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Emberwood The river's just a river - Printable Version

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The river's just a river - Danica RIP - November 04, 2014

Allllsss welcome! Arabella perhaps since I owe you a thread still?

Danica was searching. For what, she wasn't quite sure; after all, even with Tuwawi and Njal home she had plenty of options. Somehow she felt though that it was not for any individual, but something else. She knew that soon she would be departing despite her initial resolve to remain and assist Malachi with his transition. He seemed to be doing fine and honestly it just wasn't worth it anymore. Before she departed, though, she was resolved to follow up one last time on the hint of a chance she had stumbled across all those weeks ago... the trace of Larus on that woman's pelt. Her reasons weren't entirely unselfish, though. She also felt the need to get away from the Glacier.

She had allowed Bazi to stay, and to say that she was okay with the arrangement would be a lie. She knew that the white dove wouldn't have made it home in the condition she was in, so there had been little choice, but still a part of her had urged her to cast her out and let her feel the sting of it. Just as that same part of her reveled in the ivory woman's suffering. It was a part that Danica pushed aside, even after their confrontation on the ice. Those parting words still rung in her ears but rather than the effect she might have intended, Bazi's words only proved to fuel Danica's fire now that they had time to settle. A new, burning resolve to prove her wrong began, a desire to show that she could survive the harsh winter without any help aside from her own. She had always been independent to the point of bullheadedness, a fact illustrated by how far she had let wounds in the past go before seeking help (though that could also be attributed to her aversion towards medical care) and her now somewhat insane departure plans.

Instead of dwelling on the folly of her own stupid resolve, she threw herself into the task at hand, course set for the coast and the land where she had first encountered those strange wolves amongst the pillars.

RE: The river's just a river - Caiaphas - November 19, 2014

wanna bump this to present day??! i need one more warrior thread.. we could have another altercation? or we could just yell at each other??

The heart of Emberwood was nearly entirely unknown to the pale waif. She had spent so much of her time fanatically securing the borders and so little observing what was outside of it -- which was a true shame, as Caiaphas was both a Warden and an Outrider. All of the proclivities that made her an excellent Outrider made her a poor Warrior or Warden; in many ways she was a magpie and not the hawk; the fisher and not the bear, and ironically, more the fox than the wolf.

She was surprised when on the air she scented the familiar scent of a female she did not truly appreciate. Danica was a wolf Caiaphas was not anxious to visit again -- but they were much closer to the Sound's borders than the Glaciers, and Caiaphas hastily snuck towards her.

With her head low and her svelte frame pressed to the underbrush, she closed the distance between them -- being careful to stay upwind of the wolf. She was content to spy for a while, but sooner or later she would make her move.

RE: The river's just a river - Danica RIP - December 01, 2014

Sorry for the wait! I reworked the previous post, am setting this for just before she leaves, her last thread for a long while! I'm cool with however this turns out :) fight or no

Though she was unaware of Caiaphas' presence, undoubtedly her course would be known to her silent shadow. As she moved, Danica's eyes scanned the trees on either side, their once fiery branches having dropped most of their load. She was not sure what she would do once she got there, though she was intent not to immediately jump into action. This time she would try more words and see if she could entice some information from the woman before attacking. No promises could be made however for she remembered how much she'd gotten on her nerves before.

There was only so much diplomacy Danica could handle, especially when it came to bitches wolves like Caiaphas.

RE: The river's just a river - Caiaphas - December 07, 2014

no worries! any time frame is a good timeframe for me

Hiding in the shadows was incredibly boring -- so boring in fact, that Caiaphas abandoned her guise no sooner than she had adopted it. Carefree of the consequences she pulled from the dark cover of the trees smoothly, her chin held jutting and expression boastful as she buoyantly closed the distance between herself and the sandy peppered female.

She was distinctly aware of the trouble she may have been inviting past her doorstep, but as of late, cared little for the reprimands that may have occurred. "Hello." She framed her words sweetly enough, yet the flick of her tongue was catty indeed.

RE: The river's just a river - Danica RIP - December 14, 2014

Well, wasn't this just perfect. Here she was looking for someone and instead they come to her. How kind of her to save Danica the trouble. Raising her brows, Danica gave no other visible reaction to the woman's tone or catty gesture. "Hello," she responded in turn, stopping a few lengths short of her.

"I think we may have gotten off on the wrong paw last time," she began, internally amused at that understatement. Jumping her and trying to rip her apart might be a bit extreme for that description. She'd never claimed to be moderate in her actions. Wondering how this interaction would proceed, she let her words fall at that, waiting for a response that would likely set the tone for their further interaction.

RE: The river's just a river - Caiaphas - January 01, 2015

There was no trusting gaze behind Caiaphas' eyes -- no semblance of kindness -- and she studied this pale female outwardly with the most circumspect of mannerisms. To say they had met under unflattering light was a gross understatement, though no amusement pressed itself against her blackened lips.

It was her third interaction with this female, and thus far Caiaphas was not confident of her handle on the dusty colored wolf. She hid this well, though she returned the female's words with a shrug of her thin shoulders. "You could say that." It was all she offered in retort -- an unhelpful, succinct reply.

RE: The river's just a river - Danica RIP - January 02, 2015

Caiaphas' response offered Danica nothing worthwhile and, for a moment, silence extended between the two. She wasn't quite sure how she wanted to proceed here as it wasn't entirely clear to her that Caiaphas would even have information to offer. And if she did, she did not seem the sharing type.

Finally she decided to lay her cards out on the table. This would likely be her last time seeing Caiaphas and, while she enjoyed a good game as much as the next, sometimes the reaction honesty recieved was even more entertaining. "Ok, I'm gonna be straight with you. My pack is missing a young one, and I think you know more than you are telling. It was his scent I caught on you last time, and don't even try to feed me that bullshit you did before. I know it's a lie." Ok, so maybe she didn't know for sure, but he had a pretty good indication. And Danica had learned over the years her instincts were pretty good for the most part.

RE: The river's just a river - Caiaphas - January 02, 2015

Suddenly, their interaction became interesting. Danica was swift to deliver open honesty -- an action in which earned her a sly and sidelong glance from the shrewd coywolf.

For a moment, Caiaphas considered her options. Danica was much stronger than her, and she had no intention of being her punching bag. She sat upright, her scrawny chest protruding -- and a sickly smile played her ugly muzzle. "Oh? The lynx didn't eat it for lunch?" No sooner had she spoke, she readied herself to flee -- as she imagined in a moment's time she would have a furious and rather large wolf barreling her way.

RE: The river's just a river - Danica RIP - January 09, 2015

Danica looked at Caiaphas carefully. She was again growing weary of the other female's dodgy manner, but this time she would not attack. She could not hope to catch the woman should she flee, that had been learned from their previous encounter. "I think that is a question you can answer better than i, being the more recent to see him." Her tone showed obvious annoyance but did not turn agressive.

Finally she sighed. "Look. I don't have anything you want, so really there's no reason to give me anything. Outside of decency that is, though I sense it's something you lack." Not that Danica could judge that. Were the tables turned she might do the same. "I just was bound to try before I scram from these lands for good. So why don't you just let me know now if I am wasting my breath and time."

RE: The river's just a river - Caiaphas - January 09, 2015

A chilling sneer overtook the coywolf's dark muzzle -- and it did not recede. Caiaphas met Danica's eyes dolefully, a knowing glint behind them -- all the while, she prepared herself to beat earnest haste should the rather large and amazonian woman choose to prove herself physically.

To say Caiaphas was a waste of anyone's time and patience was a gross understatement. Being inherently unhelpful and thoroughly lacking in any shred of decency much as Danica suspected, Caiaphas was the quintessential definition of a scullion. Her smile remained. "Beat these lands? Going somewhere?" She choose not to answer the question about being a time-waster -- she thought her intentions quite clear.

RE: The river's just a river - Danica RIP - January 14, 2015

getting her wrapped up! Thanks for the thread ^^ if I ever bring her back they should meet up again lols
Danica's eyes narrowed. "That is what those words would infer, isn't it?" She drawled, irritation rising. No shit Sherlock. Was she about to tell her where? Hell, she couldn't even if she wanted to. She didn't know.

She was tiring of this game faster than she'd expected, and she found herself again wondering how much of this woman's hide she could take before she had the chance to get away. Not much.

It was clear she was going to get no information, and her desire to follow this route any further was disappearing. The only reason she was here was a last small vestige of loyalty to Tuwa for giving her a place to stay. That wasn't worth beating her head against a rock.

"We are done here." She said, a final growl emitting. Then, without another word, she turned to go. It was a stupid idea coming here, but at least now she could convince herself she tried.

RE: The river's just a river - Caiaphas - January 18, 2015

ty for the thread!!

When Danica stated they were done, Caiaphas was in no position to argue. She offered a bland, unpromising smile in retort -- it was the only thing she could do that could hopefully irk the large wolf without provoking her into physical confrontation. Caiaphas remembered quite clearly their last encounter, and had no intention of a replay.

The pale waif watched quietly as Danica left -- her expression remaining somewhat hawkish. A subtle vein of potent dislike betrayed her true feelings for the tan woman -- once the Duskfire wolf was gone from sight, Caiaphas beat a hasty retreat before Danica changed her mind.