Wolf RPG
Barking Up the Wrong Tree - Printable Version

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Barking Up the Wrong Tree - Meeka - October 24, 2014

Her ongoing search for her missing parents had led Meeka deep into the forboding woods. Little did she know the danger she had put herself in by ignoring that pee soaked tree stump, not realizing it was a sign post with a message to intruders: stay out! The lost girl was ignorant to many laws of the wild. This was just one of the many hard lessons she'd have to learn if she was to survive in this harsh world.

Her grumbling tummy persuaded her to put her search on hold and find something to eat instead. Having been cared for her entire life up to this point, she had limited hunting experience. Meeka loved chasing squirrels in the park. She'd even managed to catch a few, to the dismay of her parents. But the squirrels living in the park were fat and slow after years of eating human handouts. These wild squirrels were quick witted and even quicker on the move. They easily evaded the wolfdog's attempts at catching them. Meeka was ready to give up and munch on some grass.

One of the bolder squirrels remained on the ground, scouring the leaf litter for nuts. Meeka crept up on him slowly. "Hey there, little guy," she said in a sugary sweet voice. "I'm not gonna hurtcha, I just want to play." The squirrel remained still and kept his beady black eyes on Meeka as he stuffed an acorn into his mouth. She inched closer, trying to close the gap between them as much as she could without scaring it up a tree. "Just a little more..."

The squirrel decided this was too close for comfort and made a dash for the closest tree. Meeka lunged forward, catching up with her prey just as it started climbing the trunk. She stood up on her hind legs and seized the tip of it's bushy red tail in her teeth. "Gotcha!" She growled triumphantly. But her victory was short lived, as the end of the tail broke off allowing the critter to scamper up the trunk to the safety of the branches above. Meeka was left with a little tuft of fur in her mouth.

She spat the fur out as the squirrel chattered noisily, as if cursing her for taking a piece of his tail. The wolfdog glared up at him. "I'll get you next time," she threatened as she let herself fall back on all fours. As her front paws touched the ground her collar was pulled tightly against her throat, choking her. In her haste to catch the squirrel, Meeka had somehow managed to get her collar caught on a branch. She pulled and thrashed around, trying to dislodge herself, but no good. "Help! Anyone?" She managed to yelp as she struggled for breath. Cold fear crept up her spine as she realized there might not be anyone nearby to come to her rescue.

RE: Barking Up the Wrong Tree - Meldresi - October 26, 2014

Meldresi's head rose from the undergrowth, herbs in her jaws, ears pricked to listen to the cries of help emanating from the woods. Not outside of the borders, but in the dark forest itself. And it was not a voice she recognized.

Creating a shallow crevice in the dirt and tossing her herbs in, Meldresi went towards the voice, staying in the shadows cautiously. There was no real need for it, for the owner of the voice was a dog. A half breed, on further inspection, though it was hard to tell that.

Parting from the shadows, the priestess held her tail high, eyeing the wolf-dog with a mixture of disdain, aggression, and indignacy. "Why should I help anyone who has trespassed on my territory?" She spoke gently, but the growl in her voice was largely evident. The priestess had half a mind to call Bane and Slade to rip this fool to pieces.

RE: Barking Up the Wrong Tree - Bane - October 26, 2014

Aaaah! I wanted to join this one too, but I had no time this week :P
I hope you don't mind me.

But there was no need to call for him, Bane heard the hybrid's cries from a long distance, and he wasn't pleased by them either. As soon as the sound reached his ears he left his current duty and rushed through the dark woods to attend the more important matter, an intrusion was something that wouldn't end up well. Who would be so damn stupid to cross a pack's borders? Specially theirs?

Meldresi was already there, and the silver male felt somewhat ashamed of not having arrived first, his duty was of a protector, of a defender of the land, but the Alpha had gotten there first. Bane halted to a stop a couple meters away from the intruder, displaying his shiny fangs in a not so happy smile. Who the hell is this? He growled. The creature was way smaller than both of them, a wolf dog bearing a year at most. Don't you see these are claimed lands? Do you want to die today!? he growled again, this time raising his tone to the point of almost screaming towards the end of the sentence. Speech

RE: Barking Up the Wrong Tree - Meeka - October 26, 2014

Meeka continued to tug and pull at her collar, but it was tangled up good. The only way she'd be getting out of this was if someone used their teeth to chew through the collar. She wondered if she could convince the squirrels to help her out.

The sounds of approaching paws reached her ears and Meeka twisted her neck to see a black wolf standing before her. Meeka started to wag her tail in greeting, but stopped when the she-wolf addressed her in a soft, but angry voice. Her relief quickly turned to fear as she realized this wild canine had no intentions of helping her out. Her fear only intensified as another wolf came onto the seen, a silver male who seemed even angrier than the first wolf. Meeka slunk back as far as she could, tail curled between her legs. She let out a yelp as the silver wolf threatened her, with gleaming fangs bared.

"I'm sorry! I don't know where I am, I'm lost," she cried, hoping to garner a little sympathy from the wolves. Her ice blue eyes darted from one to the other. Neither looked very sorry for her. "Please don't hurt me," she pleaded. "Just get me unstuck and I promise you'll never see me again."

RE: Barking Up the Wrong Tree - Meldresi - October 27, 2014

Keith came soon after Meldresi arrived, silver eyes blazing hot white in anger. She brushed past him, running her muzzle against him in a brief attempt to sooth him before striding over to the tangled wolfdog. For a brief moment, Meldresi considered blackmail to get this female into her pack. But the priestess reconsidered it the moment she got a better waft of smell. This was a pet. A dog, slave to the Others. She may have a wolf's blood, but she did not have a wolf's intutition, a wolf's instincts. Like not trespassing for example. Meldresi's pack may have been small, but five was more than one.

The priestess snapped by the wolfdog's collar, purposefully aiming more towards her chest to rip a bit at fur and flesh as well as the collar before pulling back and breaking the collar.

RE: Barking Up the Wrong Tree - Bane - October 30, 2014

Sorry for being so damn late, my life went crazy this week :P
Sorry if this sucks a bit...

The silver warden had never in his life seen such a pathetic display of weakness from another wolf. He had seen weak and pathetic others before, but this was just pitiful. The intruder was a young wolfdog who was disoriented, confused, and to top it off, in the wrong place, and Bane was just pissed off.

Luckily for her, Meldresi stopped Bane from taking any further aggressive action towards her. She brush pasted him, lowering the voltage, and he, baffled by her attractive perfume, backed down a few steps. He walked besides Meldresi, and when she released the intruder from her lash, Bane was on the other side, cornering her with the dark priestess.

So... what should we do with this one? the savage growled, asking the priestess. He shot a quick glance at his leader, smiling maliciously, and hoping she would understand what he was trying to do.

RE: Barking Up the Wrong Tree - Meeka - October 31, 2014

Meeka watched wide-eyed as the black female drew closer. The frightened girl stared into the wolf's eyes, noticing the malicious gleam. The wolf's toothy maw coming for her was last thing she saw before she shut her eyes tight.

She let out a shrill yelp as fangs bit into her flesh, tearing her collar away, and a few lumps of fur along with it. Meeka sank to the ground, coughing. She wanted to flee, but the silver male moved to trap her between the two wolves. There was no where to run.

RE: Barking Up the Wrong Tree - Meldresi - November 01, 2014

Bane circled to the other side of the wolfdog, cornering the whimpering mess. Meldresi tossed the snapped collar aside, staring at the black and white canine coldly. Bane growled maliciously, eyes gleaming with a sadistic urge. Meldresi paused for a moment, pondering the girl's fate.

"Chase her off. But do not leave her unscathed." she had no desire to kill anyone, but she did not want this hybrid to go off unpunished.

RE: Barking Up the Wrong Tree - Bane - November 02, 2014

And thus, the fun begun. The little cur was a mess indeed, but there was no place for pity in the silver northerner's heart. He shot an evil snarl-y laugh, and slowly placed his forepaws one in front of the other, closing up his distance with the wolfdog, and suddenly, he jumped forward with his jaws wide open. The chase begun. He rushed after the hybrid with the momentum of a buffalo. Long strides of his strong limbs propelled him forward after the intruder. He kept a distance, to give the poor child a chance to successfully get out of the dark forest, but he kept adding pressure with aggressive snarls and loud barks.

RE: Barking Up the Wrong Tree - Meeka - November 30, 2014

omg, I'm so sorry, I forgot all about this ><

The dark wolf commanded her subordinate to chase the lost girl off, an order with which he happily complied. The frightened wolf-mix remained on the ground, paralyzed by fear, as the brute advanced on her, a wicked smile revealing his glinting fangs. She knew she needed to get out of here, but her legs refused to work.

The wolf was almost upon her when Meeka's survival instincts finally kicked in, and she sprang to her feet. Jumping aside, she dodged his fangs and let him rush past her. Then, she started running back in the direction from which she had come, never daring to look behind her.

She ran until she cleared the forest, but even then she didn't slow down. She would not rest until Blackfeather Woods and it's wolves were far behind her.

RE: Barking Up the Wrong Tree - Meldresi - December 02, 2014

Last post from me. (It's ok)

With her orders being swiftly followed, the priestess returned to the shadows. She was certain that Keith would chase her out of her territory, but it was the not killing part she was uncertain about. He could go a little overboard with the 'unscathed' part. But nonetheless, Meldresi left it alone. What mattered was that there was no ignorant intruder on her land anymore, dead or alive.

RE: Barking Up the Wrong Tree - Bane - December 11, 2014

I'm gonna go ahead and archive this one... Sorry for the delay :P

Faster he rushed behind the hybrid through the shadows. He had orders, orders he couldn't disregard, and he was happy to follow them. A white beast the Northerner was, sprinting behind a tiny, not to mention pitiful, dead girl.

But she was fast too. It was starting to get hard for the man to follow her pace as she, propelled by the infallible blast of adrenaline, absconded the man's snaps. She was determined to get out of the forest alive, something that was directly against the pale warden's orders, well... Kind of... So he just chased her out, racing before her until her shadow dissipated in the distance, away from the dark reign.