Wolf RPG
Big Salmon Lake Is this the prize I've waited for - Printable Version

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Is this the prize I've waited for - Elhanna - October 31, 2014

"You should really make this easy on yourself and just come on out." The muffled words broke out between heavy breaths, the ivory males head halfway buried in the entrance to a rabbits home. Having chased the small creature around for some time before it managed to find its sanctuary, but not before El had managed to grab a small chunk of it when it darted past him. Food was becoming a problem for the boy, mixing that with the fact that he had been out-foxed by a rabbit, he was not the in the most patient of moods.

Frantically he begun digging at the entrance for a time, digging his quarry out whilst his previous words faded now to a smattering of insults and curses. The already exhausted boy soon gave up on his attempt to dig it out "Fine, I'll just wait for you to come out. Either way you're mine you little prick." he almost shouted down the tiny hole. His words still echoing in the tiny den before him when he moved a step back. His normally white face was now covered in now small amount of dirt and a light smearing of blood from the small chunk of rabbit he managed to catch, lending him an even more pathetic appearance. "You can bleed to death in there, I'll just find one of your stupid little friends." He mumbled to no one, trying to fight down the hopeless feeling that followed from losing his potential meal.

This looking after yourself thing was really starting to get difficult.

RE: Is this the prize I've waited for - Finley - October 31, 2014

As Finley traipsed along near the edge of the lake, it was really rather a miracle that she wasn't dead. Her escapades with the rattlesnake and the moose had left her very nearly unscathed, save for an aching hip where the moose had caught her with an antler. She really ought to have been dead, but that was true for far more reasons that her most recent hijinx. As it was, the Blackthorn was alive and kicking, not to mention on the hunt again for something reckless to do.

When she came upon the rather grumpy wolf, she wondered immediately if this might be her next reckless act. She crept around him to peek curiously at whatever it was he was shouting at, only to see that whatever it was had likely disappeared into the little hole he'd just pulled his head out of. Her nose told her quickly that it was a rabbit, and it apparently was injured. Not injured enough though from the dark mutterings that came from the man's throat.

"Bunny troubles?" Fin asked suddenly from behind him, her head canted with a sly smile as she waited for him to turn to her.


RE: Is this the prize I've waited for - Elhanna - October 31, 2014

Hi hi :D

And of course his shouting tantrum caught the attention of someone else, and apparently it was a someone else who decided to sneak up on the poor boy. A deep inhale, his fur standing on end as he almost jumped. Closing his eyes, he tried to breath slowly to calm himself from the shock, without turning around he spoke. "Ye-No, No, it's my friend the talking turnip, he's grown a flower on his head and I tried to help him get it off, so now he's hiding thinking I want to kill him." Cause why else would he be in front of a rabbit warren?

As soon as he finished he turned to face the female behind him, dirt-covered face doing him no favours as he fixed a look of sarcasm. "So you can either help me catch the talking walnut, or you can. ..wait. Turnip. Not walnut." The expression changing to one of mild horror. Shit Screwing up our story one sentence in?

Because a talking, flower growing turnip made sense anyway.

RE: Is this the prize I've waited for - Finley - November 03, 2014

<3 <3

Fin stared blankly as the stranger started his explanation. Apparently, he was being tormented by a turnip, not a rabbit. With a flower on its head that needed to be removed. For some reason. Not even as he turned to face her did she move--her expression remained nuetral and placid as he finished his story by mixing up the vegetable with a nut and then looking horrified that he'd done it.

Fin studied him for a few moments before she parted her lips with a slow nod. "Right. Well. You seem to have this... handled..." she started as she began to take a couple steps backwards, "I'll go ahead and leave you to it. Wouldn't want to scare the poor little guy even further..." She fixed a strained smile upon her muzzle as she turned to leave, hoping rather hopelessly that he would let her get away before the clearly thin chords holding together his sanity snapped and he tried to rip flowers off of her head.

RE: Is this the prize I've waited for - Elhanna - November 05, 2014

First impressions, they were important, and if the girls reactions to his terrible lie was any indication he just made a terrible one. When she began to turn and leave he let out a large sigh. "okay, so it's a rabbit. ..it sort of... Got the better of me" why was a talking turnip any better?

He looked back over his shoulder at the entrance to his former preys home he was hungry, confused, and feeling pretty sorry for himself about now, it was about then that he had the idea of asking another stranger for help. Of course no one previously had much to offer him, but maybe this one would. "Hey, don't go. I don't suppose you know about getting rabbits?" yellow eyes looked on in hope, from a dirt covered face.

RE: Is this the prize I've waited for - Finley - November 06, 2014

At the strange wolf's urging, she paused and looked back at him. Relief washed over her at the fact that he actually was aware that he hadn't been chasing a turnip. "Thank goodness," she said with a sigh of relief, "I thought you were a lunatic." His admission meant that he wasn't completely insane--only rather unusual. Fin could deal with unusual. The insane were just too much to bother with.

Now that she wasn't completely freaked out by him, she actually felt a little sorry for the wolf. His face was caked with dirt with two bright eyes peeking out at her with sullen hope. She frowned slightly, still rather wanting to be on her way, but he was too pathetic to just leave hanging. "Well," she started, "Usually you want to kill them before they reach their holes." And this is why Fin never went for the Counselor trade.

RE: Is this the prize I've waited for - Elhanna - November 08, 2014

He wilted at her words, he was aware of the disastrous mistake of letting them escape home, but her emphasis of that fact seemed to lock in the looming fact he was not going to catch this little rabbit. "Thanks for the hint, I guess." It was really starting to become obvious, he needed to learn to feed himself properly, and soon.

He pushed away any further thoughts of the lost food, lifting his eyes to look at the silver girl again. "Lunatic?" It seemed to be the general consensus since his arrival in the wilds. "No, I don't think I'm a lunatic, even if I can't follow paths, or catch rabbits." Self assurance that he wasn't a lunatic, that was sane right?

RE: Is this the prize I've waited for - Finley - November 09, 2014

Fin listened as he defended himself, even though he wasn't doing so very well. A small smirk danced across her face at how crestfallen he seemed. He was a pitiable creature, and a big part of her wanted to comfort him and to help the poor guy get revenge upon the bunny who had wronged him.


"Wait, you can't follow paths?" Fin said suddenly, looking upon him in surprise. She gave him a concerned grimace, as though his words had deeply troubled her. She didn't intend to say anything further, so even as he responded she shook her head and told him never to mind. She had meant nothing by it, even though as she excused herself and left, she gave him another worried look before darting off into the trees, hopefully leaving him to fret over what deeper problems he might have that his inability to follow paths might signify.