Wolf RPG
Greatwater Lake One more wolf - Printable Version

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One more wolf - Sunspots - May 11, 2023

Open to anyone.

Sunspots walked with her nose to the ground, trying to detect some kind of scent. He stopped at the scent of wolves. He hesitated for a moment before continuing; he was still not used to the fact that he could walk through this territory.

It was time to meet the other wolves in the pack, but he was nervous. He calmed down thinking that the others did not have to throw him out, since the alpha had allowed him to stay in the omega position.

He followed the scent trail until he saw a wolf, then took a deep breath and stopped in front of she.

RE: One more wolf - RIP Selena - May 13, 2023

Selena felt a presence nearby, only to turn head to meet eyes with Sunspots. She smiled with a wave of her flag in greeting before turning to make her way towards him, meeting him halfway. She wondered how he had been adjusting to pack-life and was keen find out. Her onyx coat presented a rich brown in the midday sunlight. The Spirits had blessed Greatwater Lake with a beautiful sunny day, and this influenced her mood greatly. One of those days that warmed you from the inside out without being too hot.

"Sunspots." She called softly, in fear that Alpha may hear her. "How are you faring?"

RE: One more wolf - Sunspots - May 13, 2023

Sunspots saw with relief that the wolf was Selena. He came closer and was about to lick her ear, but stopped himself in time. "I've been fine," he said, lowering his voice as well. Without the Alpha there, he was much less tense. "I hope you're okay" he whispered, lightly touching Selena's paw with his.

He then backed up a few steps and wagged his tail "Why don't we get on with what we were doing?" He smiled, lifting his head to look at the horizon. "I can hunt some rabbits for both of us," he added. "I'm going to find a special one, just for you."

RE: One more wolf - RIP Selena - May 16, 2023

She allowed him to touch her paw as she released a soft hum from her throat. Selena noted the restraint the omega practiced by stopping him self from gracing her with licks. He was learning, and she was happy to see that. He was a kind soul, one that you hoped to come across in each lifetime, and so instinctively she wanted the best for him. "I'm okay, no need to worry about me." Her words were sincere and delivered in an almost stern way. 

Silently, the shadow snaked to stand beside Sunspots so that she too could gaze into the horizon before looking back to him. "Let's do it then. You lead the way this time?" She challenged him here to see if he could find his way back to the hunting grounds.

RE: One more wolf - Sunspots - May 16, 2023

Sunspots almost expected her to bite him or walk away, so he was glad when she accepted his invitation. He looked around her nervously. Then he stood up and walked a few steps "over here," he said, wagging her tail. However, she changed her mind and turned "No, this way."

he started walking, then jogging. Then he tilted her head and sniffed. His fur stood on end as he detected a familiar scent, one he hadn't smelled since she was with his brothers. "Wallace" he said to himself, but he wagged his tail and looked at Selena. "It's this way," he said, but his voice was so uncertain it sounded like a question.

RE: One more wolf - RIP Selena - May 18, 2023

Selena chuckled lightly at the boy's lack of direction, but did so as a sign of endearment. She quite enjoyed this new packmates company. It was lighthearted and innocent, plus he spoke. The raven girl followed him and turned tail with him, changing direction as he did, galloping as he did. She trusted his judgement as he lead the way deeper into the wilderness, but noticed the uncertainty in his voice. However, she was able to shrug it off with little thought to it. It was surely because he was still learning the lands. It wasn't until the scent of an unfamiliar wolf wafted to her that she got wise. "Do you smell that?" She asked him, a nervous trill in her question.

RE: One more wolf - Sunspots - May 19, 2023

"My brother" Sunspots said without thinking, then he regretted having said it "you don't have to worry" he said getting closer but not daring to touch her "I won't let anyone hurt you" he whispered.

Then he lifted his nose again and sniffed, but instead of detecting the scent of a rabbit, he smelled something that made him uneasy. puppies? He guessed that he must be near a den with cubs, pointed his tail and looked at Selena "theyr father is Khaba?" he asked, referring to the puppies. Of course they must be from Khaba. He wondered who their mother would be.

But then he saw a flash of white and, when he turned his head, he saw a rabbit trying to chew a tree root. Sunspots immediately crouched, moving forward. The rabbit detected it and, wagging its little nose, began to run. However, Sunspots jumped on top of him and bit his neck, killing him.

Happy, he went back to Selena and put the rabbit between her feet. He felt strangely comfortable with her. With another wolf he would have lowered his head and avoided his gaze, but she was Selena. And with Selena he felt comfortable.