Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera yellow flicker beat - Printable Version

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yellow flicker beat - OG Magpie - November 03, 2014

All welcome, but maybe @Fox !? :D

Magpie was pretty clueless about the current state of the caldera, unaware that their number had slipped so greatly — locked away in her den to heal for most of the pack's infancy, she hadn't met the majority of her pack mates yet, anyway. However, the more she left her den and tromped through the territory, the more the silence felt oppressive and lonely. She felt the good mood she had woken up with dissipate quickly, replaced with the forlornness she had grown accustomed to while struggling to survive alone.

Bored and lost in her thoughts, the youth came to a small patch of fungi. Most of the land had become dull and brown, a season she had never experienced before — she missed the green explosion of life in spring and summer, the seasons that were the bulk of her memories. Her mother had taught her that the earth died at some point in the year, but she was surprised to see even this odd kind of growth while the land was presumably dying.

RE: yellow flicker beat - RIP Fox - November 03, 2014

Of the few lingering scents that remained of their followers, Magpie's was the one that surprised her the most. Not because she thought the girl was capable of surviving the winter on her own, but because the dark-furred juvenile seemed to loathe Fox's presence. Even after she had tried so hard to show her remorse for what had happened, Magpie had been less than keen to give her any amount of forgiveness. A part of Fox wondered if their relationship would always be rocky. Or would it just end, like her relationship with Bones had?

Magpie was still around, though, and Fox figured she had given her enough space. It wasn't particularly difficult to track down the younger wolf, and Fox soon found herself a few hundred feet away from the bird-like Redhawk resident. She chuffed softly in Magpie's direction, alerting the girl to her presence.

For one reason or another, though, Magpie made it clear that she did not want company. More time was needed, and Fox would grant her that. In the meantime, the fiery Alpha would allow Magpie her space for as long as she needed it.