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two lefts make a right - Printable Version

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two lefts make a right - Tethys - November 04, 2014

for Nishu!

Well, her new liege seemed to settling in well. From what she had seen, Nishu had no problems adapting to the Nereides way of life, however backwards it may seem to him. But Tethys hadn't led the beast into the Sound territory just so he could frolic and play in the waves. No, the onyx female wanted to see what he was made of.

Striding along the surf, the subordinate could feel winter's approach was the water was significantly cooler than it was in the summer. Far off she could see the hook of the sound jutting out into the dark blue waters, trimmed with the sentinel pines. Apparently there was an island hidden off the coast, but she had yet to spot it. It would make for a nice swim- something the new pack sister hadn't had the time to do yet. So much patrolling and delegating and...just.. stuff. Being the little spoiled princess she had been raised, the ebony female had turned out to be quite the complainer.

RE: two lefts make a right - Nishu Inte - November 05, 2014

It wasn't hard to adapt to the ways of the pack as long as Nishu kept telling himself that it was just temperary. Serving as a Knight seems to fit what males should do here but being seen as a slave was far beyond what he wanted. Surely if he can prove himself to be much better than a slave to all these females. Only then can he show that knights are unique and powerful. Once he reaches that point.. what will he do next?

Thinking that far only gave him a mini headache. He decided to just focus on Tethys for the time being. He still needed to succeed any of the test she'll throw at him. Depending on how he does will determine if he is a worthy knight. Failure was unacceptable at this stage, there's no way he can let that happen.

Nishu had finished his scouting around and it was time to seek out Tethys. She was still difficult to find. It was only when she wants to be found can he find her. Perhaps today was his lucky day since he found her in a much shorter time. Tethys was at the beach looking out at the sea. Didn't seem like anything was happening so he immediately starting running to her. There was just something about wasting time that he just didn't like. "Good afternoon, My lady! I have nothing new to report from this morning" He said as he stopped at a fair distance behind her.

RE: two lefts make a right - Tethys - November 09, 2014

The Nereides hadn't bothered to turn and herald the knight's approach, her attentions drawn to the billowing clouds across the sky. Occasionally, they would pass in front of the sun, casting long shadows across the pack's home and cooling the air significantly. During winter, Tethys and her natal pack had retreated to their dens, waiting out the horrible snowy squalls to briefly take dips in their surrounding ocean. The sea had frozen for about a half mile around the coast, and attracted many animals from the north. The wolves didn't have the blubber of these floating creatures, and it was even harder with a fish-based diet that made their coats sleek and oily. Their fur became water-proof, but it couldn't lock in heat, and the air was freezing.

How is your swimming, these days?
Tethys asked, tilting her head around with a swish of her tail. The male had settled in to the group quite well in her opinion, providing the necessities and chores all of the males did. And since they were focused on the ocean, some of that had to be water-related. His pelt was starting to take on the sheen of a water-loving wolf.

RE: two lefts make a right - Nishu Inte - November 10, 2014

Nishu for a moment expected some sort of greeting but he didn't get any. He found it normal after a bit of thought. He was her Knight, he is suppose to always be there so hellos weren't necessary. She had the choice but he still had to say hello either way out of respect. He proceeded forward and stood by his temperary master. She then asked question. Swimming? Nishu knew how to swim enough to stay above water for a while but never really trained on it. He had never thought it was useful since everything is obtainable by land but he was starting to have a feeling he should have trained for it more seriously in his past.

" I don't enjoy swimming, It make me feel powerless compared to what I can do on land. But I can swim good enough for me to keep my head above water for a while." He said as he answered with honesty. He believed that swimming just wasn't effective compared to running through water. He knew it could be some kind of endurance training that could kill you if you lose to it. There were just better things to do than swim.

Although the question did leave him curious. What was Tethys planning? He looked out there where she was looking. Didn't see anything speical but a lot of water. Was she planning to go out there? If so what for? Was she going to put him through a deadly endurance test just to give him the chance to prove himself. If that was the case then he was ready for it.

RE: two lefts make a right - Tethys - November 10, 2014

Nishu Inte had proved himself rather... useful to the pack. Tethys was surprised. The male seemed to be putting his best foot forward and using all of his energies to benefit and support the Sound, and she was appreciative of it.

Standing toe-deep in the icy sand, Tethys glanced down at the cold waters that submerged her feet and drew itself back out again. The consistency of the ocean was admirable, as even when rain froze to snow the temperature of the waves always remained the same- just above freezing.

That's alright. We'll save that for last then, Tethys responded in a musing voice. Her eyes were somewhat distant as she scanned the horizon.
What do you want to train? The raven stepped back from the waves and looked over his body. Now that we've come to this point, I can only think about skills I needed when I was growing up. Would any of that pertain to your knightliness?

RE: two lefts make a right - Nishu Inte - November 10, 2014

How odd. He never really expected that this would be about training. Nishu understood that this might be a training session but what he didn't understand was why Tethys wanted to take part it. Did she want to teach him something new? Perhaps that was the case but he wasn't even sure if it was allowed. Well, it didn't matter. It's up to him to give her want she wants even if she asked him to decide.

"You shouldn't concern yourself with the training I do. A Knight must spend time training everyday to remain fit and sharp. When I was young I tried to master all the arts a Knight could have. The Arts of war, herb utility, tracking, even care taking. A knight's rank shows the amount of arts they mastered..." He said before getting quite. He had never mastered any art, not even combat art he trained alot for compared to the others. He didn't really want to say how much of a failure he is to not have mastered anything within his life so far.

Nishu kept his sights on Tethys' wet paw then spoke again. "There is one thing that you seem to be skilled in that isn't taught in the Knight training. You appear to be good at stealth. When it comes down to looking for you I sometimes waste a large amount of time." But there was one thing that was on his mind. If there is one thing he learned about this pack is that females were superior and since Tethys seemed like she was going to get involved in his training then he felt the need to speak against it. "Anyway, why would a highly female give attention to a lowly male like I. Since I seem to get scolded each time I look into ladies eyes, I'm sure this wouldn't be allowed." He said in a joking tone. He still thought it was funny how things worked around this pack even if they can get dangerous.

RE: two lefts make a right - Tethys - November 12, 2014

He was extremely polite- even with their structured society, Tethys had never come across such a well-mannered male.

I didn't know what sort of plans you had for training, so I thought I would try and aid you,
she jested, ears flickering.

He had mentioned her adeptness at stealth, and Tethys took the compliment in stride. Her skill had come from years of inner focus, concentration, and practice. And that's when the Nereides saw what Nishu was beating around the bush about. He wanted to learn the skills himself, because that's what it boiled down to. Whatever help he got, the knight would be the one mastering lessons, not anyone else.

And Tethys would make a terrible teacher.

Let me remind you that you approached me, the raven commented lightly after his last remark.

RE: two lefts make a right - Nishu Inte - November 12, 2014

His eyes rose to meet hers as it seems she wanted to know what his training plan was. He wondered if she was serious or not but it that's what she wanted then he must answer to it. "For now I'm just working on improving my physical abilities. It's important to remain in fit condition at all times. I'm still recovering the training time I lost from the days I was on my own and without a master. Besides I would only need a teacher if I was learning something new. But anyway I'm the one who is suppose to be helping you.." He said wanting to be the one who assist her instead of the other way around. Training was important but it was his thing to do as a Knight unless he was learning something new.

Of course what he had said before was a mistake. He got the attention because he was the one who approached her. Even though she wants to get involved with his training habbits that didn't mean he was allowed to receive free attention. Clearly it was him that did a mistake. "My apologies, It's true that it was I who came to you but I was only seeking to be of service. Please forgive my selfishness. You are the one who decides what I should train on before I can decide otherwise." He said as he bowed his head down.

RE: two lefts make a right - Tethys - November 13, 2014

No- if you already have a map of your training, go along with it, Tethys assented. But if you are offering your service, I'm sure I have some things for you to do, if you'd like. The High Priestess already announced some quests; have you looked into those?

Some of this chivalry Nishu was always talking about was starting to show through in his sensible answers. And if he was readily willing, Tethys would be interested to see if he could keep up. The raven female was always about, walking around, swimming, stalking squirrels, the like. She had alot of energy underneath her sleek ebony coat, born from her need to chase and track down whatever she desired.

RE: two lefts make a right - Nishu Inte - November 14, 2014

"I am only here to prove myself as a Knight to you, My lady. Please remember that I offered a temperary service. I will only act if events involve you. Although temperary I'm doing the best I can to adapt to the ways of your pack for you. My priority is on you and not on the pack itself so I will not get involved unless you are involved. If you have any task for me I will happily forfill them for you."

Perhaps Nishu was seen as a slave but there was no time where he considered himself as one. He is a Knight and that will never change. It's true that he took part in assisting here and there but it wasn't for Ankyra Sound, instead it was for Tethys.

He lifted his head up high and held it there. Nishu has always been acting on his free will. It shows true loyality. A knight who doesn't use his own will to serve is not a true Knight at all. That didn't necessarily mean he had to bow down as a servant. Knights were only suppose to serve kings before.

RE: two lefts make a right - Tethys - November 16, 2014

wrap up here? :D
He'd already done a pretty good job of being loyal, for Nishu dogged Tethys' every step about Ankyra Sound. Even when Tethys dissapeared into the brush, when she popped out, the knight was waiting for her.

You've done well, Tethys replied with a bashful wave of her ebony tail. She poked him with a playful paw. I'm sure I can think of a task for you to do- I'm always scheming. Her mouth was twisted into a perky but slightly cruel grin that reflected in her bright eyes.

RE: two lefts make a right - Nishu Inte - November 16, 2014

"Your wishes are my desires, Tethys. I'm here to make the difference, I can handle any task you can throw at me." He said with a very small grin. He was very confident that he could handle any task no matter what they were. He was a Knight, there is nothing he can't do.

This was not the first time Tethys poked him. He had the urge to poke back for fun but he remained in place. His goal was to prove himself and not to play around. Surely it was only a matter of time before he had proves himself. Just a little be more effort and it should be enough. It wasn't time for him to relax but the day was begining to take it's end. "It's almost time to rest. Shall I escort you to your den? or do you plan on stalking the night?"