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Two Rivers Isle teenagers scare the living sh*t outta me - Printable Version

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teenagers scare the living sh*t outta me - Redbird - June 27, 2023

Indra didn't keep to the boundaries of the camp she had set up with @Gun, but neither did she seek out @Colt for any further reconnection. She found the familiar scent of @Sadey from time to time as well as others she did not recognize.
In any case, she kept to herself. Sulking a little, hunting too; whatever kept her mind occupied. It would be difficult to adapt to this new stagnant, one-camp lifestyle when she'd gone through so much and adapted to a nomadic one previously.
The sound of rustling caught in her ears, and she set to a leisurely prowl.

RE: teenagers scare the living sh*t outta me - Sadey - June 27, 2023

To say she was irritated was an understatement, and to say she was feeling guilty for that irritation was a lie. But gods help her, Sadey was pure pissed that Gun and Indra were back. Not that she had anything against the girls and she liked them well enough. Even worried after their health, and she was glad for Colt that his two main squeezed were back. 

However, in the same vein she was worried, because if they disappeared against. If something happened and she had to deal with a mopey Colt. Well it would just be not a good day for him or her or anyone in her vicinity. 

And part of her worried after the little snipes and Iseul. Who though they were plum silly and couldn't fight to save their lives she wouldn't wager. She did worry for them, in her own little way. Sadey was a mean bit**, but she wasn't a heartless one.

RE: teenagers scare the living sh*t outta me - Redbird - July 07, 2023

Well look'it yew, murmured Indra when she caught sight of Sadey, hobbling and scowling in her usual way. Colt had said something about her — that she wasn't as hale as before, and maybe that was why they stuck to this place. A sharp jolt of irritation overcame Indra at that thought. Colt had chosen Sadey over herself, that winter.
Still kickin'. She sounded incredulous, and for now stowed the darker feelings.
How yew likin' yer vacation? Sickly-sweet now, pointing out the disparity between their lives from the past few months. Sadey had been living large here, while Indra and Gun had suffered and struggled — didn't seem fair, all things considered.

RE: teenagers scare the living sh*t outta me - Sadey - July 07, 2023

Sadey stopped up short and shifted. A small lift of her lip. The only warning that she didn't appreciate the tone. Look at me. I see you're sour attitude hasn't changed much. At least you talk though now.

ALthought Sadey felt like she may regret that the girl could talk now. She also found irritation deep in the pit of her stomach at the girls attitude. And she knew were she to fight the girl. Colt would take Red's side and that would be alright. Sadey Walker didn't need nobody. But she tried to be calm for now. She remember well the piss and vinegar of being young and stupid.

Can't kill me. I always stay alive. And it was true. She'd gotten through more scrapes than alitlte bit and had survived everytime. Even this last time with a side near about open enough for the buzzards to pick at.

Then the sickly sweet and Sadey snorted. Make your self known girl or get out of my face. I don't like fake's don't act like you're happy to see me or you think i was on vacation.

RE: teenagers scare the living sh*t outta me - Redbird - July 09, 2023

Pfft. Colt said as much. She grumbled, barely softening. At the very least she turned her gaze away from Sadey with a dismissive air about her. It was the closest thing to submission as she was likely to get — however it timed well with Sadey's demand to be looked at, and then came the snark about fakes.
You got a job goin' on? I got energy and time t'kill, if ya need more eyes, or teeth. If any part of this exchange was an olive branch, that was it. Followed of course with a little playful squint at Sadey and her mug, checking obnoxiously for missing teeth. Ya still got all yours?

RE: teenagers scare the living sh*t outta me - Sadey - July 10, 2023

Sadey chuckled. The girls prickliness didn't bother her so much. But the sickly sweet. That she didn't like.

She shook her head. Just thinking about doing some hunting rather than sitting on my ass.

Sadey gave her a wolfish grin. All the sharp fangs.

RE: teenagers scare the living sh*t outta me - Redbird - July 14, 2023

Indra huffed.

Then lets getta move on, lady. She motioned with a toss of her head for the woman to follow her.

Dunno what exactly lives in this place, but you've been here longer'n me. She probably had some idea, even if she wasn't as mobile as she used to be, or whatever. Indra wanted to get moving either way. Better than standing around, feeling like ants were crawling in her skin.

RE: teenagers scare the living sh*t outta me - Sadey - July 16, 2023

Sadey shook her head, but moved to flank the girl. She wouldn't walk behind or in front, but she stay beside. IT seemed the most fitting. They were not above or below each other she didn't believe.

Rabbits, otters, muskrats, snakes lot o snakes, few weasels. I haven't seen any deer yet, but that doesn't mean they aren't further in.

Sadey pressed her nose to the ground and thought about what they  may find.