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Is it Necessary? - Printable Version

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Is it Necessary? - Nishu Inte - October 31, 2014

[size=x-small] @Aella Wasn't sure how to start it so it took a while :P oh and one moon is a reflection (just in case)[/size]

The sun had set and the moon now claims the sky. Nishu had positioned himself at the cliffs edge. He liked this spot, it allowed him to see anything that's far and out in the open. The wind made it sound quiet but he could still hear the crashing sound of waves down below. This Night was a bit special for him. It's the first time he really looked at the calm sea and it felt peaceful. What really amazed him was being able to see two moons. Who would have known that each area had it's own unique personality.

He knew this peace was temperary like his service as a Knight. Serving Tethys got him involved in the pack she was in. If this pack was normal there wouldn't be a problem but this pack was much more unique than he imagined. They had different rules and beliefs. Females were dominant that he understood but he never expected that males were seen as nothing more than slaves. The question on his mind was, where did that put him in all this? Did he really have to follow their ways? Nishu's answer to this was no. A knight remains a Knight as long as he lives. No culture or religion will ever take his Knighthood away. It could be safe to pretend that all the females are lords or something, but to pretend to be a some kind of slave.. That would be near impossible.

He sat up straight and stared at the two moons. He wondered how long he would have to play along with their ways. This must just be part of a test.

RE: Is it Necessary? - Aella - November 02, 2014

I guess you're going for the warrior trade too? Wanna use this one for that? :D
Maybe a friendly T1 spar??

Nights like this one were a rarity in the red season. They were usually freezing and wet, but that day had been different from the start. She was feeling different herself too, for she had discovered her sweet sister 'Thea had disappeared from the sound without notice. Why? The young dove seemed to be excited about their new claim just a few days ago, so why had she left without telling anyone? Had she left willingly?

It had been a day full of unanswered questions. It was time to relax, and what better way to get some peace than admiring mother sea? She lurked through the forest which had been her place of choice to den, and followed her trail to the clifftop. She wasn't expecting to meet anyone there, but the scent of a male filled her nostrils, stressing her even more.

Το όνομα σας the adept said in annoyance, Δεν είναι δυνατή μια σκύλα πάρει πέντε λεπτά από την ειρήνη; she barked at the male, who stood in the edge of the cliff. Her reaction wasn't as it was because he was a male... Ok maybe a little, but she would've been pissed off if it had been Caiaphas too, for example... Ok she was always pissed off when she saw Caiaphas... Let's say she just was pissed off with life.

RE: Is it Necessary? - Nishu Inte - November 03, 2014

[size=x-small]I forgot all about trades and stuff lol but im so up for it. A friendly spar to show who's boss :D. It won't last long, Nishu will realise soon that he shouldn't make things worse by fighting a female and will immediately let her have her way. I don't expect any real injuries on both but Aella can let out some steam. Nishu is a big boy he can take it xD[/size]

He sighed after a while. It was definitely peaceful and calming but honestly he would rather train or rest than stay too long. There was only one good thing about this spot. It was a nice area to think with a clear mind. If he ever needed time to think, this would be the best place to go.

The moment he got up and turned around, a wolf was suddenly there barking at him. To make matters worst this female spoke in a language he didn't understand. With so much sudden events he couldn't think straight, his mind had to reset it's self in order for him to analyze the situation. This spot must have been found by others before him, which means, She's angry that he took her spot. The idea of challenging her for the spot just sparked in his mind. He didn't think further beyond that, nothing was ringing 'bad idea'.

"So you like this spot too?" He said with a grin as lowered his frame. "I'll fight you for it!" He took a few side steps forward to create a bit of distance from the edge. He let out a low taunting growl while keeping his grin. "Come on, first one brought down loses." Nishu was off duty for the day and always loved spars. The idea had completely blocked out the fact that this pack he was involved in was a female dominated one. He has yet to realise what he is really getting himself into.

RE: Is it Necessary? - Aella - November 04, 2014

Cool! this will surely be fun! :D

Oh hell no! If there was something Aella didn't expect was to be growled at, by a male! Steam started to come out of her ears instantly. The Amazon gasped an 'excuse me!?' expression. Didn't he know his place? Did no one tell him that males here weren't more than servants? Maybe it was her duty to show him so.

Her face, which once was beautifully calm, became a raging fireball of snarls. Her ears pressed forward and her lips curled up, not only to reveal her shiny daggers, but her gums too. Her hair seemed to have been electrified, making her look almost twice as big, and her tail raised above her head in imperative dominance.

I suggest you back down now before it gets ugly for you. The Adept snarled a slow and deep growl. Whether she cared little bout males or not, whether she saw them in a different way than the rest of the sisters, she had lived her entire life above each male she knew, and she wasn't about to let this single one, as big as he was, step over her. That was far from being acceptable for Aella Nereides.

RE: Is it Necessary? - Nishu Inte - November 04, 2014

[size=x-small]I haven't sparred in ages or never really sparred before. so If I made a mistake or I'm not doing it right then just tell me and I can change it for the better :P[/size]

His sudden opponent didn't exactly react the way he wanted her to. She turned alot more hostile but he was encourage to not back down due to her dominant stance. A good spar is done when both sides believe they can win. Seeing that just made him want to know who was better. This was seen as just a perfect opportunity to test the his strength and skill then compare it with the skills of others.

Nishu wanted her to make the first move. It was obvious that he was angering her so he decided to take advantage of it and taunt her even more. He made sure to rise his tail up and drew out his fangs but only for a moment. He had no intention of actually biting, at the very most he would use them only to grab hold. "HA! A knight will never back down no matter how ugly things turn! Show me your dominance! only then will I allow you to toss me off this spot!" He said loudly. He was showing off his no fear plus confidences. There was no signs of backing down but there was plently saying 'Let's fight'.

His goal was to taunt her enough to where she would lunge at him. While remaining low he would attempt ram his head diagonally at her chest to counter the lunge. This would be the attempt to over power her quickly. If successful in over powering her lunge he will combo it by grabbing hold at the right side of her neck with his jaws and pushing with his right paw to bring her down quickly and then to keep her down. If no opening allowed him to ram at her chest from below he would remain on the defensive but would have little to nothing of a reaction time to counter any unexpected attack besides a lunge.

RE: Is it Necessary? - Aella - November 05, 2014

I think it's ok, except that maybe you're describing too many possible actions instead of telling me what he actually did... So far I have his words and a snap to her chest? Please correct me if I'm wrong, this is like my first spar ever... :P

Many have been the ones to challenge Aella, all of them probably bigger than herself, but all of them had fallen, victims of her swift moves and agile strikes. She was an experienced warrior proven in open battle many times, she was an accomplished Amazon, so she knew better than to make the first move.

Aella would either wait until the male willingly submitted to her, or use his own weight and momentum against him. Back down, male! this is the last warning! the female growled now angrier than before. The insubordination of this male was getting the worst out of her, and she would't let this matter unattended. How did Aktaie let such a defying and gutsy male into the ranks? Was she out of her mind?

Her body grew bigger, her snarls deeper and her tail higher, the display of dominance wouldn't be mistaken by anyone who saw it, so why had the male decided to keep the insolence? Though Aella hoped he would submit with that, she knew it was unlikely, for her contender looked like he thought this was some kind of joke. Aella didn't want the spot, she wanted to either put the male in his place, or doom him to exile, for such boldness wasn't accepted in males within the Nereides.

RE: Is it Necessary? - Nishu Inte - November 05, 2014

[size=x-small]OOC: Oh, then in that case let me explain what I was trying to do. I gave what Nishu predicted and his plan to counter an attack at the cost of not be unable to counter the unexpected attacks (since he was looking for an opening before engaging). The reason for giving the possibilties was that it's you who decides if it's a success, half success, or a miss, in other words your wolf Dodges/half dodges/ or takes the hit then it's your turn to attempt an attack. At the post before Nishu didn't attack at all unless you decided have Aella show the opening he wanted. (I simply give you the choice to have Aella take a heavy hit from a counter attack or instead just attack him a different way with a better chance of success :) ) anyway no attacks happend yet.. until now >:P[/size]

The female got even angerier but she still didn't attack first. Nishu wasn't quite sure if he should start the fight or not. Attacking first always ended badly for him when sparring with other Knights but maybe this time would be different. She gave him a final warning, that must mean that she's at her limit and is going to engage. He'll just have to attack first and surprise her. Staying on the defensive delayed the spar long enough. It was time to try out a different stance.

Nothing bad was going to happen but that was only true if he won. She looked alot more serious so did that mean she would try to injure him if she could. He couldn't really let himself get hurt but if he couldn't handle this then what kind of Knight would he be?

"I fear nothing so FIGHT! What are YOU afraid of?! This isn't to the death!" He said as he closed the distance between them quickly. As he moved to engage her he turned slightly to the right making it appeared that he would attack her at her left but he quickly swifted to the other side in order to attack her at her right side instead. He hoped that it would confuse her a bit as he begun his attack. Once at her right side he'll attempt to grab her neck with his jaws and force her down with his weight. If not possible he'll ram his head at her shoulder to try an knock her down.

[size=x-small] OOC: so full dodge (can do it only once) and avoid the whole attack, or half dodge (1 or 3 times depending if you use a full dodge), or take the full hit. you post what happens then you add your attack attempt in it. I think there is only 3 rounds then someone judges who wins if we don't decide before hand. I don't truely know the rules but that was how I was going to go at it.[/size]

RE: Is it Necessary? - Aella - November 06, 2014

Sooo... I checked with the CMs and the rules in the sparing pits don't apply here. BUT I do like the idea of having a finite amount of dodges to keep it realistic ;)

Maybe to him it wasn't to death, but Aella wanted to rip the guy's head off. She growled deeper as her anger grew bigger, and step by step she came closer to the male, showing her dominance with her posture. But then it was him who started walking closer to her, and with a snap she warned that she wouldn't let him come any closer. I don't fear, male. And I've been containing myself from ripping your skull apart, so just back down and no harm will be done. she growled at the approaching male.

And that's when it happened. The knight charged towards her, running slightly at her left side. She posed herself waiting for the right moment, and just when he was close enough she would use his own momentum to tear him to the ground. But his move suddenly changed to her right. The amazon could do little to resist the impact, but her swift legs moved her enough to receive the charge with the right side of her body, escaping the male's strong jaws, but pushing her several feet back.

It was her time to strike now, and taking advantage of the male's current loss of balance, she would attempt to lunge at him, going at his right side, in an attempt to get on top of him to clench her jaws in his neck. The time in which she had to do this was short, and the male would recover his stability quickly, so her chances of actually being able to grab flesh were little, but the impact was imminent, and she charged at full speed ahead.

So... half dodge I guess

RE: Is it Necessary? - Nishu Inte - November 07, 2014

The female was faster than he believed. It wasn't hard to realise that when he failed to grab hold of her. He had rammed her but instead of going down she was just tosses away creating new distance between them. That impact to his head made him realise that something was off, like there something he shouldn't be doing. There was no time to think about it, the female was already charging at him.

He managed to recover his stance and faced her. She lunged at him, he wanted to counter it as he had planned before but the time to counter it had already passed. There was no way he could build up enough force to over power her but he tried anyway. He leapt up right when her head passed over his. He attempted to grab at her throat but there was no way to escape from the grip she gained on the back of his neck. The momentum she had gain from running over powered his attempt to counter it.

The result of the force will send him backwards down onto his back either way. He attempted to grab her throat but would easily lose the grip if she decided to release her grip on him. If he failed to grab on and she kept her grip there will be a huge possibility of her getting filped on her back as well but might get crushed a bit by his big head. If he failed and she releases then she was likely to land on her paws behind him simply.

[size=x-small]Might be a little confusing but I consider a half dodge used here (more like using whats left of the momentum to weaken the her grip) :P I can always change it if this doesn't work for you.[/size]

RE: Is it Necessary? - Aella - November 09, 2014

Once again, her agile legs allowed her to take her opponent by surprise, sinking her fangs on the back of his neck. The taste of blood flooded her mouth letting her know that the damage would be significant. But it wasn't just him whose blood flowed out of their body. Aella too had been grabbed by the male by her throat, but taking only skin. A mixture between a growl and a yelp came out of the Amazon's mouth as both of their bodies faced the possibility to fall back, pushed by Aella's momentum.

She had to make a quick decision if she wanted to keep the advantage she had over the male, but there was just so little time. The crimson amazon released her grip to fall back with the male, avoiding being crushed by his body. She had managed to bring a bigger male down, little effort made. That gotta hurt.

Ready to surrender, male? The adept said as she got back up on her fours, bleeding from her neck. She was giving him a chance to reconsider his decision, he was never going to get a good outcome from this either way, but he could cut down on the punishment just by agreeing to submit to the female, just as he was supposed to do since the very beginning.

RE: Is it Necessary? - Nishu Inte - November 10, 2014

Even though he slammed onto the ground he still had the reflex to quickly return onto his paws. The female had decided to give him the time he needed to regain focus. Slamming his head on the solid ground hurt alot more than the female's bite. In his mind he kept telling himself it was nothing but being dazed didn't allow him to do much but that.

She had asked him if he was ready to surrender, he responded instantly while looking directly into her eyes. "Ne.." but stopped due to a sudden realisation of what he was doing. This was not home, this was a different culture where females are the boss. And he just fight with one believing it was some kind of spar. This made it not good in anyway. He needed to find a way to be forgiven for his stupidity. The only way he could think of was just giving her what she wanted.

He kneeled before her. "Please forgive my actions, I have forgotten the way it works around here. If there is anyway for me to right my wrong I will do it" Deep inside he was still refusing to surrender but he knew he was in trouble if he didn't. His tail was only lowered but didn't really show signs of submission. He wanted to continue fighting but it was far from a good choice. Perhaps he should try dealing with what started the problem. "You can keep this spot at the cliffs edge, I won't challenge you for it anymore." He said with his head bowed down.