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Try to stop time in the aftermath. - Printable Version

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Try to stop time in the aftermath. - Malachi - October 28, 2014

Set before Malachi's promotion. Tried to keep this as vague as possible.

When they'd first noticed Tuwawi's absence, the situation had hit Malachi as surreal. He knew the lynx attack had struck no one harder than the fire-kissed mother, and no one so close to home. But her disappearance disturbed him, and that she'd left her pups with such abandon troubled him even more.

And now, as Malachi snuffed the forest floor for the millionth time that moon, Tuwawi's scent lingered as frail and her son's and husband's had so many weeks before. Malachi's brow furrowed and he felt an sickening anger burn in his heart. He'd not had the chance to know the small family well, but that didn't mean he hadn't come to love them as his own. He'd pledged his life to theirs, and now the life of every member stood shattered in this Glacial land before a mountain that burned only with mocking hope. Tuwawi was gone, and they didn't know where, and they didn't know if she was even alive, and those thoughts alone made his stomach reel and his throat burn with the bitter taste of bile.

A growl slipped from between the Kalderon's lips. Those wretched cats were tearing this family apart, just as they had his own in the Vale. Without a second thought, Malachi raised his head from the sodden ground and sent out a forceful call for the only wolf he knew held authority above his own: @Danica .

RE: Try to stop time in the aftermath. - Danica RIP - October 28, 2014

i should sooo have been in bed hours ago ahaha

While Danica was not particularly happy about the departure of her leader and closest friend within the pack, she had a theory as to where she had gone and could not blame the mother one bit. If she were in her pawsteps she may have done the same. It was Danica's belief that Tuwa had left those of her children still remaining in the safety of the pack's guard, striking out herself to try and find those endangered. Therefore Danica had it set within her to do all in her power to make sure no harm came to the little one(s) before she had returned.

Until then, there was the matter of leadership. This was perhaps why she was rather unsurprised when Malachi's call rent the air, a summons directed towards herself. The man had initiative, more than she could claim, for she was more than willing to wait this out on the sidelines.

With a sigh, she heaved herself to her feet and sought out his location. She could at least see what he wanted. When she reached him, she eyed him somewhat calculatingly. When last they met they had done so in a friendly manner, but she wanted to see what this was all about before making any assumptions. "Malachi. You called?"

RE: Try to stop time in the aftermath. - Malachi - October 29, 2014

Bed? What's that? :o

Malachi did not need to wait long before a movement of gold fur signalled Danica's arrival. He felt her eye upon him and he let his tail hang limp at his hocks. "Yes." He replied and took care to divert his gaze from Danica's own. Even with his fluxing emotions, he would not allow his respect for the golden woman to waver, for over the past moon he had come to respect her much. She'd given her all to the pack and even more so to Tuwawi, and had long proven herself worthy of her title - and much more than that. The Kalderon had watched her take immediate action to protect the pups when they had noticed Tuwawi's absence, and had seen her tireless devotion in searching the land in hopes of finding any trace of their missing members. With these thoughts on mind, the youth bowed his head and spoke to the point. "Have you any news on Tuwawi?"

RE: Try to stop time in the aftermath. - Danica RIP - October 29, 2014

Danica noted Mordecai's deferment with narrowed eyes, and she shook her head. "Oh no, don't you dare. I'm not looking for that kind of responsibility." She didn't know if that was his intent, acknowledging her as lead, but she knew her rank was highest. It naturally followed, but she'd leave before she let them rope her into that trap. "And no, no news. Your guess is as good as mine."

She fell silent, thoughtful. Something needed to be done or she would watch another home crumple into the dust. Idly she wondered if perhaps she was cursed . Drama seemed to follow her like a plague.

RE: Try to stop time in the aftermath. - Malachi - October 29, 2014

Malachi flashed his eyes to Danica's face as she met him with a sharp retort, but dared not match his gaze to hers. He'd not expected such a fervent aversion to what his actions had implied. Nothing seemed logical but for Danica to step up as acting leader in Tuwawi's absence, and she had already proved herself more than capable of the position. But he bit his tongue and slacked his ears, still hungry to hear her answer to the question he'd posed.

But Danica had no news on Tuwawi. Though this came as little surprise, Malachi felt his heart sink. In different circumstances, he would not have held such fear for the mother's absence, but he had seen the strength of her guilt and grief. That she'd left without informing the pack worried the boy the most. Malachi did not blame her, either, if she had gone to search for those whom they had lost, but he feared what would become of her if she allowed her pain to guide her steps.

And then there was the issue of how to handle her absence here. He fell into a silence with Danica. Whatever the reason for Tuwawi's disappearance, of one thing he was certain: their pack needed a leader to survive, and if they didn't take one now, Tuwawi would have no home to return to once she found her way back to them. Malachi felt his jaw tighten and he raised his head till his eyes lighted on Danica again. "Then what do you propose we do?"

RE: Try to stop time in the aftermath. - Danica RIP - October 29, 2014

He didn't exactly straighten up, but her annoyance on that particular behavior quickly disappeared in favor of other matters. She wasn't great at focusing on one thing for any amount of time in situations such as these. He didn't look terribly happy about her lack of news, an understandable reaction. Danica too would have thought their Alpha would have informed someone if she planned to depart, though who knew what was going through the mother's mind?

The hell, though, was he asking her?! Oh, right. The damn rank thing. Her ears flattened sideways and she sighed in a somewhat long-suffering manner. "Why don't you lead? You obviously care more about what happens here than I do, and no matter what you might think, I'm not Alpha material. Sorry not sorry." It was the truth. She was selfish and she loved it. If they appointed her she'd be worse than Fox, a fact she knew because she hadn't thought there was anything wrong with Fox's brand of leadership. She knew many of the wolves who had been in Swiftcurrent, though, did not in any way feel the same.

RE: Try to stop time in the aftermath. - Malachi - October 31, 2014

He waited patiently, making note of her exasperation but remaining otherwise stoic before the golden warrior. Danica's suggestion he take the lead did little to startle the youth. Her words came as a logical extension of her refusal to take the responsibility herself. Hierarchically, he stood next in line. But that did not mean her words did not unnerve him, if not the suggestion for him to lead, then the implication she had little concern for the pack herself. In some ways, he understood: Danica had known Tuwawi and Njal long before any wolf who remained in these lands, and with the departure of them both she had lost more than any other, save for the pups. But that loss did not entail them to neglect those who had since come to call this family home, and her admittance to her lack of concern for their wellbeing struck Malachi as an utterly selfish thought.

And yet a part of him wanted to be selfish, too, and deflect the leadership as Danica had done. Deep within, he knew it possible. The temptation was always there, to raise his own good above the good of his packmates. All he needed to do was say no. But selfishness had been shunned by his family, and the thought of shovelling the burden of leadership to one below him when he himself was able-bodied and conditioned for the duty brought the youth a heavy guilt he could not turn against. He had neglected his family once when they had needed him the most, and the shame still stung the Kalderon. To do that again to wolves he'd come to care for was an unbearable thought.

The youth drew himself up, no longer standing in submission but now on equal plane with Danica. He would have liked to argue further, but Malachi would not waste his breath on a mind already decided. He saw little prestige in agreeing to her suggestion, and to rise as Alpha did not excite the boy as he knew it did some who sought glory in the name. To him, leadership would never be glorious. Malachi drew in a steady breath. He did not know if he could handle the burden, but he found his decision already set. His desires came second to his responsibilities here. They had to, for the good of the pack. "Fine. If the pack will take me, then I will step up until Tuwawi and Njal return." For they would return, and when they did they would have a pack to welcome them home.

RE: Try to stop time in the aftermath. - Danica RIP - November 01, 2014

Malachi had remained neutral as Danica spoke, and if she had felt any judgement from him based on her words she ignored it. She wasn't going to lie and say that she would put the well-being of these other pack wolves above her own, a requirement when one became Alpha. She did not know many of them, and if she had had her way at least two of them would never have been allowed in. She'd have turned them away at the borders. She didn't have the empathy in her to deal with things that Tuwawi had needed to handle. It was better for everyone that she knew this.

Luckily for all of them, Malachi's was not so flawed a creature. She watched gladly as he shifted himself, no longer in submission but much more respectable in bearing. He would have a lot of work ahead of him, and she did wish him the best. She was sure the pack would take him, what other choice did they have?

"Hopefully they will return soon," she simply added, though she dipped her head gratefully in acknowledgement of his acquiescence.

RE: Try to stop time in the aftermath. - Malachi - November 03, 2014

The reality of all he'd agreed to would take time to sink in. As it stood, Malachi felt nothing but a sickening concern he'd offered too much of himself too fast. But he would not revoke his word. Time would tell if his paws were fit for leadership, or if he'd been better off never offering at all.

The youth felt his shoulders sink at Danica's words, but he forced his voice to hold the confidence his body did not reflect. "They will." Tuwawi and Njal would return, simply because they had to. A piece of them still remained in the shadow of the mountain, huddled in the den they'd left behind. Malachi drew in a sharp breath and let the frosted air fill his mouth. The setting sun offered little heat, and though he longed to fall into the warmth of sleep, he knew rest would not come easy tonight. He let his eyes linger on Danica a moment longer. Though he felt the want to ask more of the golden warrior, Malachi held his words. She'd been more than clear on where she stood, and now was not the time to press the woman to change her mind. "I'll rally the pack in the morning, let them know the temporary changes in our ranks."

RE: Try to stop time in the aftermath. - Danica RIP - November 03, 2014

Danica did and said nothing to ease the concern she saw on her soon-to-be Alpha's face. Truth was, she expected that he would do well. Eons past what she would ever do. He'd been a presence on the Glacier since they got there and was more than suited to uphold it in it's leaders' absence. In time he would see it too.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll await the call." She would be there, in support, when he did. That much she could offer. For now, however, she had said all that she needed to say. In case he had more to add, she remained. If not, she planned to go for a hunt. She had the sudden desire for a chase.

RE: Try to stop time in the aftermath. - Malachi - November 05, 2014

Last post from me!

Malachi would appreciate her support come morning, when the reality of his decision had had a night to settle in. He hoped her attitude toward him was genuine, and that his concern she'd just suggested him as leader to wipe the job from her own paws would not prove true.

If he had known of her desire to hunt, he may have deigned to follow. The chase would prove a welcome distraction, and it would be good to be with another. Though Danica had stained her slate today, the Kalderon was not willing to give up on the woman easily. But he did not think of asking, and so he merely gave Danica a nod in farewell. "I'll see you come morning." With that, he drew away, leaving Danica to her evening plans and hoping to claim a final night of sleep before he took hold of the responsibilities he'd thrown so fast upon his crown.