Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay if i had a heart - Printable Version

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if i had a heart - Levi - November 03, 2014

Levi hadn't been the life of the party since moving from his birth-den into Ragnar and Thistle's. He hated living here, hated that he didn't have his twin brother nearby, hated that he missed his parents. They had both left, though he would never know why. The world was unfair and he simply hated it.

Though he was only two months old, the little boy was going through the darkest stages of his life. Though he didn't know it, Levi would remain this way for many months to come: moody, quiet, and full of angst. It didn't matter that Ragnar was doing his best to protect the remaining Ostrega pups, or that Thistle was trying her best to be a mother to them without being their mother. Nothing really mattered anymore.

Today, Levi was sitting in the clearing around Ragnar's den, head on his paws, watching the world go by. He had been very lazy lately, which resulted in him getting even fatter than was allowed, but he didn't care. He didn't want to run and play with Charon or Liyani. He just wanted to sit there, wasting away.

If I Had a Heart - Fever Ray, VIKINGS Soundtrack

RE: if i had a heart - Signe - November 05, 2014

The pups weren’t even two month old before they’d lost both parents and one sibling. Liyaní didn’t understand the true meaning of her parents’ absence and the disappearance of her brother. She only knew that she hated it. The remaining Ostrega offspring had been relocated to the Alpha pair’s den, but Liyaní was most unhappy there. Still, she was always on her best behavior and rarely made a fuss with her new caregivers.

She, too, was in no sort of spirit that was conducive to play. The dark-furred girl spotted her brother looking entirely forlorn and decided to offer him some company. Even though Liyaní was shy and somewhat withdrawn from those she didn’t know well, she could never ignore the instinctive pull she felt towards any one of her siblings.

“Vi,” crooned the sooty pup softly as she drew up alongside him, plopping down ungracefully onto the cold earth. She nuzzled Levi’s ear gently, baby blue eyes round with the turbulent emotions her litter mate and her both shared.

RE: if i had a heart - Levi - November 06, 2014

It wasn't long until his sister joined him, crooning his name softly and nuzzling his ear. Levi nudged her back, nibbling gently on her cheek. While he wasn't in the greatest mood, he did feel better when his siblings were around. "Li," he greeted with the slightest upturn of his lips, though it was far from a smile. However he felt alone, it seemed to lessen whenever Charon or Liyani were around.

Levi was forlorn, and yet had not made much of a fuss since being moved into the alpha's den. He was at turns moody and apathetic, but he rarely caused fights or even play-wrestled anymore. He felt lost at sea without an anchor to bring him home. If he had been a bit older, he would have thought it was his brother's absence that hurt him the most, since images of his parents were fuzzy at best, and he had known Thistle for almost as long as he had been alive.

RE: if i had a heart - Signe - November 06, 2014

She looked at him sadly, a small frown tugging at the corners of her mouth. Liyaní didn’t have many happy memories anymore. They were fuzzy and as desperately as she tried to cling onto them, they just kept slipping further and further into the depths of her growing mind. Most of her recollections were tinged by the forlorn emptiness that she was beginning to grow accustom to.

“Sad, Vi?” she inquired softly after a moment. Liyaní was fairly certain she already knew the answer. She wondered what she could do to cheer her brother up, but then she remembered that she, too, was plagued by the sadness that seemed entirely incurable.

RE: if i had a heart - Levi - November 10, 2014

Liyani was astute, asking if he was sad. With a nod, he finally said, "Ya." His words were few and far between, especially considering that he hadn't truly formed any words. He would say things like Li, ya, and even sometimes Char, but never full words or semi-coherent sentences. Since his parents and his twin had gone away, Levi had found it increasingly hard to care about talking.

The grey pup nudged his sister and settled his muzzle over her shoulders, trying to snuggle. It was the only thing in the world that made him feel better, even if it was only for a moment. With a whine, he asked if she was sad, too, though he probably knew the answer to that. They were all sad.

Eventually the two siblings wandered back to their den. They had yet to move from it, though they soon would. Thistle Cloud and Ragnar had been by to visit them, and he had a feeling they would be moved into their den soon enough. Levi wasn't sure how to feel about that, but he was too young to have an opinion.