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Redsand Canyon She will be the warrior of North and Southern seas - Printable Version

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She will be the warrior of North and Southern seas - Sabah - May 21, 2023

As the eve came early, Sabah found herself considering many things. But one in particular was stuck in her mind.

Itching to feed her curiosities, she summons @Sovereign, having questions for the yearling.

Snow bear learn. How much?

On behalf of the holcan, it was known that their holcan-to-be trained a great deal to prepare for this future task. But what all had she truly learned? And was it enough?

RE: She will be the warrior of North and Southern seas - Sovereign - May 22, 2023

phone post, might be shitty! Apologies

Sovereign was patrolling when Sabah summoned her.
The yearling stood before her with the air of a soldier. 
A youth, yes, but one slowly yet surely coming into her own.

Snow bear learn. How much?

Sovereign took a short breath to mentally map her progress, and would speak then in the Sabdtongue to try and solidify how extensively she had learned thus far. 

"I have learned to guard, and further, how to fight. I have learned to be attentive and tread with care at all times, for the safety and benefit of our Ajaw. All senses must be used as well as the mind, to judge when a threat is present and when not to harm." 
Sovereign would stop then, allowing Sabah to garner what she could from these words.

RE: She will be the warrior of North and Southern seas - Sabah - May 22, 2023

Snow bear had spoken many things of her learnings. A quick one. 

Nodding slowly, Sabah swung her tail low against her hocks. A time of consideration before the next question spilled from her lips.

Snow bear think ready? Curious, she swapped to the tongue of sands. If they could carry a conversation this way, she would certainly be most impressed.

RE: She will be the warrior of North and Southern seas - Sovereign - May 23, 2023

Sabah responded in kind, taking to the Sandtongue in her response.
Snow Bear think ready?

The yearling considered the question, and would nod with confirmation after a few beats.
"Yes." She responds in Yucatec, further solidifying her answer. 
Hesitating at first, perhaps, but not one to shy from the challenge.

RE: She will be the warrior of North and Southern seas - Sabah - May 23, 2023

She thought herself ready. Sabah would respect this, as she could also agree.

Sabah speak with ajaw. We give answer soon. A promise. 

Snow bear had already waited this long. How could she be made to wait longer?

RE: She will be the warrior of North and Southern seas - Sovereign - May 23, 2023

short post aaa

Sovereign took in Sabah's response. 
Sabah speak with Ajaw,  give answer soon. 
A vow of sorts.
The yearling nods once, an acknowledgement and acceptance.
"Do you need anything else from me, Nacom?"
An invitation to do more here, or a request to return to patrols and training?

Sovereign deferred to Sabah's direction, willing and eager.

RE: She will be the warrior of North and Southern seas - Sabah - May 24, 2023

you're free to either post a final response, or archive it here!

All had been said. Sabah now needed time to think before bringing this matter to Kukulkaan.

Looking to the yearling, she offered a light shake of her head. Work with sisters. There were fewer of them, now. They needed every body patrolling the lands and keeping eyes open for any suspicious activity from the bordering packs.

A quick swish of her tail then signified a sense of dismissal. Sovereign was free to leave, as the nacom intended to go off on her own way too.