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Heron Lake Plateau every sunrise begins with new eyes. - Printable Version

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every sunrise begins with new eyes. - Figment - April 03, 2023

It had taken Figment some time, but he had finally made it to the Plateau. He walked the grassy knolls, weaved along the winding creeks, strolled the peaceful woods of his childhood home feeling content in a way he hadn't in a very long time. Fig had never considered himself to be the type of wolf to become attached to a piece of land, so he was surprised to discover he was to this one. He didn't even entirely remember it, but his body did. His heart did.

There was something that felt off, though. And though Fig had done much growing over the past several months to shake himself of his anxious attachment to her, it still felt wrong to him to be there without Fenn. He felt the aching in his chest as he stepped through the tall grasses at the edge of the lake. He missed his sister.

He needed to clear his head.

With dawn just barely upon him, the weather was not quite warm enough to make taking a dive the most appealing activity. Comfort was not a prerequisite for his decision at that moment though. He slipped into the lake like a black serpent and waded into its depths until the water was up to his shoulders, letting the bite of cold take his mind back to a more centered place.

RE: every sunrise begins with new eyes. - Ulrich - April 03, 2023


Ulrich loved his wife and his newly born children. He truly did. He also very much missed having a full night's sleep and the lack of squealing, screaming babies. He had begged Adylaide for some time to himself, to clear his head and meander around the nearby territories to the Isle. Hopefully, he'd come back refreshed and ready to spend more time with his small family.

It seemed that every time he left, there was always someone nearby. It was a strange coincidence, given the general lack of wolves in the area, but he did not mind. He had been wary of strangers for the first few months after coming here, but he had opened up more, and it had never come back to bite him later--yet.

Hail, he called, from some ways back, when the dark male came into view. He kept his posture relaxed, a smile on his face, to show he was friendly.

RE: every sunrise begins with new eyes. - Figment - April 04, 2023

:D !!!

It didn't take much time for his head to clear. Water had always had a calming effect on him, even when there was a chill to it. He enjoyed the feel of it gliding along his fur and against his skin. There was a sense of peace to that weightless feeling when he was in its depths as well that he could always rely on to lift his troubles off of his shoulders.

Fig ducked his head into the water briefly, then lifted it again with a hard shake, sending droplets flying across the lake's otherwise smooth surface. A grin danced along his lips then, but was startled back away when he heard the greeting of a stranger. He turned his head to look back at the shore, spying the man standing there. There was no threat in his posture, so Figment offered a smile of his own.

"Good morning," he called back, "And here I thought I was the only one crazy enough to get up before the sun today."

RE: every sunrise begins with new eyes. - Ulrich - April 04, 2023

Ulrich knew the lake water must be cold. He knew it because the rivers surrounding his home were still covered in ice in places, though the water was less icy sludge with each passing day. So when he saw the male dunk his head into the water, he winced, imagining the shock to his system if he did that. It would certainly be enough to wake one up.

Ulrich smiled at the man, coming closer. Yes, well... How much to say? Revealing that he had four vulnerable pups at home might not be a good idea. Cautious as ever, he said, I've been finding it difficult to sleep lately. That was true, at least. I thought a walk might be a good idea, might tire me out enough to sleep later. Luckily, those at the Isle were content to be left to their own devices, so he was not required to do much. I am Ulrich, he said, by way of greeting, and then he looked expectantly at the male.

RE: every sunrise begins with new eyes. - Figment - April 05, 2023

The man smiled, but it didn't quite match his words. He spoke of difficulties sleeping, which Fig understood well. He gave a smile of his own and a commiserating nod. He had no idea the cause of the man's restless nights (and if he did, he'd know his own troubles did not compare), but he didn't need to in order to sympathize.

"Not a bad plan," Fig replied mildly, "I'm Figment Redhawk. Most call me Fig." He had been wading back to the shore while they talked and he now stepped up onto the shore, staying back a decent distance from Ulrich. Not out of wariness, but so when he gave his coat a good hard shake, he avoided giving the other male a bath.

"You from around these parts then?" Fig asked, turning his attention back to Ulrich.

RE: every sunrise begins with new eyes. - Ulrich - April 05, 2023

Figment, Ulrich murmured, finding the name strange. Why would anyone name their child a word that meant fake? It seemed... unkind. He forced a kind of vague smile onto his face, hoping he hadn't looked disturbed at the man's name. Well, I don't recognize your surname... Of course, I don't leave home very often.

Ulrich couldn't help but flinch automatically when Fig shook out his coat, but the man had been thoughtful and stayed far enough back that he wasn't hit. How's the water? Cold? he asked.

At the question about whether he was from around here, he decided to trust the man, at least somewhat. There's an isle directly to the north of us, Two Rivers Isle, named so because it is, well, surrounded by a river that splits on either side. My wife and I have made our home there, as well as a smattering of others. No need to mention his pups, even now. He held them close to his heart, a precious secret. Do you live nearby? I have not seen you before.

RE: every sunrise begins with new eyes. - Figment - April 06, 2023

Fig shrugged, not at all bothered that his surname was unknown. He didn't share it out of pride, but out of hope. Hope that perhaps his companion might know his family and be able to share something about them. He longed for news of Fennec, of course, but not just her. His mother. His father. His siblings. There were so many he hadn't seen in such a long time. And he was surrounded by the memories of them here.

He drew himself away from the reverie as the conversation continued. He gave a nod to indicate the water was indeed cold, but he didn't elaborate. He felt no need to explain why he was swimming even though it was cold, not unless asked. Besides, he was more interested in the conversation that unfolded next.

"I don't live anywhere, at the moment," Fig answered honestly, his gaze drifting North towards the man's territory, "I was born here, though we moved on when I was still very young. I just wanted to come back and see the place. You know, do the middle-aged man thing and reminisce about the good old days for a bit." He grinned.

RE: every sunrise begins with new eyes. - Ulrich - April 11, 2023

Ulrich blinked in surprise when he learned the the Plateau had once been home to a pack. He hoped none of them wished to come back and stay here again--not so close to the Isle. Unless he could strike up an alliance with them... And there he went again, becoming anxious over nothing.

'I just wanted to come back and see the place. You know, do the middle-aged man thing and reminisce about the good old days for a bit.'

Ulrich smiled at his paws, a knowing expression on his face. Yes, he said, amused. I understand. Although, to be honest, if he were ever to return to his own birth pack, it would certainly not be to reminisce. Well... He cleared his throat. If you plan to stay nearby... The Isle could always use more numbers, and you'd be... close to the Plateau. He always hated offering others a place at the Isle. No matter how he spun it, it sounded like begging. He cleared his throat again, looking away from Fig awkwardly. Of course, if you're moving on, that's fine too.

RE: every sunrise begins with new eyes. - Figment - April 14, 2023

The offer of a pack and a place to rest was a tempting one. He hadn't been gone from the Frosthawks all that long, but Fig was not built for the road. He craved the steady companionship of family too much. He'd put in his time as a loner and had grown much from it, but it was not the life he wanted. He wanted what Ulrich offered.

Not yet, though. "Your offer is a very kind one, and tempting..." Fig started, hesitating for a few extra seconds of deliberating before he sighed and continued, "I'm not quite ready to settle down, though. There are a few places I'd like to visit, and some family I think are still in the area that I'd like to track down. Perhaps once I've done what I need to do, I'll come back?"

Fig felt bad asking to have the door left open for him, even more so because he wasn't entirely certain if his path would lead him back. He didn't know what his future held yet, but still.

RE: every sunrise begins with new eyes. - Ulrich - April 28, 2023

hello I am terrible and have been struggling with muse for several months now. <3

Ulrich smiled kindly at the man. The Isle will always be open to anyone who wishes to join. There's no time limit. He could not begrudge Figment the need to seek out old friends and family, to wander old haunts. Personally he did not understand this need because anyone from his old life would be looked upon with contempt or downright hatred, but he knew he was probably an outlier in this. Well, I won't keep you any longer, he said, and stood up, his tail wagging slowly behind him. I must return home. It was nice to meet you, Fig. He left his sentence sort of up in the air like a question mark and hovered where he stood, waiting to see if the man had anything further to say.

RE: every sunrise begins with new eyes. - Figment - April 29, 2023

no worries! I've totally been there <3

Fig smiled appreciatively when Ulrich took his request so well. He truly didn't know if he would return to join his pack, nor if he would ever come back to the Hinterlands at all. He only knew his next two steps, which was to visit the lands of his childhood and then set off to find his parents. Anything beyond would come later.

"You too, Ulrich," Fig said with a nod when it came time to part ways. He offered a kind smile to his new friend before turning to head further down the shoreline. Perhaps he would hunt a bit before heading South to the Strath.