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Duck Lake Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - Printable Version

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Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - Sandulf - April 01, 2023

Sandy left behind the Riverclan. He moved and traipsed through the forest. His intent the nearby lake. There was tension at Riverclan and it bothered him. He was a quiet wolf, a no nonsense. One who preferred to just exist peacefully. Hunt for his family and friends, sleep under the stars. The simple things. All too often drama and other things ruined lives. 

He didn't feel that it was wrong that they sought out others' what he disliked was the ones who got hurt when there was no honesty. But he didn't know the whole story and it was not his place to judge. So with one last look behind him, he moved away for some peace, and maybe he'd return with duck or fish.

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - RIP Selena - April 03, 2023

back dated before she made her way over to greatwater lake! :)

Selena always found water to be calming, and so she was here. The slim woman lounged along side of her private pool, letting a toe dip in casually every now and then to test the fish below. They would hover to see what the commotion was about, but none were foolish enough to nibble. She smiled before laying her head back onto the ground, her black eyes only slits against the sun shining above. 

It had been days since she had a meal, and yet she did not feel hungry. But if that were to change, she would be ready to remedy it.

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - Sandulf - April 04, 2023

Fine with me.

Sandy liked to fish. He found something nice about it, peaceful. So it was not surprise to him that others were of the same opinion. He however was not expecting the vision of petite shadows that met him. He dipped his head swiftly. 

His voice polite and kind as always. Hello.

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - RIP Selena - April 05, 2023

Look alive.

Selena popped her head up at the sound of the newcomer, but was relieved that they seemed welcoming in their greeting. A quick look over and the girl assessed the stranger: large, rich pelt, and scarred. "Hi there." She chirped with a thump of her tail and a smile before finding herself on all fours.

"Am I intruding?" Since she started traveling on her own, Selena never knew if she was in a neutral territory or not. Sometimes she could smell markers but others... not as strong.

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - Sandulf - April 06, 2023

The dainty queen moved quickly and Sandy was momentarily on edge, but she only raised her head and got to her feet. Vigilant not aggressive. That was fine with him. He was not feeling a face full of teeth and claws today.

No, you're not intruding. It's neutral territory here. I just wanted to do some fishing. Am I intruding?

He gave a small dip of his head, a gentlemanly bow if you will. I'm Sandulf Ardeth.

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - RIP Selena - April 11, 2023

The strapping male was polite, and for this Selena was grateful. She sighed with a mixture of relief and exhaustion. "Okay good. No intrusion on my end. I was just resting and I'm glad I don't need to move."

"Sandulf." The lady tried out his name on her tongue. If she were to botch it, it was best she was corrected early on. "My name is Selena Monet." It had been a while since she introduced herself with surname included. She pushed thoughts of her family aside easily while in his presence. "Do you belong to a pack?" The obsidian girl hoped she wasn't boring the poor man with this small talk, but truthfully she wasn't great with men. She never knew what they wanted or what they spoke about amongst their own gender. 

Selena never took time to be introspective on that fact, but she assumed it was because she didn't grow up with many. They were a mythical creature to her, something to be better studied with time and experience.

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - Sandulf - April 12, 2023

Sandy chuckled. No need to move. I just came to fish actually. Do you mind if i fish near? Or would you prefer if I headed elsewhere?

Well met Lady Selena Monet. quiet and respectful, she had an exotic name.  He nodded. yes Riverclan, run by Silvertongue and Crowfeather. Back that way. He used a paw and his muzzle to poin tthe way he had come. He liked his little pack, but sometimes you needed space.

Do you?

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - RIP Selena - April 12, 2023

"You are more than welcome to fish here. I'll try to stay quiet for you." The lady lowered her tone in demonstration, then giggled. Oh spirits, what was that? Selena clamped her teeth together, silently feeling mortified that she uttered such a sound. She hadn't giggled since she was a girl. It was unbecoming she was told.

"I am not. I guess, not yet anyway." She looked from the direction Sandulf gestured, back to him, and then to the water. "Still figuring out where I am going. Where I am supposed to be." She didn't feel like preaching of the spirits today, so she fell silent still watching the placid lake with hard coal eyes. "So, what kind of fish are you hoping to catch, Sandulf?" Selena stayed focused on the water as her body was pulled near the edge of it, peering over just to meet her own reflection.

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - Sandulf - April 13, 2023

He chuckled. The good thing about fishing, you don't have to necessarily stay quiet the whole time. It is not like hunting. He heard the soft giggle and looked up at her with beaming yellow eyes, a small smile on his face. Kind as always.

Salmon would be nice, but I'm good with any. Something to take back so I don't look like I whittled my day doing nothing.

He bent at the water's edge, watched the shadows and with quick precision, darted a fiery paw into the water and scooped out a fish, quickly grasping it in his teeth and rendering it broken. 

You hungry? He asked sweetly.

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - RIP Selena - April 13, 2023

Selena smiled politely and nodded as Sandulf shared the intricacies of fishing, not wanting to interrupt to tell him she was a bit of an expert herself. She was sure he knew more of the sport, she could see it in his confident posture. The man poised like an obsidian statue over the water, the illusion quickly shattered by his sudden cast. The precision was impressive and she took note. 

"I am, actually... but are you sure?" The woman flitted her ears and cocked her head slightly in question. Selena fought the urge to lick her chops, not wanting to come off as a starved mongrel. "Since you caught me one, what do you say you let me catch yours?" The smaller wolf beamed brightly at her potential customer, admittedly wanting to show him her own skill in the art.

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - Sandulf - April 13, 2023

Sandy was simply talking. He hadn't even thought that perhaps the girl knew how to fish. He figured most did. He was just glad for the conversation. IT felt as if it had been too long, honestly.

I'm sure, Lady Selena.

He backed up with a smile. Be my guest. There was a kindness to his yellow eyes and he gave her room to take his place. Then he waited patiently.

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - RIP Selena - April 16, 2023

His calming demeanor set Selena at ease as she turned to focus on the task at hand. She was looking into a window of what might as well be another world. These fish were going about their day feeding, mating, nesting. She wondered if they had any sort of hopes or dreams behind those blank eyes. Selena herself had the hope of landing a catch for the gentleman next to her, so she reeled in her wandering mind. 

Placing her tail tip to float upon the water, the fish in the general vicinity initially fled. Selena breathed slowly and carefully, not wanting to move her body too much as the fish began to return to see if they might be able to nibble at the foreign object. When she felt enough activity around her tail and was able to see the movement of fish from her peripheral, she lunged. 

Eager teeth seemed to stretch from her lips in attempt to pierce her prey...and they did. With the tip of the fish's tail in her mouth, the rest of it thrashed violently against her face sending the girl stumbling back before throwing the meal airborne. Landing with a squishy 'thud', the seafood thrashed more until the woman stomped on it with a paw and bit into its neck. "Here ya go." She was aware the entire process may have looked unhinged, but she did it.

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - Sandulf - April 19, 2023

Sandy had not ever wondered about the fish beneath the water, or any prey really. They were just prey. Oh he knew they probably had all the things that he did, perhaps even thoughts like him. However, he also knew if he thought to hard on it, he would feel bad when he hunted and then his people would go hungry.

He watched her with genuine curiosity never seeing someone catch fish like that. Though it worked. Fish were curious creatures he had found and she was speaking to that curiosity by doing what she did.

It had been messy and strange, but she had done well and he smiled at her. A gentle pull of the fish near him and he nodded. Thank you very much. Shall we eat?

He would need to catch some more, but he could spend some time eating lunch with a pretty lady.

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - RIP Selena - May 01, 2023

"We shall." She agreed to the invitation eagerly, seating herself across from Sandulf. Selena was truly enjoying her time with the male as well as the fish he had caught her. So she made sure to give an enthusiastic nod to him after her first bite as if to say this is delicious

"I hope I'm not taking up too much time in your day, Sandulf." The dark girl recognized pack wolves had more things on their agenda to attend to than she did, a loner.

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - Sandulf - May 10, 2023

sorry for the wait work is crazy

Sandy chuckled at her exuberance and allowed a rare smile to wrinkle the scar around his muzzle and light up the yellow of his eyes. Full bodied and warm. He returned the nod, his own food good, he closed his eyes to chew happy to have someone to share a meal with.

Yellow eyes traced her face and he shook his head. You aren't you can have my time for the day if you'd like. I don't mind.

he hadn't been doing anything and her presence was welcoming and she was sweet. So why wouldn't he wish to stay the day in her shadow?

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - RIP Selena - May 13, 2023

No worries I totally get that D:

His kindness was, for lack of a better word, addicting. It felt nice to be around someone with such a calming presence, and so when he offered his arm for the day the lady happily obliged. "That would be great. Maybe we could go for a walk or something." The spiritualist trailed away in thought while looking past the lake, noting the sun beginning to fall from it's high point. "You see, I was heading south. If you'd like to accompany me for a while, I'd appreciate it. Traveling alone makes me nervous sometimes." Almost in a childlike manner, Selena looked up to the potential escort with anticipation. She couldn't put her paw on it, but something about him made her want to kidnap him for her own and take him with her. The spirits dangled in front of her such a nice afternoon, and she was eager to seize it.

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - Sandulf - May 13, 2023

Sandy had been raised in a good loving home. His father had been strict bordering a bit abusive, but their mother had made up for it with her wells of love.

A walk sounds great. soft agreement. He'd wait for her to lead the way. After all today was her day of choices.

He chuckled and nodded. I can escort you south. Nothing wrong with being a little nervous on your own.

A twitch of shoulder and tail and he smiled. Is there a reason you wish to head south or just a place you wish to visi

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - RIP Selena - May 13, 2023

Lead the way she did, and confidently, too. Especially for a woman who had no idea of where she was going. She confided in her temporary companion as much. "I'm not sure why south but I believe there is something for me there. Just a feeling. You ever get those?" Looking for Sandulf, Selena flashed a small grin before righting herself to look forward once more. It wasn't always a priority for her to preach her beliefs surrounding the occult and how that essentially drives her in everything she does.

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - Sandulf - May 16, 2023

Sandy followed along at her side. A smile on his face as she chattered at him. he didn't mind. It was a nice change from his daily routine. 

He nodded. I do. Intuition and what have you. That gut feeling that something has to be done a certain way or go a certain way.

Sandy didn't necessarily follow the occult, stayed away from it mostly. But he also held a healthy respect for it. Had she told him, he probably wouldn't have been too upset about it.

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - RIP Selena - May 18, 2023

love their dynamic! Would you be interested in wrapping this thread up and I could start us a new one that is up to date after Selena has joined Greatwater?

"Exactly." She knew he would get it. The gentleman seemed on top of things, good intellect to accompany his friendly nature. The little bird stopped her fluttering, pausing her gait momentarily to fully look at Sandulf with a quizzical brow as if in deep thought. Though her mouth still rested in a soft smile. "Maybe my intuition will bring me back here one day."

RE: Follow your heart, little child of the west wind - Sandulf - May 19, 2023

Sure just tag me. They are fun

Sandy had learned lessons the hard way and the easy way and everything he learned he had put away to revisit on days when he needed it. Perhaps it was that he had never truly been happy, just smart and easy going. He wasn't sure if he truly knew what 100% happiness was. But he liked who he was and where he was and what he was doing.

Perhaps it will.