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Noctisardor Bypass Return of a Slave - Printable Version

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Return of a Slave - Enya - October 27, 2014

hello everyone, so most of you have no idea who I am, and quite frankly I have no idea how you are either...I would like to change that! Please feel free to jump in when ever, I just want to know everyone!!!!!!!!!

Her pad falls disturbed little, barely making a sound in the night air as she tried to make it back to her den without disruption. She knew that her distance from the pack would be of little consequence to anyone, and was sure that most hardly noticed that she had indead wandered off. She had not left the territory, however, showing her respect to her master, but it was true that she had failed to see him in quite some time. Pushing thoughts of retribution to the back of her mind, she continued on her journey back to her sleeping quarters. Her white fur noticeable in the dull moonlight the shadowed the earth at this time of night. Looking to the moon between the trees above she marveled at its beauty, and continued on her chosen path.

RE: Return of a Slave - Paarthurnax - October 28, 2014

A sudden urge to wander drove her from the comfort of her hollow that night, and Paar meandered with no fixed destination through the familiar forests of her home. She gazed ahead, seemingly lost in her thoughts until the nearby movements of an unknown wolf captured her attention.

Paarthurnax had never approved of her mate keeping wolves hostage. There had been a couple who'd entered their home dubbed as 'slaves' and, as a wolfess who valued her freedom, she took no part in associating with Shadow's captives. Instead she refrained from straying too close to the woodland in which they were confined, never really voicing her opinion; as a subordinate she'd have had no say in their status anyway, so what was the point?

On closer inspection, she recalled the pallid female who had tried to slink into the gathering unnoticed, and curiously she observed her movements. Moments later, Paarthurnax woofed softly in attempt to catch the alabaster wolfess' attention, and turned toward her to close the distance between them.

RE: Return of a Slave - Enya - October 28, 2014

Caught unaware by the sound of another, Enya turned to the she-wolf nearby. Her scent familiar although not from a personal greeting, Enya lowered herself to the ground, a rather awkward position for her, but she hoped it was submissive enough for the other female. "Greetings." Enya knew it was not custom for a slave to speak first, but then again it seemed almost rude not too, she would say no more unless asked. Although she was curious, never having met her before, her keen nose could pick up the scent of her master, however was unsure of the connect between them, there was no doubt that she was a highly regarded wolf within the pack and her beauty made Enya's mind jump to conclusions that were best left to herself. Her assumptions caged away, Enya waited with practiced patience to see if there was something that she could do for this other wolf.

RE: Return of a Slave - Paarthurnax - October 29, 2014

The ivory female paused and turned in Paar's direction, surprise evident in her frighteningly dark eyes. It seemed she'd been caught off guard, but the bi-coloured healer did not ease her pace. Instead she strode right to the pale wolfess, her ears pricked forward and her tail curled dominantly over her haunches. As she drew nearer, the subordinate dropped to her belly in submission which was met by a soft chuff of recognition from the new Alphess.

"And to you," she smiled softly with her returned greeting, letting her posture relax somewhat. "You may rise." Paarthurnax took a careful step back to let her companion do so, while offering her name to continue pleasantries: "I am Paarthurnax."

RE: Return of a Slave - Enya - November 03, 2014

As she rose from he submission Enya nodded he head hearing the name of her new Alphess, "I am Enya, Alphess." She would not meet her gaze out of respect, no emotions could be discerned after her slight jump from earlier, which she was now trying to hid. "Congratulations." Enya spoke with a strong voice, although nothing of dominance or resentment could be heard, only sincerity and regard. "Is there something I can do for you on this night, Imperatrix?" She remembered that Shadow had mentioned only one other that could speak their native tongue, Enya could not be sure if this was the other. She dare not ask though, her orders to only speak in English still in full affect.

RE: Return of a Slave - Paarthurnax - November 06, 2014

Fading this since Enya is no longer in the game, and my post log needs cleaned up. :)

The other female seemed... fearful, almost. As though by merely speaking to her, she was committing some sort of crime. A concerned expression flooded Paar's lovely features, a thoughtful frown tugging at the corners of her mouth. What had Shadow done to this wolfess, to make her so timid? Threatened her life? Beat her? Unsure, the crimson Alphess found it difficult to think her husband capable of such brutality, but it hit her with harsh realisation that Shadow was, indeed, cruel and merciless in his own twisted way.

Yet, she loved him. She had promised herself to him, all of her, and as his mate came a duty to be faithful to him. But before her stood a she-wolf, fragile but not broken, offering herself to Paarthurnax as a slave to do whatever she wished her to.

This was not acceptable.

"Call me Paar," she said softly, her tail lashing at her sleek rump. "Forgive me for asking, but... why did Shadow make you his slave?" But the girl did not respond to her, instead remaining crouched pitifully at her feet. Paarthurnax stared at her, confused and pained, and could not find the words to speak. With nothing else to say, she turned away and promptly left the scene, sure that the girl would feel better without the shadow of an Alphess looming over her.