Wolf RPG
Redsand Canyon I’ll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? - Printable Version

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I’ll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? - Atreus - February 08, 2023

Not only didn’t he stop at Kvarsheim, Atreus went well out of his way to avoid Stone Circle as he made his way back to Mereo. The journey back took quite a bit longer, especially since he kept getting distracted and wandering off in random directions before correcting his course.

He didn’t understand himself. Atreus liked Inkeri, so why was he avoiding her? Every time he pictured her in his mind, his heart felt like it beat twice as hard. He tried not to think about her and focus on the the task at hand instead, though he was not necessarily very successful.

He arrived at the canyon and made his way toward the living quarters at the south end, keeping his eyes peeled for @Germanicus. Whatever else was going on with him, he had a ton of information to report to his leader.

RE: I’ll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? - Killdeer - February 08, 2023

Killdeer was no gossip, and he certainly didn't mean to intercept any intel-spilling plans. That being said, when the young man he'd hunted with returned to the canyon, he was close enough to heed the call, and came within hearing distance—

Well, he wasn't going to listen like some ghoul, unseen, on the periphery.

He gave a friendly chuff to his fellow soldier and then lingered, patrolling idly nearby. If he were to catch bits and pieces, well, so be it.

Maybe it would help him be a better ambassador.

please skip if unacknowledged!

RE: I’ll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? - Atreus - February 10, 2023

A swarthy figure approached, though it wasn’t the Imperator. Atreus halted and woofed back to Killdeer, thinking momentarily on their recent hunt with Germanicus.

Hey, have you seen the Imperator, by any chance? he asked the Tessarius. I have some information for him about the three packs directly east of us.

RE: I’ll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? - Killdeer - February 11, 2023

He shook his head. Not in the last day or so, he admitted, feeling unhelpful. His auds perked at the potential news, though, and he did his best to hide his intrigue from the younger wolf. 

Until his facade cracked. Damn it.

What's up? Killdeer asked, feigning nonchalance. We can look for him together, I guess. Where'd you go?

His nostrils flared slightly, trying to catch any whiff of the Imperator on the wind.

RE: I’ll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? - Atreus - February 13, 2023

His fellow soldier reported that he hadn’t seen Germanicus in more than a day, which meant he probably wasn’t anywhere close by. Atreus decided he would howl for him directly, though Killdeer sidetracked him with a question.

I went to Swiftcurrent Creek, Kvarsheim and Riverclan, he replied, then halted.

He threw back his head and called for @Germanicus, luring the leader with news of intelligence gathered on the neighboring packs. Once the call had been issued, his eyes dropped back to his comrade.

I hope he hears me and comes. I want to tell him everything while it’s still fresh, he thought aloud.

RE: I’ll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? - Germanicus - February 13, 2023

valiria spoke of leaving.

germanicus was undone by this.

it was a cold man who came to killdeer and to atreus, a man who meant to leave upon patrol once more as soon as he was able. needles of pine beyond the borders hung in his fur.

"signifer. tesserarius," he greeted by title, first icarus and then killdeer.

"give me your report," he said to the former, standing tall to receive it.

RE: I’ll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? - Killdeer - February 16, 2023

Killdeer nodded, standing back as soon as Atreus howled his intention. It wasn't his business.

And yet. . .well, fuck, he was the son of the Imperatrix, right? He deserved to be here.

Nah, he held firm until Germanicus came, and then stood to observe the conversation, dipping his head in submission to their leader.

But he'd remain.

Watching. Listening.

RE: I’ll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? - Atreus - February 16, 2023

Fortunately, his efforts were rewarded with an audience. Atreus dipped his head in greeting to the Imperator, focusing entirely on Germanicus as he shuffled through his mental note cards.

There are three packs east of Mereo. There’s Swiftcurrent Creek a bit to the north, then Kvarsheim and Riverclan further east, Atreus said, wondering if Germanicus already knew any of this. I visited each of them and acted like I was there to join so I could gather information.

It went without saying that he’d never intended to follow through on any of that. Atreus considered telling Germanicus he’d abjectly failed at it anyhow. But he glanced over at Killdeer and held his tongue. Maybe if the Imperator questioned him further, he would offer more details. For now, he awaited any reaction to this information.

RE: I’ll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? - Germanicus - February 16, 2023

germanicus was pleased to receive this information from icarus. it was delivered directly and with an allusion perhaps that there was more to be heard.

swiftcurrent creek and riverclan were explanatory packs, the other less so. "i commend your use of tactics. there is a wealth of information that can be gathered before your need as a fighter is ever in demand."

there was a touch of pride in his gaze.

"what were your impressions of kvarsheim?"

RE: I’ll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? - Atreus - February 24, 2023

The commendation made Atreus hold his head a little higher, a feeling of accomplishment infusing him. He had never considered himself a tactician, though he was proud of what he’d achieved through his self-started missions.

The question earned a blink, then a slight cock of his head. Of course, he conflated Kvarsheim with his feelings regarding Inkeri. He tried to splice them apart from the objective facts he’d learned, cheeks slightly pink but thankfully hidden by his furs.

They’re small and familial, he recollected Inkeri’s exact phrasing. Peaceful. They’re allied with the other two. Their territory is a meadow with some large boulders. It’s very open and exposed, especially compared to here.

Atreus wondered what else Germanicus might want to know. He would be more than happy to relay any of his findings.

Mercury said we should skip Killdeer! We can nudge this toward a wrap if you like too. :)

RE: I’ll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? - Germanicus - February 28, 2023

okay <3

germanicus listened. icarus had become skilled in his own right and had won the man's approval.

allied packs and yet peaceful.

"do you believe mereo should offer a formal overture to these packs?" he asked of the young man, genuinely seeking thought.

RE: I’ll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? - Atreus - February 28, 2023

He eagerly anticipated further questions, though he hadn’t expected this one. It stumped him. Atreus blinked and glanced off to the side, wondering by what criteria one even measured such a consideration. He wasn’t even entirely sure what Germanicus meant by “overture.”

I’m not sure, he admitted eventually, thinking decisions of that kind belonged with leaders and not their subordinates.

RE: I’ll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? - Germanicus - February 28, 2023

germanicus' search for an officer's mind in the youth was paused.

for now.

"thank you for this intelligence," he said. the imperator drew himself up. "rest yourself. if you gain more information, return to me."

it was a dismissal for both of them. he nodded at killdeer and then icarus.

RE: I’ll hit you when I land, can you fit me in your plans? - Atreus - February 28, 2023

Thankfully, Germanicus didn’t press the matter. He didn’t have any further questions either. Atreus could only nod, feeling a little stymied still by that last query but otherwise pleased about his performance.

Alright, he acknowledged the leader’s command, glancing over at Killdeer before deciding some rest sounded good… assuming he could keep his racing thoughts re: Inkeri at bay.