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The Sentinels Aero - Printable Version

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Aero - Samani - February 12, 2023

When she was near the sea, Samani could see new colors. Everything was electric and bright and beautiful to her eyes.

The peachy figure trotted through the sentinels with a gaze that wandered to every tree and stone and fallen tree, charred by a fire from long before her time. It was beautiful in its regrowth, she thought. It looked like a place that would flourish after many years. The trees would be tall and full again. The light that was so abundant would be blocked by outstretched boughs and full branches.

Samani turned back her head to see if @Rodyn was far behind. She had gotten too eager when he had agreed to visit the ocean with her. She’d raced away, feet thumping against the earth in her joyous pursuit of the briny air.

RE: Aero - Rodyn - February 12, 2023

Rodyn felt it and smelled it before he saw it. The sea. He had only made it there once, and it had been a memory that he hadn't forgotten, but now. Now it was colored in different lights, sharper, brighter, it buzzed against his fur and deep in his chest. He knew it was the company and not the place, but he just pushed onward, happily.

Large charred trees with small child like saplings beginning to sprout from them, come spring they'd be in full bloom. The ash if he placed his paws just right, he could brush away the smudges and see the new growth beneath it was beautiful.

Thrumming of long limber legs, he watched in delight as Samani ran. The sun striking her pelt in such a way that for a very long moment, Rodyn had ceased to breathe.

RE: Aero - Samani - February 12, 2023

The girl slowed so that he could catch up to her. She wished to admire the forest for a time longer.

I like it here, she confessed to him.

It may have been strange for her to say it about a place that had endured a great tragedy. Samani was delighted by the signs of new life, though. She could see and smell it. The air felt different. The forest may have been lost to a fire, but it had not died. Life had found its way, bursting through the charred bark and ash.

There’s a plateau that way, she gestured to the west with her snout. We should go there next.

It felt good to stretch her legs away from Moonglow.

RE: Aero - Rodyn - February 12, 2023

Yellow eyes met hers and he grinned with delight. It proves that even in moment of great tragedy there can be hope. And sometimes fire burns and makes the things it razed, stronger. They come back stronger.

Then with a impish grin, that he only reserved in times of great joy. he nipped gently at her ruff and shoulder and then ran towards the plateau she spoke of. He had not smelled anything that could hurt them, and he wanted to run with his future bride. Play and have fun. Revel in the fact that she existed and she was his. That was enough for him.

He would not be hard to catch especially from someone of such grace and life as Samani. He was stockier than she carried more weight and muscle, was slow. But he didn't mind.

RE: Aero - Samani - February 12, 2023

Samani danced at his side, long legs stretching out to cover the ground beneath them. The smell of that air! She could hardly contain the excitement that coursed through her frame.

The forest would grow back and would be stronger than it had before. This satisfied her. The thought would remain in her mind and she would revisit it, if she was able. The young wolf wanted to see all that they could before they would need to return to the village. She glanced toward the rocky place of Moonglow, and she thought of her mother.

Sialuk had made Moonspear into a village again. Samani could make one, too.

Nipping at Rodyn’s haunch, she jetted out in front of him.

RE: Aero - Rodyn - February 12, 2023

Graceful and Ethereal. Sometimes Rodyn wasn't sure if Samani wasn't a goddess come to earth. He knew she was flesh and blood had felt her heart beat, the way she slept near him when she wanted.

Rodyn loved forests for their hardy natures. And the prey, and it felt like home. But he was growing fond of the sea, because the sea reminded him of Samani and samani was now home. Wherever she roamed, he would go, because she was home. He loved Moonglow, loved the live he made there, but he loved Samani more. More than his heart could take sometimes.

A sharp nip to his hind and his laughter flew from his lips, warm and smoky as always and he gave chase. He would never catch her unless she allowed him too, and that was the fun of it.

They would soon hit ground on the flatter plateau and he would look around him in a gentle awe, a quite wakefulness in his chest.

RE: Aero - Samani - February 12, 2023

Rodyn’s laugh was good and warm.

They ran across the forest grounds and to the edge of it, they found the plateau sitting high and proud. The trees were consistent in this place. Where the sentinels had regrowth, the plateau had a wood that had grown for many years and had created something lovely. To the north, she could hear the cries of seagulls and the crash of waves.

This was an in-between place. Not sea and not mountainous land.

Samani slowed reverently to sniff at their surroundings. Her jadewater eyes were swift to gather their surroundings and move deeper. The plateau looked as though it stretched far. She had not looked at Rodyn since they came upon it and now, when she did…

The girl smiled at his face.

You are enchanted by this place, Rodyn. She could see it.

RE: Aero - Rodyn - February 12, 2023

Rodyn stared in surprise all around him. It was beautiful and his heart hurt for the wonder of it. There were trees to their back and sides and the sea to the far side. It fit the two of them well. He wondered if there was further place, that fit them even better.

He nodded. I am. It fits the two of us, Samani. It's like a... He didn't have the words. he raised a paw and just moved it around.

I don't have the words, Samani. I'm not a word guy.

And he didn't he was from humble origins, he hadn't been taught the words that sang from those of moonglow. He was a humble man.

RE: Aero - Samani - February 12, 2023

The sea girl laughed softly at his bashfulness.

Samani turned to where he was and kissed his cheek. The cold of her nose lingered near his jaw for a long moment. She had wished many times that he would speak his feelings and thoughts, but she knew that she could find answers in the glow of his eyes. Rodyn was a simple man, indeed. He was good and honest. He worked hard. The young girl could not fault him. If she wished for answers, she could ask him and listen to whatever he might offer.

I like it, too.

The jadewash eyes shifted to the trees and the earth around them. She looked to where Moonglow was, in the south. They could see the village from the plateau. Wasn’t that a blessing? Samani’s spirit soared with delight at this find.

RE: Aero - Rodyn - February 12, 2023

Rodyn traced a small path from her maw to her cheek and further up to bury into her ruff. There he took a deep breath and then another. Unsure how else to show her how much he truly cared. He knew she longed for more words, and he couldn't even begin to tell her how often he wished he could speak to her of all the things she liked, but he just didn't have the words.

Rodyn shifted and lay a head along her shoulders and looked around. If we were to settle here, wife. he teased

Where would you like to build an Ulaq? the words were still foreign, but he tried to pepper them in his words, because they belonged to Samani. They were part of her life and he would not deaden that by refusing to use them.

RE: Aero - Samani - February 12, 2023

The girl felt warm beneath his touch, beneath the breath of his words.

Near the burned forest. I wish to watch it grow back strong, she answered openly.

They could find a place beside the trees and the plateau where the sea would greet them with each sunrise and the brine would blow in on the wind. Samani could not think of a better thing. Rodyn would not be far from the places he liked, either. They would have hunting grounds. There would be ocean near them. She could visit her mother whenever she wished. The thought grew like a flower in her heart. The sea girl could think of nothing better than this plan.

What might we call it? she asked. A village should have a name.

RE: Aero - Rodyn - February 12, 2023

He gazed at the burned out woods, Tracing hunter's eyes through the movements and the valleys. Dipping into the shadows. He couldn't see deep into the forest, but he could see a little. And it had merit that forest. He could build a big Ulaq among the boughs for his Samani.

Something to do with both Moonglow and the sea, as they are two of your favorite things.

RE: Aero - Samani - February 12, 2023

Oh, he was so good to her.

Samani nuzzled beneath his chin, showering him with soft kisses of appreciation.

What about Moontide?

The moon and the ocean’s tides were connected, after all. They were completed by each other. Samani had not shared the experience her anaa had with the beautiful light of night. She was still comforted by its presence. She felt it in her bones as much as she felt the ocean. The sun man and Moonwoman had given her good things.

RE: Aero - Rodyn - February 12, 2023

Breath sucked past fangs of white at her ministrations, but he shuddered once, with a grin. He returned her kisses where she'd allow and when she wanted them. Ears perked forward to hear her words. It was interesting the name, he tried it out a few times in his minds eyes. Then nodded.

I like it. It fits. Doesn't the moon help with the tide anyway? Like it helps to pull it?

RE: Aero - Samani - February 12, 2023

It does. Moon and sea – they complete each other, she said to him in a quiet voice.

Samani thought it was special that they could share that moment. She wondered if Heph would like it there, as she looked to the places where Rodyn’s gaze wandered. The other woman was a roamer, a wandering soul, and the sea girl did not know if she could be asked to pledge herself to one place when she carried the knowledge of the great wide world inside her.

What are you thinking? Samani asked of Rodyn, curious to know the thoughts in his head.

RE: Aero - Rodyn - February 12, 2023

Ear tilted towards her, and he bent his head to skim yellow eyes over her face, her fur, her ears. A small smile on his face. He liked the sound of that, and it made sense. A small aching moment when he thought of the sea, it still frightened him, but he was learning to like it.

Rodyn felt that Heph had shifted in her their weeks of hunting, gathering. She seemed to like to have permanent place. So he had a feeling if they were to ask, she would join them in their pack lands. He wondered briefly if Samani would want an arrangement, like Sun Man, Moonwoman and Sahkmet had, but he found that would be something to look into if that was what she wanted.

He gave a shy smile. I was thinking of where i could build a Ulaq and what i could fill it with for you. And i was imagining you and our children. Then he blinked shyly.

RE: Aero - Samani - February 12, 2023

Samani nodded.

She had thought of such things, too. Small pups with bright eyes. Little wolves with dark fur and peachy highlights. It was a beautiful thing to picture in her head. She did not know when her body would be ready to take such a journey. Fear washed through her in her wondering. The sea girl hoped that she would be able to give him this – a family. What if she was unable? What if her body would not allow for children to grow?

What would we name them? she asked in a soft voice.

RE: Aero - Rodyn - February 12, 2023

Rodyn would have quickly eased her fears if he had known them. He was content with just Samani. If she didn't wish to have children, or if she couldn't. He had heard of this happening. He was fine with that. There were children that had no home, and he was content with simply her.

Your family always gives two names, Yes? Would you want to continue this tradition? Or would you want to come up with our own.

Literally all the names for Rodyn and his family are from a werewolf name generator lmao

RE: Aero - Samani - February 12, 2023

Rodyn did not offer names but spoke of traditions. Samani smiled at him. He thought many things, she felt.

I think there are names that play in my mind… I can sometimes imagine faces with them. Aklaq means black bear. He would have your dark coat and your sweet eyes. A highlight of brown around his snout, she voiced her daydreams aloud. Tootega is the goddess who walked upon the water. She would have my eyes and my mother’s pale fur.

Samani wondered if the pups Rodyn imagined had any faces.

Panuk is the smallest boy. Colored like me except that he has white upon his belly. His name means island. 

Samani looked at him and grinned. Tell me some names! 

I love that *giggles*

RE: Aero - Rodyn - February 12, 2023

Rodyn did not wish to alter how she felt. If she wanted to continue such traditions as her family had. With more than one name he wouldn't stop her. Honestly, he just wanted healthy children.

He listened to the names and their faces and he couldn't quite hide the smile. A black bear child. a pale fur daughter. a small boy, island, but it seemed sad to be named for an island. Would that mean the young one would be alone? like an island.

Rodyn bowed his head. My families names do not mean anything, but I can share some that I always liked.

Zunda for a wild willful daughter. Accalia for a daughter like flower. Dainty, small. Sea jade eyes. Rolayne for strong hunter boy.

RE: Aero - Samani - February 12, 2023

Samani did not believe it to be sad. The island was surrounded by the sea and all its life. It was cradled by the water and allowed not to be swallowed. The island was strong and loved. It was a beautiful thing to be called, she felt.

The names he shared were different from her own. She liked that. The sea girl believed that they could share names.

Perhaps if we have our black bear son, he can be called Rolayne. Rolayne Aklaq- Oh! Rodyn, would you wish for them to be Ardeth or Nuiruk? she asked him, brow creased with thought, with worry. She had not even considered that he may hope to pass his family name to his offspring. She had thought only of herself. Shame flooded her. Samani didn’t want him to feel that his opinions did not matter. She needed to do better.

RE: Aero - Rodyn - February 12, 2023

Had she told him of her thoughts of the island name, he would have taken to it. He would have liked that explanation better.

He listened as she spoke Rolayne Aklaq he liked that, and it fit. he saw her distress and he chuckled gently and pulled her closer. smoothing his muzzle along her brow.

Why not Nuiruk-Ardeth. But if you would like to only keep your name for any littles. I am fine with this. You are the one that must carry them, that your body must change to accomodate.

RE: Aero - Samani - February 12, 2023

Samani laughed.

They will have long names, then! I will dream the black bear baby into life. Rolayne Aklaq Nuiruk-Ardeth. Let’s see… the others.

The sea girl brushed her lips over the downy hairs behind his ears.

Tootega Zunda Nuiruk-Ardeth, she said after another second of thought. For a willful daughter with a spirit so strong she could walk upon the sea. The idea made her glow with happiness. Samani would have wanted nothing more. She thought of the third child in her mind – a small boy with peachy top and white-snow undersides. Eyes like sea water.

I must admit I am fond of the imaginary Panuk. He is soft, in my mind. He is sweet and gentle. He does good for everyone he meets. Perhaps we do not give him two names. Panuk Nuiruk-Ardeth. Our little island boy.:: Her eyes closed as she leaned into him.

RE: Aero - Rodyn - February 12, 2023

There was a chuckle from deep within his throat. And he had to admit a slight catch in his throat as well at the mention of littles. The little imaginary Rolayne made him smile. Strong boy, he would be. There was such pull for these imaginery children. Already he loved them, and he wasn't even sure if they would ever really be. But the thought he could love the thought.

A soft shudder wracked him at the nearness of her breath upon his ears. He looped a leg through her front leg if she'd allow. Delighting in the closeness.

Rodyn curled around her, seeking and searching for a soft spot to preen and care. That is fine with me. They all sound perfect Samani.

RE: Aero - Samani - February 12, 2023

I hope they come to us, she whispered to him, looping her arm in his.

Samani might be able to dream of their little black bear Rolayne or the strong-spirited Tootega, but she did not know if they would be real. She loved the idea of them, though. She loved their faces in her mind and the beautiful shimmering lights of their eyes. They were perfect, to her.

The sea girl rested her chin upon their legs. She hummed softly, thinking about these things.

I will speak to anaa when we return to Moonglow, she said. It was decided.