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Swiftcurrent Creek Crystallize [joining] - Printable Version

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Crystallize [joining] - Kaede IA - October 30, 2014

When Kaede had first sought out a change of scenery, this was not at all what he had expected. These lands were extremely different from the ones he had left, though not undesireable. The wildlife seemed plentiful enough and a river lay nearby, available for fishing. It was a form of hunting, with his small leggy frame, that he rather preferred. Besides, this was the first pack he had encountered in many days. Fact was, he needed a spot to settle, at least for the winter. He'd scratch their back by helping them to survive and they would return the favor.

If they let him in that is. He could see no reason why they shouldn't. While he wasn't the largest of wolves he had his own assets to bring to the table. He could probably have been happy sticking around his homeland, but when one is a middle child amongst a number of siblings, sometimes the best thing is to seek greener pastures. He would miss his family but knew it was better this way. Besides, there was a lot of world beyond the Makioka borders.

He thought about calling, but instead decided to wait. If none came in time then he would alert them. Seating himself clearly outside of claimed lands, he kept alert for any sign of an approaching member who would be able to assist him in entering.

RE: Crystallize [joining] - Luka Iva - October 30, 2014

The connection with the wolves you met while in a pack far outweighed the responsibilities that came with being in a one. Some of these responsibilities were a little tedious to the swarthy wolf. While others, like greetings wolves at the border, was exhilarating. Luka enjoyed meeting new wolves, he loved to chat with almost any wolf.

When Luka picked up the scent of a strange wolf on the land just outside of the Creek's territory he couldn't help but be curious. Jogging softly against the cold wind Luka found himself near the stranger. Sending out a welcoming bark he attempted to get the male's attention before stating his name. "I am Luka, I'm part of the Swiftcurrent Creek. May i ask what you are doing near our borders?" The swarthy male called out to the hazel wolf.

RE: Crystallize [joining] - Kaede IA - October 30, 2014

As he had surmised, it was not long before he caught sight of an approaching guardian to the lands. It followed that a well established pack would keep good track of their borders. When the other wolf had introduced himself, Kaede inclined his head politely. "はじめまして. I am called Kaede. よろしく." He introduced himself in a manner that the other would understand , but the polite greetings of his home accompanied it.

"I come seeking a home. I have much to offer and would pull my weight." He did not meet the other's eyes, deferring to his status as member here. He did not believe this wolf to be leader and assumed that, if necessary, he would offer to summon those who might decide. Or perhaps he would be turned away even before that . One never knew.

RE: Crystallize [joining] - Luka Iva - October 30, 2014

The inky male nodded his head in greeting as the wolf spoke his name first in his own native language then in the one Luka had been raised to speak. "It's nice to meet you Kaede. The Creek is always looking for strong wolves." The young male spoke kindly to the stranger. It was odd seeing the other wolf be submissive to Luka. The male always found it strange when another wolf respected him in that way. He was used to relationships where he was on the bottom and showing respect to the other wolf. He smiled at the change of pace.

Luka was in no position to accept or deny wolves into his pack. That was his alpha's job. The swarthy male with little warning raised his feminine face and called out to his friend,@Scimitar. "The alpha will be here soon. I suggest you be on your best behavior. He doesn't tolerate shit from anyone." Luka recommend in a more serious tone. While Scimitar did play around from time to time with Luka, it was best for a stranger to not be caught making jokes.

RE: Crystallize [joining] - Kaede IA - October 30, 2014

"I am glad to hear it. I will behave." He smiled amicably. He knew what was expected, for most alphas had egos by necessity. If they did not expect respect then they could hardly receive it, after all. Kaede was rather diplomatic by nature and knew enough not to wish to rile the one who would decide his fate.

"Thank you," he added, grateful for the assistance. He felt the Alpha may be kinder to the interruption if it were delivered by a packmate than a stranger.

RE: Crystallize [joining] - Scimitar - October 30, 2014

It was good to have Luka back home where he belonged, but even still, the agouti wolf had kept to himself the past few days. Bazi's promised return date had past, and just as he had felt when she had turned and walked away from him, it was only reconfirmed with this: she had left him.

The thought was becoming easier to swallow with each passing day, though at first he felt his heart had instead shifted to the direction of Neverwinter Forest. Now, with a pack of wolves completely upset at the prospect of moving and another pack bordering the very lands he desired, life once more was rocked at the core.

But as his swarthy friend called him, the regal moved swiftly to answer, prowling the borders as a duty he took seriously. As he came upon them, he noted Luka had found a guest.. With a quizzical look to his friend, his bright turquoise eyes then shifted to the stranger, offering a small nod of greeting, but otherwise waiting for the details of why he had been summoned.

RE: Crystallize [joining] - Luka Iva - October 30, 2014

The cinnamon male responded quickly, as the ebony wolf knew he would. Scimitar took the borders seriously, always prowling them in his spare time. The bear of a wolf came jogging near the pair and Luka gave a head dip in greeting. The cinnamon wolf looked from Luka and then fixed his eyes on the stranger.

Luka slowly went over to Scimitar's position. "This is Kaede, he wants a postion in your pack." The ebony male spoke softly but just loud enough all wolves that were present could hear. "I must be on my way. I am traveling out to the wetlands in search of some medicinal plants. I'll return by nightfall." Luka spoke to just Scimitar. He licked his friend's muzzle in submission before nudging his flank and turning away leaving the two wolves to talk.

RE: Crystallize [joining] - Kaede IA - October 31, 2014

It did not take long before the Alpha approached, an impressive specimen indeed. If his size didn't inform of rank then the way he held himself clearly displayed it. For this man, Kaede gave a graceful bow, rising once more but keeping his eyes and tail down, shoulders loose and posture low. He was not a boy unused to being beneath another and his father had drilled them all as pups on the proper respect an alpha need given. Even as a father in a rather family-oriented pack he had not been lax on that.

"It is as he said," Kaede stated, the only addition he made for now. He assumed the leader would have questions to ask of him, but did not want to put words in his mouth. It would be better to wait for him to ask them.

RE: Crystallize [joining] - Scimitar - November 02, 2014

Luka was quick to explain -- and just as quick to state his intention for travel. The swarthy male had dabbled in the interest of herbs and healing in their old homeland as well, and the cinnamon male gave a nod to his friend in understanding. "Travel safe," he murmured, shifting then to study the rogue as Luka walked away.

"Scimitar, he offered in turn of greeting. His bright eyes regarded the potential before him, giving a small nod. There was room still in the Creek. "What can you offer the pack, then? And why did you stop at our borders and not the others?" They were simple enough questions.. In truth, Scim was hesitant to believe in the wolf's loyalty. It was rare to come by it would seem.. But winter would be upon them soon. A home for this time of year was a wise decision.

RE: Crystallize [joining] - Kaede IA - November 03, 2014

Scimitar's questions were not unreasonable and their nature was pretty much what Kaede had expected. "Yours is the strongest pack I have come across in a long while. With winter bearing down, time is limited. I thought I would see the wolves who made this their home, and so far I am liking what I see." He dipped his head to show he had no disrespect for them. It was a remark on the cordiality of their greetings, the way they respected even an outsider who they owed nothing.

"I have much to offer. I am a fair hunter and fighter, though better in the former. I also am practiced in relations, though working to further my skill. A pack that runs more smoothly can better draw together in the harsh times." With that he fell silent, watching for what effect these words would have. If he was turned away he would simply have to try again, but time really was not on his side. It was not long now before snows would begin to blanket the lands... He could feel it.

RE: Crystallize [joining] - Scimitar - November 07, 2014

The truth of the matter was that these little interviews bored him – and thus far, he had not quite determined what questions seemed to give him the best insight.. after all, the male before him could have been lying through his teeth. Most simply stayed for a month and then were off – and yet still, some were far more loyal. Dovev, Falwasi, Galileo, Kieran, Kaskara, Star – the wolves Swiftcurrent Creek were currently the most loyal he could think of, and it was them he was trying to protect when offering a potential home to a newcomer.

“We seek loyalty here. Why did you leave your previous pack, if there was one?” It would be his final question, and as her regarded the youthful male, he held no doubt the boy would fit in well here. The Creek’s ranks were made up of varying ages.. but somehow, yearlings were who they really attracted.

RE: Crystallize [joining] - Kaede IA - November 08, 2014

Ah, yes. A question he did not expect, but one that surely was understandable. After all, if he had left his previous pack, what was to stop him leaving here? Honestly not much, for if Kaede did not fit within the pack or form some sort of home here, he did intend to be gone with the spring. But if that were the case, he assumed they would be glad to have him gone, for it would mean he did not have a place among them.

"My last pack was the one I was born to, and while I love my parents and siblings, I needed to... Branch out." He had paused, the common tongue still somewhat unwieldy to him. He had been taught both since birth, but had spoken more of the language of his heritage. His father's preference. Hopefully the answer would satisfy, for most could understand the desire to leave the nest and find ones own way in the world.

RE: Crystallize [joining] - Scimitar - November 09, 2014

One more post from you, lovely? it's good to have you back in SC!

Whether or not his companion was being truly open to him, Scimitar did not know -- but it mattered little. He seemed a trustworthy man, and most importantly, did not seem to have the stench of Shadow upon him, sent to the ranks of the Creek to keep tabs on his old 'comrades.' Paranoia had come in many different possibilities to the cinnamon male, and he hated what it looked like -- how vulnerable the Creek felt at times.. and how little he knew of his old pack mate and what he was now capable of.

Giving a nod to the man, Scimitar strode forward then, his shoulder bumping gently against the others to rub off some of his scent upon him -- he was officially accepted within the Creek.

With quiet contemplation, his eyes roamed the other's features for a moment, before giving a nod to the heart of the pack lands. "Come. You must be hungry I will show you a few places and take you to a cache." Afterwards, the newcomer could rest if he chose to.. or continue on with his exploration.

Or, perhaps he was simply here for the free meal, and would disappear the moment Scimitar turned his back. Without another word, the regal strode forward, casting a glance back over his shoulder only once to see if his new companion would follow.

RE: Crystallize [joining] - Kaede IA - November 10, 2014

hurrah, I'll get this closed up! It's good to be back ;)

Happily it seemed Kaede had gotten lucky and stumbled across a pack still in need of good members and stronger ranks. He took the brush of the Alpha wordlessly, and followed as he led the way. "Thank you," he replied, a meal sounding amazing right now. Kaede had managed on whatever small game and fish he could track down (thankfully his small frame didn't take much upkeep) but life as a loner was always lean.

Soon he would contribute back, he was sure, and hopefully return the kindness with interest. He was now bound by honor to at least winter here, and his word was his life. To go back on it was unacceptable, but Scimitar wouldn't know that yet. He would show it in time.