'd like to know my pack mates better," he admitted shortly after, his broad shoulders lifting in a small shrug to follow.

RE: The Grey - Luka Iva - November 11, 2013

Luka carefully observed the males action. He noticed his large frame and outstanding eyes. Luka thought his eyes were note worthy but this males were something different. Luka noticed the males almost confident swagger. He could tell he was going to rise to the top. The dominance oozed out of him. 

The only thing that made Luka doubt the males composer was his hesitancy in answering the question about his happiness in the pack. Luka kept his face emotionless and just watched the male as he finished his answer. Luka was relieved that the healthy male felt the same way as him. "I feel the same. The pack seems to not be here anymore. I have barely seen any other of our brothers and sisters around." Luka admitted. 

RE: The Grey - Scimitar - November 22, 2013

His eyes studied the male for a partial second before shifting his tawny weight, his ivory tipped muzzle ending down to his cinnamon shoulder before his teeth nibbled at an itch present. Soothed by this, one ear flickered in the direction of the voice of his companion before giving a derisive snort in sardonic agreement. He had enjoyed Muirrin’s company upon their first meeting.. and yet he had seen very little of her since.

“Well you have one brother still here,” he reassured with a swaggered smirk, knowing the cheesy line held true sentiment and yet still feeling almost ridiculous stating it. “Perhaps the pack will thrive and winter will not be so harsh on us,” he murmured lowly, his shoulders then lifting in a shrug as he settled back to his haunches.

RE: The Grey - Luka Iva - November 22, 2013

Luka like to watch Scimitar. Luka himself was never one to omit signals of dominance or bravery or swagger like most males he encountered did. Luka was more of a fox than a wolf, while they matched each other in height Luka was the obvious lanky one. His coloring also played into Luka's curiosity. Luka's pelt was one color while the bear of a males one was multi colored. His fur danced in the sunlight as the different colors leaped off his pelt and onto the world around him. Luka was proud to know such a wolf.

Luka couldn't help but laugh as Scimitar proclaimed his brotherhood to Luka with a smirk that would make even the coldest snow melt. "I have no doubt we will have each other backs thought everything, brother." While the males shared no blood together something else drew him to Scimitar. Luka felt as though they could protect each other. Luka with his knowledge in sickness and wounds would sure save his brother from any wounds he supported from a fight, that surely Scimitar would come out on top of. Luka was confident that the pack would survive. As long as they were around nothing would conquer Trutha Dé! "The winter is but afraid of us brother, I mean look at us. I am the scariest wolf here." Luka countered adding sarcasm in the statement. 

RE: The Grey - Scimitar - December 12, 2013

ooc. Want to reply with a fade of them going? Would love to wrap this up.. and maybe thread again in the near future! Have sent you a PM. <3

It was perhaps the only bond he had forged thus far in to his journey from his birth pack, and yet he was glad to at least have one amicable companion his new home. Tuatha De was proving to be disappointing thus far, and while he did not hold sway on his first impression that Muirrin could bring the pack much greatness, he was unsure if the place could ever become home.

A small smirk edged upon his lips as the swarthy male spoke, his aqua eyes gleaming as they regarded the male. Luka might have held nothing but sardonic intent with his words, but Scimitar believed the male could be a truly worthy adversary. "Let's put your scary prowess to a hunt?" The least the two males could do was provide to their pack, even if it was far too silent. "The pack cache will be well stored if we have any say of it." Without truly waiting for a response, the cinnamon male rose, his creamy paws beginning to lope in what could be a promising direction. Luka had nabbed himself a hare earlier, but Scimitar had a far more ambitious catch on his mind if they could find a weak enough victim.

RE: The Grey - Luka Iva - December 12, 2013

Luka doubted if Trutha Dé would last. He didn't feel that spark of excitement when thinking about it. Luka was certain about his bond that was forged with Scimitar. Where ever this world would push them they would go, at least for now, together. As far as Luka was concerned. willows don't belong in the mountians.

Luka couldn't help but smile when Scimitar asked him to hunt. While he had just recently hunted a hare, Luka was ready for more. Luka nodded as Scimitar started jogging away. Luka quickly rose form his position and trotted off after the male.