Wolf RPG
Hushed Willows If you stay in my way I'll kill when I'm desperate - Printable Version

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If you stay in my way I'll kill when I'm desperate - Void - June 06, 2023

Void led his pack into the foresty area behind their Thunder Dome home. Epoch resided in the plains next to them, so he made sure to steer clear of there, as he had promised their neighbors he would stay on his side of the ridge.

"Right, this is where we will hunt. Meyl, Kiche, you two can follow us till we're in sight of the deer. Then I want you two to find a safe place where you can watch but not get hurt." He instructed.

Sniffing the air, he quickly caught the scent of a deer, and with a flick of his tail and ears, he led his pack on it.

RE: If you stay in my way I'll kill when I'm desperate - Páli - June 06, 2023

Páli followed her Alfa, and she too caught the scent of the deer. She got excited at the idea of the hunt, but followed him calmly and stealthily.

RE: If you stay in my way I'll kill when I'm desperate - Meylodi - June 09, 2023

Meylodi had given herself quite a good view of the hunt. She wouldn't be participating, which annoyed her to no end, but perhaps the next one, she could be more involved with. The Alfess lay on her side; legs curled lazily around a plump belly. A dark queen in a patch of sunlight

The pups had been kicking more. It was almost time, but they had yet to decide if they were ready to come. She gently caressed them with her tongue, cleaning her stomach. 

Soon... she nodded, lifting her muzzle toward the scene before her. 

She waited for company.

RE: If you stay in my way I'll kill when I'm desperate - Kiche - June 10, 2023

Kiche wagged her tail leisurely. She raised her muzzle and sniffed with interest, but lowered her head again. The only scents from her were those of the grass, the plants that were nearby and the other wolves.

It was the first hunt she'd ever seen in her life, and she didn't mean to miss any detail. She looked at Meylodi. From the way she moved, she knew she wasn't too happy about having to stay away from the hunt for the sake of the pups.

RE: If you stay in my way I'll kill when I'm desperate - Void - June 12, 2023

@Sirris wasn't around, perhaps she had changed her mind, but she would be welcome to join if she returned. Void wasn't going to wait around any longer though. Gesturing to Pali, he started off after the scent of the deer, with the young wolfdog at his heels.

The herd came into view soon and Void set his target. A young stag in the back, no more than an adolecent, with not quite full-sized antlers yet. He was old enough to be on his own, but young enough he'd get lost if they distracted the herd. "Pali, I want you to distract the herd. Make a noise, a little bit away from me, anything as simple as just a crunch of a leaf. The herd will hear it and flee, but I'll hold our target back. The young stag back there, with the smaller antlers." Void instructed. "Ready, go." He said, and after Pali's distraction, he raced towards the young stag, who, as expected, was getting lost already. 

Throwing all his body weight into the deer, he tried to force it to the ground. Latching his jaws on its leg helped his efforts, but he needed Pali's help.

RE: If you stay in my way I'll kill when I'm desperate - Páli - June 12, 2023

Pali nodded at his instruction, and on his go, started stepping on leaves to make them crunch. The lead stag became alert and let out a noise, signaling his herd to flee, but she saw Void then race after their target. She quickly followed, and as he tried to get it to the ground, she helped by snapping at its other front leg, causing the stag to fall. She backed up for a second to avoid the falling antlers, before lunging in towards the stags throat, as Void held it in place. She quickly delivered the killing blow, and then got out of there, avoiding the kicking hoofs of the now dying animal. She saw Void get up and get back too, and he moved to the side, to allow the spectators to watch, so Pali did the same.

After a moment, the deer was dead.

RE: If you stay in my way I'll kill when I'm desperate - Meylodi - June 14, 2023

Meylodi watched from afar, her head rising from her paws as the deer fell. Stomach growling and fighting for meat, she rose. Come on now, Kaychay, we best be ge'in' our share. Deer be be'er t'an rabbit. Re'er, mar fat on' 'em, can fill ya in one si'in'. In fact, we probably be ea'in' off it fer days, since we don't got many mouths yet, 

On sturdy paws, she shook her pelt free of dirt. Her head loomed around her shoulder, golden gaze sharp but soft. A little nod.Tar, a chara. Come, my friend. On her muzzle lay a smile as she turned her head forward and led the husky to the rest of the pack. Mind if I eat farst, darlin'?