Wolf RPG
Ouroboros Spine Follow the voice, that's calling you home - Printable Version

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Follow the voice, that's calling you home - Sandulf - April 15, 2023

Sandy found his way towards the borders of moonglow. he wasn't quite sure why he had moved this way, but he decided while he was here he might as well visit. He thought briefly of the odd little wolf @Kausiut She'd been sweet, a little strange, and clearly not understanding of general nuances, but she was sweet enough, and she had made his day a little better with her presence.

He tilted an ear forward and traveled by the borderline. He briefly wondered if he should hunt down something and actually visit, but a small grouse raced from the underbrush making his decision for him. With swift precision and a step of years born to hunt, he caught the creature and dispatched it quickly enough. Laying it at his feet and licking at the blood around his muzzle.

RE: Follow the voice, that's calling you home - Kausiut - May 06, 2023

Kausiut would have made a perfect target for that infamous witch that owned the gingerbread house in the woods. Conversations were all necessary part of social interaction and creating bonds - she made great effort to fulfill the bare minimum requirements, but in her opinion food was a simple, but very clear way of communication.

Therefore unbeknownst to him, Sandulf had chosen the best possible way to lure this little goblin out her lair. As per usual she was wandering around the outskirts of Moonglow and the territories bordering it directly, engaging in activities that only made sense and were considered important to her. She caught scent of blood first and only then did she take notice of, who else was there.

She did not remember the stranger right away - time had passed, since they had met for the first time. This was in no part a fault of Sandulf, Kau's memory was selective, when it came to one-time encounters. The girl greeted him with an unsure wag of her tail, then she sat down and with a furrowed brow scrutinized the man's face trying to place a name to it.

RE: Follow the voice, that's calling you home - Sandulf - May 10, 2023

sorry for the wait work is crazy

Sandy knew that Kausiut was not like other wolves. He supposed it was why he wanted to look after her in his own way and check in on her. So it was with delight that he saw her coming upon him. Though it seemed she didn't recognize him and that was okay.

He offered a smile and then using a claw drew in the dirt. He didn't know if she would remember that, but he hoped. 

It is good to see your face. Sandy at your service. 

He gave a little dip of his head and then continued drawing, though he took a moment to inch the food towards her. Knowing that she liked food if memory served from last encounter. Though he also remembered she was protective of it and he backed up a little from it. So she didn't think he wanted it back. Hoping she understood.