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Otatso Wetlands look at what they made you give - Printable Version

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look at what they made you give - Scorch - November 03, 2014

All welcome :)

It had been a few months now, or had it been a year? He didn't know. The amnesiac hadn't bothered to keep track of time ever since his memory decided to just abandon him and fly away, though he was still waiting for the wisps of his past to return. Aeson knew though, that it might never happen, that he might forever live as an amnesiac, only remembering everything that had happened after the cougar attack. Never to remember his family again, that is, if he even had one. Truthfully, it was horrible, not remembering anything at all except for his name and the present, but the loner had gotten used to it, hoping to regain what he had lost, but knowing that it might not ever happen and accepting it.

There was not much to say anyways, he had traveled without his memories but somehow his skills still lingered, he honed his fighting skills and became a fearsome formidable warrior as a loner. Not a bad hunter either, he had never starved in his life as a loner, as far as he could remember, which wasn't much. And there was a certain kind of darkness, a quiet sadness, an aura of loss that emitted off the yearling. Green eyes dark and often seen to be thinking and analyzing. It was that aura that kept other wolves away from him, for they sensed danger and darkness. Aeson wasn't dark, dangerous yes, but not dark, it was his years as a loner, as an amnesiac, that turned him into a suspicious wolf. The agouti had also learned a lot of language in his travels, though his native tongue was the common tongue in these areas, he liked to speak Spanish, Greek, Latin, Chinese, French, actually anything he knew how to.

Now, Scorch made his way through the wetlands, making no sound at all and seemingly blending into the shadows as he moved, though his fierce green eyes always shone through. He had no destination, just wandering around like he had always done, as far as he could remember. He would learn new things, and hopefully, in time, he would regain what he had lost. And maybe, Aeson had a family somewhere in this vast world.

RE: look at what they made you give - Meldresi - November 04, 2014

Even when winter was looming over the shoulders of Teekon Wilds, the priestess could still find herbs in the wetlands of the north. It was remarkable how long these sturdy little things held before snowfall. They were smaller and had weaker medicinal value than those of them collected in the riper seasons, but Meldresi did not waste anything.

The priestess wrapped her bundle in bark slivers; to protect them from her jaws, and tucked it underneath her chin. She could carry more in her mouth that way and double her workload. This would have to be her final expedition too, especially with the possibility that she was carrying Bane's pups of all things.

Meldresi was about to move on, but she sensed movement. Stopping in her tracks, the dark woman looked about, indigo eyes searching for the culprit, years of experience soon locating the male who walked quietly, near silently through the wetlands. The dark female read him for a while, sensing a solemn, troubled soul in his bright green eyes. "You seem troubled," She said, loud enough for him to hear, the bundle of herbs dropping to the ground as she spoke.

RE: look at what they made you give - Scorch - November 06, 2014

A assassin and spy for some wolves when he was a loner, he was skilled in the arts of tracking, searching, sniffing and killing. So when the voice of a female arrived, he was not surprised for he had smelled her scent. "You seem troubled," she said and he paused in his tracks. Fierce green eyes locked onto her indigo ones, his face impassive as he analyzed her in a second. Swiftly, the skills of a warrior spinning immediately into action, he moved towards her, paused, his face not betraying anything. No words escaped the mouth of the young agouti, muscles rippled from underneath his coat as he moved silently closer to her.

Finally when he was only a feet or two away, he spoke "Who are you, lady, and from what pack do you come from?" he canted his head and continued scrutinizing her with vibrant eyes. "You know nothing of me, I can see that, and you have no idea what troubles I have. I suggest you leave." a grim look now covered his face as he leaped, twisting in midair, intending to slam into the dark female and force her down. She knew he was troubled, and he intended to find out how she knew, it was another weakness he could not afford to have. And truthfully he wasn't intending to let her go, until she had told him something about these wilds.

RE: look at what they made you give - Meldresi - November 06, 2014

From his movements, Meldresi gather that she was facing a trained warrior, a dangerous one at that. Her face kept as impassive as his when he strode forward, stopping a foot or so away from her. The multicolored male snapped a question at her, asking her name and pack. She responded firmly, meeting his blazing green eyes with her dark blue ones. "Meldresi, Alpha of Blackfeather Woods." The wolf continued, clearly angered that she had read him so easily. So angered in fact, that he attacked.

Meldresi was not trained as a normal assassin. She was trained a courtesan, a spy, a poisoner. She did not have much experience with open combat. But she did have sharp reflexes, and leapt aside the moment his face turned dark, though she barely managed to get away in time. The priestess kept her face stoic, eyes blazing indignantly. "There is no need for violence."