Wolf RPG
why were you digging, what did you bury? - Printable Version

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why were you digging, what did you bury? - Caiaphas - October 23, 2014

AW but @Larus and @Kevlyn should totally join... and do some playtime!! this is set within the cavern caiaphas lives/hangs in.. but AW, as the cavern is huge and im pretending we do rituals here ok

The angular wretch sat hulking over a burdened carapace, her canny little gaze resting wholly on the small tide of profferings for Mother Moon. The carapace was upturned and punctuated with all assortment of sharp bones, droves of rotted and dessicated kelp, pungent gulfweed liquified. Swollen yellow pods threatening to spill. The split form of iridescent oyster shell boasting effulgence in its sleek gleam.

Besides her the gurgling breath of the ocean lapped in the small circular pool in which the depths were astounding and fathomless to anything not in the pelagic order.

A frown riddled her countenance as she considered the items surrendered in the name of appeasement. She considered the tribute contemptible in breadth, but the scarce assortment was all the many wolves of the Sound had to offer. Stealthily she stole a look behind her in the direction of the small cavern that the two puppies oft resided in and contemplated for a moment sacrificing them in the name of their gods.
"how does a man decide in what order to abandon his life?"


RE: why were you digging, what did you bury? - Kevlyn - October 24, 2014

Much had happened in those first days since he was left on the beach under the supervision of the consorts. He was presented to Aktaie, the matriatch of the siren colony; he met with a male named Greyjoy, who told him he was brought to the cove to fulfil a great purpose; and he was moved from beach to cavern. Had he been older, Kevlyn would have realized they were no longer inside the pack's proper territory, but for now he knew no better.

There was another boy here, older and larger. So far the two had remained separate, if not by physical barriers then by the mental barriers of age and insecurity. Perhaps Larus wondered where Kevlyn came from, but Kevlyn wondered nothing about Larus except whether he would be as easy to beat for attention as Charon sometimes was. He instinctually concluded that it was unlikely and kept his distance.

It was yet another day of being captive to the sirens, but for Kevlyn it was much more. Today was the day he would ask Caiaphas to take him home. He was already creeping toward her with his body slung low and his ears back, much like he always approached Julooke in search of attention. His snout was lifted and lips simpered in an appeasing, subordinate expression. He couldn't say much yet, so presently he was quiey, though his manner might beckon her attention nonetheless.

RE: why were you digging, what did you bury? - Caiaphas - October 29, 2014

Sharply, the waif contorted her body and her spine arched as she turned about. Her gaze fell on the forlornly grey pup, whose expression seemed somewhat appeasing -- lowering her body, she inched towards him in a mimicry of his own actions.

However unlike Kevlyn, Caiaphas was not being endearing. She sat on her ragged elbows abruptly, her haunches folded and her hocks flat on the cold stone. A sidelong glance in Kevlyn's direction suggested Caiaphas was up to no good -- and true to nature the wretch lifted one ungainly and boorishly large front paw towards Kevlyn in the hopes to (almost) playfully bop him on his pitiful skull.
"how does a man decide in what order to abandon his life?"

RE: why were you digging, what did you bury? - Kevlyn - November 03, 2014

When Caiaphas noticed him, Kevlyn opened his mouth, but paused when he couldn't find the words to say... or, more appropriately, didn't really know them. How could one ask to be brought home when they didn't really know the word for home? He only knew words for his parents, for his simplistic feelings, and his siblings. He decided he would give the name of his twin, Levi, but before he could manage to get it out, Caiaphas reached out and tapped him none-too-gently on the head.

"Hey!" Kevlyn shouted, one of the few things he could say flawlessly. His ears shot up into indignant peaks atop his head as he frowned at her, waiting for some sort of apology. That was the right thing to do, wasn't it? Kev had always been taught to apologize for naughty behaviour, so it only made sense to the good little Ostrega boy that one would apologize for doing something terrible to him.

RE: why were you digging, what did you bury? - Caiaphas - November 04, 2014

For a moment Caiaphas' broad paw hung precariously above Kevlyn's skull like a poised guillotine -- she paused as he struggled to form words and when none came she delivered the rap with unbalanced giggling.

His expression was too precious for ridicule -- the manner in which his ears flew forward in affront and his little voice cried out in indignation tickled Caiaphas -- and with a snort she threw herself upon him, bringing her head down to his chest to practically bury her forehead in his paunchy and fluffy gut.

Naturally, given she was much bigger she would probably bulldoze him -- and hopefully Kevlyn was not expecting an apology for that either.
"how does a man decide in what order to abandon his life?"

RE: why were you digging, what did you bury? - Kevlyn - November 05, 2014

The toddler almost made it to his feet before his crafty kidnapper shoved him over, her slanting brow finding its way to his stomach before he could even blink. A shocked growl passed through his parted lips as she bowled him over, and given he was a fat kid, he could only kick pitifully while failing to right himself.

"No fair!" he squealed breathlessly. He screwed his face up into a fierce scowl—his coat wasn't going to be clean anymore!—and rocked himself wildly. His stomach tilted side to side until finally, he managed to get his short legs under himself again. He shook his head, sending his large ears flopping, and rounded on Caiaphas... but there was a distinctly playful shine in his large, blue eyes. He couldn't help himself, even if he wanted nothing more than to tell her to bring him home.

RE: why were you digging, what did you bury? - Caiaphas - November 05, 2014

Not surprisingly, Kevlyn flailed under her -- and as Caiaphas withdrew her head his limbs grazed her cheek. The struggle he valiantly put forth to right himself was laudable, if not laughable, and with a mirthful snigger Caiaphas slid into the sand upon her needle-thin elbows.

She did not miss the dark scowl that consumed his features -- and had he rounded upon her without the mischievous glint to his gaze Caiaphas would have been taken aback by it. As he closed the distance Caiaphas choked and with a gurgling croak she fell to the ground in a flourish, playing dead as he stepped about her.

"how does a man decide in what order to abandon his life?"

RE: why were you digging, what did you bury? - Kevlyn - November 06, 2014

Kevlyn gave so much warning of what he planned to do that it was no surprise Caiaphas predicted it and played dead. He pranced over to her, lifting a large paw to clumsily bat her back, but he paused in the act when she gurgled. The boy stood there frozen, one paw held aloft and the others teetering dangerously beneath him, waiting for an indication that Caiaphas hadn't just died for real.

None came. The coywolf was much too crafty for Kevlyn. With an uncertain sound in his throat, he crept closer, reaching out a paw and laying it across her snout. His eyes were wide and curious, his original intent to make her take him home forgotten. He gave a hard shove with the paw that was touching her in an attempt to rouse her.

RE: why were you digging, what did you bury? - Caiaphas - November 14, 2014

Playing dead was an awfully hard masquerade, but Caiaphas was committed -- it took every ounce of her self-restraint and composure not to giggle wildly when out of the corner of one slyly slitted eye she witnessed Kevlyn's sudden concern.

When he announced his uncertainty by a small gurgle Caiaphas felt the boom of laughter threatening to betray her act; with a gulp she remained on the ground, inert and presumably dead. She made no motion even as he prodded her -- if anything, his hard shoves bound her further into her commitment to make him convinced she had indeed died right then and there from his cuteness.

"how does a man decide in what order to abandon his life?"

RE: why were you digging, what did you bury? - Kevlyn - December 12, 2014

A better sleuth might have caught the subtle signs that Caiaphas was breaking, but Kevlyn was far too dense and too little to see them. To him, she was unmoving, flawless in her acting. She could be nominated for an award, for surely no one played dead better than she. It was a shame for poor Kevlyn, though, who truly believed she was gone.

And so he started up with a high, piercing wail and doubled his efforts by shoving harder and even attempting to clamber onto her shoulders like when he'd been kidnapped. Caiaphas was not only Kevlyn's only link to home, but also his only link to Ankyra Sound. It seemed whether he looked forward or backward, these parts of his life were unreachable in her absence. She couldn't die, not without first setting Kevlyn on one or the other path.

RE: why were you digging, what did you bury? - Caiaphas - December 12, 2014

LMAO poor kev. i know this is outdated, sorry! do you wanna wrap up?

Caiaphas could keep her ruse no longer -- as Kevlyn's piercing cries resonated between them her ears flew back to her narrow skull and she sat upright quite abruptly, thoroughly disheveled as if she had indeed just risen from all-consuming death.

She blinked slowly, turning her wide and owlish gaze to Kevlyn, whose wailing protest was most offensive to her sensitive ears. Without warning she delivered a playful nip in his direction and took off, tearing wildly towards the direction of the open strand.

RE: why were you digging, what did you bury? - Kevlyn - December 13, 2014

Yeah! You can fade in a final post or I can edit this to conclude it, your choice!

Kevlyn nearly fainted from relief when Caiaphas rose like some earthbound spectre and blinked down at him. He reeled, managing to keep a shaky grip on his consciousness though blood was quickly rushing to his head. Spots swam in front of his eyes as his heart raced to catch up with his brain.

No sooner than he recovered did Caiaphas aim her pinching jaws at him and leap away, resembling a coyote far more than a wolf. She was off like a shot and Kevlyn, enticed by the promise of play, tore after her. There was no hope of him catching her—maybe he was the butt of the joke after all—but he threw all his effort into his pursuit anyway. He could always hope she would slow down and allow him to win.

RE: why were you digging, what did you bury? - Caiaphas - January 01, 2015

Once they reached the open shore she threw herself into a headlong gallop - spurning sand behind her in violent spumes. It took several strides before she realized her burst of speed (average, perhaps, for a wolf) had left Kevlyn far behind -- and merciless, she threw out a cackle.

It would not be long before Kevlyn reached an age where he would be able to overtake her -- and she had to cherish what little she could win in the interim. The two of them romped on the sand until both their energies were spent and the long night loomed darkly overhead.