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Sunspire Mountains Reappearance of a friend... - Printable Version

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Reappearance of a friend... - Aleera - October 28, 2014

Familiar paw prints made there way along the border of the mountain pack. It had been some weeks since she had left the beauty of the mountain. A visit was in order, one that was long over due. Aleera's multi-hued coat was a stark contrast to the snowy surrounding, she relished in the crunch beneath her paws and the fresh breath around her. With a smile, she threw back her head and let out a howl, hoping that perhaps an old friend might appear, but was also keen to see the expansion as well. Aleera could hear her song echo on of the rocks, and knew it would not be long now. Sitting on the edge of the territory so as not to intrude, she waited with the patience she always prided herself in possessing.

RE: Reappearance of a friend... - Amekaze - October 29, 2014

<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

Immersed in many things all at once and with winter bearing down on her, she paused at the howl on the wind as it registered as surprisingly familiar. She listened, her face furrowed into a look of concentration, then quickly finished up the burying of a small kill she had reaped earlier in the day. With that done, she sprung into motion and headed that way.

While she did not know how to feel about his idea, nor the reasons behind it, she arrived quickly. Sure enough, she was met with a familiar sight. Aleera..? she half-greeted, half-asked, as she slowed into a loose walk. In what was becoming much more natural for her now, she carried herself with open pride. Ferdie's scent had long since faded and she had established herself, clear as day.

But nevermind that. There were many questions to be had here and she hoped to find answers to match. She hardly knew where to begin. Finding out the circumstances of her departure, and now evidently her return to the region, seemed to be hovering in the forefront of her thoughts.

RE: Reappearance of a friend... - Aleera - November 03, 2014

Aleera's ears perked forward as she heard her name, a smile broke out on her maw as Ame came into view. "Hello again my friend." Standing quickly, her tailed swayed animatedly back and forth, glad to see her. She hoped that the other female felt the same, although she could not tell. "How have you been...Alphess." Aleera's grin only grew, glad that Amekaze had reaffirmed her place at the head of the pack, a place that suited her quite well. It would be noticeable the time spent away had changed the female, she looked older, even though it had not been such a long departure it had taken her far from the place she now considered her home, and the circumstances of her disappearance anything but joyous. "I must apologize Ame, for my sudden disappearance, if you will accept my apology that is." She was worried about her standings with the younger female before her, having found a good comrade within her.

RE: Reappearance of a friend... - Amekaze - November 03, 2014

if aleera returns, i can take off the sloppy ending i added and revive this!
<style type="text/css">.ame {margin:auto; width:530px; text-align:justify;font-size:11px;} .ame q {color:#7a2638; font-family:georgia;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:1.3px;} .ame p {margin:0px;text-indent:30px;}</style>

Amekaze's ears shifted subtly, catching the sound of the title with a brief burst of mixed emotion. Although prideful of her standing, it also meant that they had failed to find and return Ferdie to the helm of his creation. But, they were doing well beneath her care and the mountain they inhabited was a good one. Mm, well enough. Busy, with winter looming.. she mentioned with a slow sway of her tail, for she was never one to offer too many details about herself anyway.

She grunted softly to the apology, and took it for what it was with a nod. While appreciative, she still had her questions and was sorting through that mixed with the hazy sense of relief she was feeling suddenly. I am glad to see you are back.. and in one piece, yes? she asked with a small smirk, hinting at the need to know more. While she did look more worn than she had been, time alone did that, but Amekaze saw no visible wounds marring her, so was attempting to be hopeful. I had worried, what with the cougars in the region and not so long after we had misplaced Ferdie to one as well, she intoned. Not to mention, a few others had disappeared around the same time as Aleera -- who was, at least, the first to resurface. What happened?

~~Nevertheless, her attention was sharp as she listened to the answers that followed -- no matter how brief or detailed they would prove to be. Ame was fond of Aleera and would extend her a welcome back to the Sunspire, if she do desired. But, if it was not in the fates for her, the dark alpha would not press the notion, and whether or not she would return to the Spire slopes alone or with company remained to be seen. Although, secretly, she hoped for the latter..