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Sleepy Fox Hollow 100 Percent Juice - Printable Version

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100 Percent Juice - Keen - April 06, 2023

Tries to kick up some muse for this girl
Tags for ref! Hoping for a @Mahler but only if you have time, all welcome <3
I'm so sorry if you guys got the tags twice I posted the first one too soon.......
Keen was, above all else, the very definition of a homebody. Anyone who knew her knew this. So it might have come as a surprise when she howled to @Sialuk to say that she would be away, that she was off to pursue a certain piece of history. But she needed this.
Moonspear was changing all around her and Keen felt utterly useless in all of it. Suddenly she did not know the names of her packmates, and there was a flurry of activity that she could not even begin to grasp. Keen had hoped for a quiet life in Moonspear. Instead she felt left behind, and maybe that was her own fault.
So she headed for the mountains with @Argent's words lingering in her mind. It would not help Moonspear as a whole, but all Keen knew was history. And maybe it would revive her in some way, to be able to provide closure to one of her packmates and prove the worth of her trade in one move. She stopped at the first pack she found, and howled at the border for anyone who might answer.
It was a small pack, so she kept a healthy distance, wary of making them feel threatened. But Keen wondered a little at their numbers, in such an unforgiving place. Moonspear had grown so quickly that she could hardly imagine what it would be like to live quietly in the mountains.

RE: 100 Percent Juice - Wylla - April 14, 2023

Winter thawed to spring, and spring marched eagerly toward summer, and still Wylla did not feel the siren call of the season as she had in previous years. It had always come pretty early for her, but not this year. She was beginning to wonder if it would come at all. The uncertainty and feeling of imminent failure both put her in a foul mood of late.

So it was with narrowed eyes and a generally unfriendly air that she trudged toward the caller at the borders. Thin piles of snow clung stubbornly to the shadows of the vale, but Wylla chose to avoid them, traveling through wet grass and mud so that by the time she arrived, her legs were damp and her thin sides were flecked with dirt.

The picture of a working woman, perhaps.

Yes? she asked, arching an expectant brow and doing her best not to scowl.

RE: 100 Percent Juice - Keen - April 30, 2023

A woman answered her call, flecked with dirt and water and wearing an expression that Keen would not have called friendly. She wasn't outright hostile, though, so Keen counted that as a win. Hi. I'm Keen, from Moonspear. I'm looking for anyone who might have information about a pack that used to be in these mountains, Diaspora, She realized that it was probably a strange and suspicious request on its own, so she hurried to explain. One of my packmates was born there, and he mentioned wanting to know more. I'm a historian, so...
Keen trailed off awkwardly. The rest was self-explanatory, but of course she couldn't manage to bring the thought to a graceful conclusion. Instead she swallowed hard and switched gears. If you know anything or if you can point me in the right direction, I'd be grateful. There; that sounded a little less inept.

RE: 100 Percent Juice - Wylla - May 01, 2023

Well, well. Here was a wolf who did not actively disrespect Wylla on her own pack's borders by either posturing or dismissing her, a rarity in her experience, and one who was smart enough to explain what they were up to without any additional prompting. Wylla was not the type of wolf to drop her guard in an instant, but Keen was an impressive visitor indeed.

This, she conveyed with the relaxing of her body language so that her tail ticked back and forth at a languid pace and the tension melted out of her shoulders. There was still a narrowness to her expression, but the chill of earlier disappeared. She even favoured Keen with a very slight upward quirk of her lips.

Shit, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time, said Wylla, clucking her tongue a little. Those memories felt like they belonged to some other wolf's life, not hers. I ran with Diaspora once. They claimed a lake on the other side of that mountain, and she flicked her muzzle in the direction of Shadow Mountain, whose name she did not know. I might be able to answer your questions. Who's your packmate?