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Firefly Glen I breathe you in again - Printable Version

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I breathe you in again - Fennec - March 28, 2023

executive decision! Gonna just have y’all meet here so we can see where they are going

Meeting Sialuk again had been a pretty big surprise. Fennec wasn’t sure how she’d fare on a mountain, but there was some appeal to joining a pack with a potential friend already heading the ranks. She didn’t mind the idea one bit.

The glen was eerily just the way she remembered it. Fennec led @Killdeer to a spot on its edge and then stopped, figuring she should explain before she summoned him.

I ran into a friend near the coast. He’s going to come with us, at least for however long he wants to. She let out a small breath, not quite a sigh. He grew up with your dad and I… and he’s actually your dad’s… cousin? I think? They were both Blackthorns, whatever that meant.

That out of the way, she lifted her muzzle and summoned @Penn, who wasn’t with them yet for reasons I’m going to shove under a rug because it doesn’t matter. Maybe he was off chasing… squirrels. Or something.

They needed to talk about Sialuk’s offer and she wanted him to be in on the conversation. If he was really coming with them then he deserved a say.

RE: I breathe you in again - Killdeer - March 30, 2023

He nodded along with her explanation, smiling. He was okay with meeting whomever she had in mind. And. . .a Blackthorn! Compared to the numerous Redhawks he'd met, the other half of his double-barreled surname were pronouncedly absent. That alone stoked his curiosity.

Sure, he replied, and when she howled, he waited alongside her for this Penn, this childhood friend of hers.

A. . .romantic interest? He wondered about that. He wondered if Fennec was just better off leaving the romance well enough alone, given her history. He didn't want to see her hurt again.

But. He withheld judgment for now.

RE: I breathe you in again - Penn - March 31, 2023

Penn had stayed away while Fenn and her son had visited the neighboring packs. He had little interest in taking up his role as their third wheel, and far more interest in exploring the area. He'd enjoyed running into someone new while they'd been gone, and he'd also enjoyed getting some time in to hunt. And, let's be real—to take a nice nap.

The summons came unexpectedly, but Penn was ready for it. He'd remained in the vicinity, hovering in their orbit while they'd done their thing and he'd done his. He felt a touch of anxiety returning to them now, wondering what Killdeer's reaction to him was going to be. Not too worried, but he was Bronco's son. He wondered if hatred was genetic. If it was, then Killer had at least a dose and a half of it—a full one from Bronco and probably half or so from Fenn.

Hopefully the dead squirrels he tossed over to them when he arrived would help.

"Morning, strangers," Penn said with an easy smile as he dropped to his haunches, "I got lucky today. One for each of you." His gaze slid over to Killdeer to whom he gave a non-verbal nice to meet you by way of a little nod and wag of his tail.

RE: I breathe you in again - Fennec - March 31, 2023

She half expected him not to show. When he did, it was with an easy greeting and lunch. What would Killer make of it?

Might as well cut straight to it. Killdeer, this is Penn. Penn, Killdeer. We met an old…acquaintance of mine, in a pack nearby. She said we’d likely be welcome if we wanted to join.

Stay or leave, it didn’t matter really. Not to her.

RE: I breathe you in again - Killdeer - April 01, 2023

He was impressed that Penn showed up not only with a friendly mien, but with food. He gave the man a broad smile. Thanks, he said, tail wagging. He was appreciative to Fennec for the introduction.

She went on to talk about their latest meeting with Sialuk, and he jumped in once she was done. It's on a mountain, Killdeer explained. I dunno if Ma would be comfortable there, so I'm torn. It's at least an established pack.

He looked sheepish as he continued. I'm not sure if I have what it takes to start or lead a pack, he admitted. I'd rather get us a home—but I'm not picky. What do you think, Penn?

His eyes lit upon the gray-toned man. He didn't look a thing like his father, despite the shared Blackthorn lineage. He did seem to have a good humor about him, which was nice.

RE: I breathe you in again - Penn - April 01, 2023

Fenn neglected to explain how they knew each other, which Penn found to be mildly interesting. He wondered if that was because she already had before he'd arrived. He wanted to know what she'd said. That they were friends? BFFs since they were kids? That she hated him but he insisted on continuing to stalk her? Anything was possible, and none of it particularly mattered.

She went on to explain the offer and he couldn't help but chuckle a little. He wondered if they'd been greeted by Lady Sialuk, as Alaric had referred to her. If they were going to settle there, he would need to learn how to stop rolling his eyes over that title. He kept his mouth shut, though, until they asked for his opinion.

"I'm up for anything," Penn said with a shrug, "If you guys like it, then that's good enough for me. We're talking about Moonspear, right?" His gaze rose to the mountain beyond. He didn't share Killdeer's concerns that the mountain would be difficult for Fenn to navigate. He'd seen her handle much worse in their travels together when they were young. If she said she could handle it, Penn had no reason to doubt her.

RE: I breathe you in again - Fennec - April 01, 2023

Fennec’s ears flicked backwards with annoyance as Killdeer mentioned his worries again, but she bit back the immediate and impatient it’s fine. Her mood wasn’t quite in the spot it needed to be to handle that gracefully.

She didn’t care. It didn’t matter where they went; nothing changed. Nothing she wanted ever worked out, none of their family would be there, and in the end it would collapse into shit eventually. The mountain was as good a place as the next.

The Moonspear’s fine. I told you I’ve been there. She repeated, her tone a neutral level. She wouldn’t take her frustration out on her son but his worry was starting to rankle her. It wasn’t his job to look after her; she’d tried to raise him to know that, but apparently she’d done a shit job lately. Surprise there.

So it’s decided. There wasn’t much use discussing more. Killer’s doubts didn’t interest her if they revolved around her… especially if he intended to discuss them with Penn and ignore what she’d already said. Moonspear it is.

RE: I breathe you in again - Killdeer - April 02, 2023

Her tone might not reflect it, but her words did. Killdeer's ears moved with his mother's, and he nodded, head bowing down in abashment.

Moonspear it is, Killdeer echoed, and looked at Penn. So, you're coming with us?

He didn't know much about the man, obviously, but his longtime friendship with Fennec already warmed his heart toward Penn. He just hoped he'd remain true. 

And now, they were headed toward their new home. So, let's go, then? he posited, shrugging.

I can start a new thread if y'all don't want to!

RE: I breathe you in again - Penn - April 03, 2023

Penn watched the interaction between mother and son with interest. It seemed Killdeer had the same problem Fig had always had when it came to Fenn—overprotective. That wasn’t quite a fair word, though. They were as protective as loving, caring family ought to be towards one of their own. The problem with it was Fenn and her wild sensitivity to feeling as though she were being coddled. Penn couldn’t help but smirk a bit and shake his head at her.

He turned his gaze to Killdeer once the decision was made. He gave the boy a smile. ”If you’re cool with it,” Penn told him honestly. Fenn had given her permission already for him to tag along, but Killer never technically had. It probably didn’t matter whether he did or not, but it was still important to Penn.

Well. It was interesting to Penn to see how the kid felt. He would do what he wanted regardless, so the importance of it was probably not what it should’ve been.

In any event, he took it as a good sign when they set off together towards the mountain.

works for me!

RE: I breathe you in again - Fennec - April 05, 2023

Fennec followed quietly as they led the way. She was surprised Penn would bother coming to a pack. Things would be easier if he left. Just as thing would have been easier if Killer had stayed with Caracal.

She ruined everything she touched. She was doing it right now but despite somewhat recognizing it she couldn’t seem to stop.

She would try the Moonspear and if it didn’t work she would send Killer to other family. She knew Penn would recognize the bullshit of her current mood, so Fennec gave herself some space. She really didn’t feel like being called out right now.