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Redsand Canyon swiftfoot - Printable Version

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swiftfoot - Kaelan - March 20, 2023

Quick Kaelan was quick to notice other scents inhabiting the canyon that ajaw had chosen as holy.

They lingered in the forgotten corners, whispering against her territorial hindbrain, pushing her to buck up and do something about it. So, of course, she did. She brushed shoulders in those forgotten corners, marking it in a thousand ways and ensuring her scent was the one that lingered there.

She would make a complex effort to mark the corners and boundaries over the next several days, willing her scent to entwine with the very being of the stone, so the godless knew that those blessed walked here. Tikal had put their feet upon this earth, and thus it was theirs.

Hers by association, of course.

She moved at a lope across the walls of the canyon, tongue lolling from her mouth, every inch of her already intense being now intently focused on making sure this canyon smelled like her

RE: swiftfoot - Flecha - March 20, 2023

As soon as Flecha found the claim they had chosen, she would tell @Kukulkaan all that she had found and hold nothing back.

Of the claim on the northern coast, and the one on the rise to the northwest.  The packs whose borders she had stood upon.  She would stay for a time to help see the canyon cleared and defended, but then would depart once more, seeking to feel out the other packs that surrounded this new place.

Her sisters had nearly all gathered here. She was glad to find them well, and despite her weariness from her travels, sought to greet at least some of them before resting.

Kaelan, sister!  May your fangs be strong and your battles swift.  It’s good to see you again.  Of them all, this was the most openly affectionate of their band, and perhaps that was why Flecha held a special soft spot for her.  The others she also admired and loved dearly, but Kaelan was a younger sister she would see protected if she could.

Not that she was not a fearsome warrior herself.  Protectiveness came in many forms.

RE: swiftfoot - Kaelan - March 20, 2023

The voice was a welcome distraction, minus the spittle she threw when her head whipped to the side. In an instant, her pupils narrowed, then immediately blew wide in excitement. This was a beloved face, as all the faces of her sisters were, but perhaps this was the one she beloved most.

She would never say it aloud, of course. That would be unbearably rude.

Flecha, sister! Kaelan crowed, tail easily windmilling behind her, snapping fangs nearly catching her tongue before it slithered back into the recesses of her maw.

She would come trotting close, her head held low in both reverence and play.

How were your travels in the godless lands? What did you see? You must tell me it all! Her voice chattered into several clicks of her teeth in her all consuming excitement, doing several quick tappy-taps with her paws in an excited dance.

RE: swiftfoot - Flecha - March 22, 2023

She smiled at the enthusiastic greeting and moved to meet her affectionately, ignoring the spittle that only highlighted her abundant delight.  She had missed the other warriors in her scouting.

I have seen other claims and lands.  All are led by mortal blood… they bow to those who are not gods.  She gave a small laugh.  It is strange, but expected.  They would be false gods, or lesser, if they could back up their claim.  Only Ajaw was touched by their divinity.

Their lands are not fortified like this.  She looked around impressed, then waved her tail and also bent some, playfully.  Did you see much?  An invitation to share, but also one to engage in play should she wish.  She had not managed to test herself as she liked while out.

RE: swiftfoot - Kaelan - March 29, 2023

Ever the playful, Kaelan immediately dipped her chest low to the ground at Flecha’s slight bend, tail flopping down towards her forehead as she wagged it.

Oh, many things! Her voice was jubilant, her paws tapping from where they were stretched out in front of her. There was no discernible rhythm to the taps, no music, just movement.

She licked her nose.

I have seen vistas, sprawling! Rivers, so deep! Horses, they kick! Grass so tall it eclipses the sun! High stalks of plants I could never see the tops of even if I jump! Perhaps it was exaggerated, just a bit, but Kaelan wasn’t known for being straightforward.

RE: swiftfoot - Flecha - April 05, 2023

she’s a strugg to write too for some reason <3 but gonna do my best

Only places.  Flecha straightened and smiled.  I’ve met few as well.  These lands are hardly formidable.  Not well claimed nor guarded.  

Then she looked sideways at her sister, slyly, before reaching to swiftly tug at her fur. Not formidable, perhaps! But still worth training for.  She whirled away immediately, ready to lead the younger wolf into a chase.

RE: swiftfoot - Kaelan - April 09, 2023


They will learn, sister. If not, we get to crush them!

Kaelan’s eyes went wide and round at the tug to her fur, and she grinned a wild grin! Yes! Play! She spun in a tight, quick circle, happily spitting and foaming with intensity.

It was only for a moment, just a small head start, before she would charge after Flecha with a baying laugh.

RE: swiftfoot - Flecha - April 24, 2023

Flecha sprinted knowing she would soon be caught.  At first she tried to stay away, but this turned into playfully exchanging passing nips as her running slowed to an energetic bounding.

She was only ever this around her sisters, and even then those select ones who relaxed similarly.  The shared closeness only benefitted them; the more they shared this, the better they would fight as one when war came.

She smiled and spun, looking to turn running into a tackle.