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Into a land of enchantment - Printable Version

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Into a land of enchantment - Runt - November 03, 2014

anyone welcome.

It seemed pitch black tonight. Runt lied in a new den she'd hashed out. It was an abandoned fox hole below a tree. She widened the entrance and inside a little, and had placed a few feathers on the ground where she slept, to bring her a little more comfort. It was the day after she'd met Amber, and she laid in the den recovering from her wounds. It seemed as if every muscle she moved triggered pain in one wound or another. It had been like this a few times at the slave camp when she'd been attacked.

She looked out the opening of the den. She could see the moon tonight, it was either waning or waxing. She couldn't tell, but she knew her sister Feather would've known. She was amazingly smart about nature, and had always been telling her little sister some fun fact that she didn't know.

RE: Into a land of enchantment - Dante RIP - November 09, 2014

Dante was patrolling when he came across a trace of a scent he did not recognize. Intrigued, he'd followed it until it strengthened and the meaning became clear. There was a stranger in their midst.

This was not the first time, and Dante felt anger ignite within him. He was sick and tired of the blatant ignoring of his borders. Once, ok. Twice, and he'd gotten a bit irritated. But this was the third time. And he was going to make it clear that their pack did not welcome such intrusions.

Arriving at the spot where he assumed the wolf to be holed up, he let out a low growl . "You need to leave," he said, aggression in his tone that made it clear he would brook no argument.

RE: Into a land of enchantment - Runt - November 09, 2014

She was jolted out of her thoughts by a guy's voice. She stuck her face out to see a tall (or at least he looked tall from her den, but anyway) guy. "Why do I need ta?" She said, waiting to see how he would respond. She slunk out of the den, low to the ground like a weasel. Now it was obvious that she was very little, and more of her wounds were showing. "I don't have ta." She said. She enjoyed testing other wolves' patience.

RE: Into a land of enchantment - Dante RIP - November 09, 2014

Okay.... Did this wolf realize where the heck she was!? Dante had expected acquiescence, but instead recieved a blatant and surprising amount of disrespect. Not one to quickly lose his cool, he found that her tone upset him, and he raised his head in response. His fur bristled, and he took a few steps forward.

"These are claimed lands, and as you are not a member of this pack you have no right to them. I suggest you submit and leave." A territorial nature he did not quite know he possessed was taking hold, and he wondered of perhaps he was growing into his role after all. Still, her response was a total surprise to him. She was small, alone, and injured. What the hell was she thinking, challenging him?

RE: Into a land of enchantment - Runt - November 09, 2014

Oh yes. She liked the reaction- his fur bristled and she could tell she got on his nerves. "What if I don't care about your borders?" She asked, and without waiting for a response continued with, "Well, I've claimed this land right here." Teasingly she drew a line in the soil with her claw between them. "This den is mine and this bit of land here. Sorry." She was not afraid he might react worse so she quickly darted into her den again, but her head poked out.

RE: Into a land of enchantment - Dante RIP - November 09, 2014

omg she is crackin me up XD I don't usually get to play angry Dante!

That did it. He'd had enough. If the girl thought she was safe within her den, and that he was simply going to leave her be, she was sadly mistaken. "I am alpha here, and damn it, I will not have trespassers on my soil. You will leave, if I have to drag you out myself. And I can't promise for your condition if that be the case." He snarled, advancing once more. He'd already given her far more leeway than he should have, but he hadn't fought another wolf in over a year. He wasn't fond of starting now, but he would attack should she not heed his words. He could do no less, nor did he find he wanted to.

A wolf who did not heed borders was dangerous and had no place here. One that did not know her place, nor when to submit, was even worse. He would teach her a lesson this day, one he doubted she would likely soon forget.

RE: Into a land of enchantment - Runt - November 09, 2014

Yeah Runt has grown on me quickly. I'm afraid for what will happen but have to play her in the right personality, even if her attitude's gonna get her beat up----->

Runt was now rather scared that she would get attacked again, and so soon after her fight with the mountain wolf. She pulled her head into the den. But she'd gotten herself into it, and she figured she couldn't get out of it now. Maybe she shoulda made this den even deeper so she could hide away. So she decided to dig. She turned and began to dig with her front paws and kicked the dirt out the den behind her. Then her stomach did a flop and made her want to freak out in a bad way.
She had kicked dirt outta the den... Into his face. Ya are the most rude, awesome kid. Good luck with your life, it's off ta a bloody death with ya.

RE: Into a land of enchantment - Dante RIP - November 16, 2014

Dante won't rough her up much ^^

At first, from the scuffling, Dante thought perhaps she was coming out. Then a faceful of dirt showed that this was not, in fact, the case. He did not know what the hell this wolf was thinking but there was really only one course of action he could take. Hunching down, he tried to follow, but the tunnel was too small for his large shoulders.

Shaking the dirt off his face, he set to digging as well, powerful paws tearing into the den's mouth. Perhaps he'd collapse the whole thing, then dig her out. If he destroyed her den she'd have nothing to remain in.

RE: Into a land of enchantment - Runt - November 19, 2014

Uhhhh-Ohhhh. She thought slowly, and painfully long. She could hear the earth behind her being dug up. He was widening the entrance. And the den could cave in! She dug deeper and faster, her claws quickly filling with dirt and mud. He was right behind her, and the cave was not very long. Once he caved the entrance, or the whole den, he could get to her. Lift her up and throw her against a tree or something. She was only six months old after all, not to mention she was a runt. She was a light fragile load, and far too bold for her pipsqueak size.

RE: Into a land of enchantment - Dante RIP - November 23, 2014

I don't wanna powerplay too much so kinda vague ;)
Feel free to have him catch her or no, but he's not gonna stop until she's gone XD

Dante got the hole wide enough to fit his shoulders and lunged, pulling himself after the small intruder in an attempt to drag her out of the den. This was just too much. He was so unused to dealing with situations like this. Were he still with the Obscurum this wolf's life would be his to take and should he hesitate it would be seen as a weakness on his part. Here that was not the case, but still, he couldn't just let her set up shop on their land. How she expected to get away with such a thing was beyond him. She must have been a recent comer, otherwise how had no one found her yet?

Lunging forward, he attempted to grab her tail, legs, anything that would allow him to pull her back out of the hidey-hole she had formed. If he hurt her, so be it. It could be going so much worse for her right now, but luckily Dante liked to think himself a reasonable sort.

RE: Into a land of enchantment - Runt - November 24, 2014

this is probably last post from me!

She began to dart just as his jaws began to slam down. She darted between his legs, right under him. His fangs caught on her tail, but she didn't stop to think of any consequence and tore herself wildly from his grip. A long deep scar was formed immediately, as well as tearing some fur off her tail. She screamed loudly as some blood splashed onto the ground. It welled up quickly. Runt ran from the scene with her eyes narrowed low. She ran for a while, until she was hopefully far, far away from the Plateau's alpha.