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Blacktail Deer Plateau scientists would raise it high - Printable Version

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scientists would raise it high - Lasher - November 07, 2014

@Dante <3

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he set a quick retreat for himself from the caldera, unwilling to stop for any reason. yet thirst forced a brief detour, though lasher did not rest, and soon beheld the rearing pines of the plateau before long. breathing a sigh of relief, taltos cast a glance behind himself, irrationally wondering if he would see peregrine's angry visage there.

it was with mortal weariness that he crept across the borders, managing only a short howl for his silver leader before collapsing into a prone heap in the shadow of a birch-stand.

RE: scientists would raise it high - Dante RIP - November 07, 2014

Dante was poking around in the forest when Lasher's call was sent up. Immediately he set off, dropping whatever train of thought he had been following with some urgency. The call seemed... Off. Cut short and not at all what he would have expected of a summons from Lasher. This was only confirmed when he reached the source only to find the sepia male crumpled beneath a tree.

"Lasher?" He asked, concern evident. He wanted to make sure his friend was ok, but did not want to unduly invade his space. So he held politely back, ready to hear what the other had to tell him. He looked seriously upset, so Dante wondered what was up.

RE: scientists would raise it high - Lasher - November 07, 2014

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he did not allow himself to dwell on the events of the day, rather slipping into a daze somewhat akin to slumber as he awaited dante. the concerned baritone of his leader brought lasher to his senses, however; he lifted himself to his paws. dante. a low sigh was given into the air. finley is here, at the plateau. i was hunting in the shared lands and saw her attack a bear. i do not know why.

he realized he had done the man a disservice by telling him several hours later, but if dante wished to punish him, lasher would accept it. i could not keep the beast from injuring her badly. i brought her here; she is at blue willow's den. as soon as she was settled, i went to tell — peregrine and fox where she had gone. she is to be their co-leader, you see. foreseeably, peregrine himself is on his way here.

he was rambling, and closed his jaw with a snap for a moment. i did not summon you. forgive me.

RE: scientists would raise it high - Dante RIP - November 07, 2014

Dante's eyes widened as Lasher iterated his tale, a bit taken aback. Apparently he had missed quite a bit in the past short while. He wasn't angry that Lasher hadn't told him, per say, though he wished he had been a higher priority. He wanted all those in the plateau to know that they could come to him with such things, but in the heat of the moment, if it hadn't crossed Lasher's mind to verify that Finley was welcome that was fine. Blue's word was just as good as Dante's in that. What upset him a bit more was that Lasher had gone to the Caldera first without consulting him.

"I could have sent another," Dante said quietly, watching Lasher carefully. He guessed that this was why Lasher was upset... His departure had not been so long ago that wounds had healed, and this seemed more than concern for Finley. There was more sorrow and less agitation. Why Lasher had felt the need to go himself was beyond Dante, but he would allow Lasher to explain if he so chose.

RE: scientists would raise it high - Lasher - November 07, 2014

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lasher indeed felt terrible in regard to how he had handled the situation, and nodded at dante's quiet words. however, he could not hold back the cold, sardonic laugh that left his lips. ah yes, that, he exclaimed. peregrine has asked that the plateau send a ... less controversial messenger next time.

the ugly smirk fell from his maw and he slunk forward to proffer a placating lick to the underside of dante's chin. i did not think of you. i am sorry for this. and i will not be returning to the caldera. peregrine came here a few days ago and we spoke of his children. ty has been missing, as you may know. junior went on an excursion to search and i visited the sunspire to see if she had followed hawkeye.

ty is a wanderer and so i thought she had merely gone on a short journey, he murmured breathlessly, a pleading tone entering his voice. he did not know how long she had been truly gone, or if dante had noticed, and sought to avoid the anger of the gunmetal man over not being informed of a second occurrence.

RE: scientists would raise it high - Dante RIP - November 07, 2014

Though he too would have rather Lasher have allowed another to go instead, his ears tilted back with annoyance at Peregrine's rude welcome. Obviously emotions were still running rather high, and he felt badly that his own words had echoed the harsh ones so recently recieved. "I'm sorry," was all he responded with, returning the Gamma's affectionate gesture with a nudge of his own.

That Peregrine had visited was also news, and he wondered if he was becoming lax on the borders. This was his own failing, for it was not their job to inform him of everything. At least Ty he knew of, though it was not a particularly happy knowledge. "Indeed. Apparently she had a falling out with her sisters over their opinions on Perry's departure and decided to leave. She is old enough, as was Junior, though I do wonder and worry how she fares. I know Junior has searched some, but she will only return if she wishes." He sighed. He wondered if Peregrine was aware just what his decisions had wrought amongst his children and the level of hurt present. He'd seen it in both Saena and Junior. "Saena has asked to not see Perry should he come," he added suddenly, looking at Lasher. "It makes me wonder if accepting the relationship of sister packs is really in the pack's best interest. I may need to go to the Caldera myself and have a chat with them." It wasn't only Saena he worried for, though he did not mention his feelings to Lasher. But he wondered if it wouldn't be best for the Gamma if get were to cut ties as well.

RE: scientists would raise it high - Lasher - November 08, 2014

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he gave a nod, mouth curving into a bitter twist at dante's revelation that saena no longer wished to see her father. he had abandoned more than lasher, and he suddenly felt selfish for his outburst against the panther. i do hope tytonidae returns, he muttered darkly — where else would she go?

taltos glanced at dante. i do not see where being sisters with the caldera would benefit us. peregrine will have pups to feed in the cold months, as will we. if the winter is bitter and there is no prey to be found, i would not take meat from our mouths to feed his, and i know he would not do such for us.

but then again, i speak from a place of bias and bitterness. blue willow is more levelheaded than i, and her words on the matter would take into account both sides. the silver man had several hard decisions before him, and while lasher pitied him the task, he would not have liked to be in his place.

RE: scientists would raise it high - Dante RIP - November 08, 2014

Dante was not terribly surprised when Lasher agreed, and he silently wondered how much of the pack felt the same. If even some of them felt that way, though, he did not feel right allowing the previous leader within their borders. It wasn't fair to those his presence would upset, and if others wished to still have a relationship with the RHC wolves, they could do so just as well off of Plateau lands. He wasn't about to go so far as to stop that. However, at least for now, he was leaning towards letting Peregrine know he was not welcome beyond their borders (once Finley was back on her feet, of course).

"I will run the idea by Blue Willow, but that is my thinking as well", he replied, somewhat regrettably. "Peregrine chose his home and the way of things is that he should no longer be tied here." They wouldn't be rivals, but nor would they be so buddy buddy as to be allowed to roam upon one another's lands. And he was certain Fox's views would match his at least.

RE: scientists would raise it high - Lasher - November 08, 2014

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he nodded assent; surely there was no reason for peregrine to linger, not when saena had disowned him, tytonidae had fled, junior spoke ill of fox, and pura was nowhere to be found. and soon he would have fathered a new litter, and lasher doubted fox would wish peregrine to stray too far once that occurred.

how have you fared, dante? the man asked suddenly, ashamed of himself for burdening the silver man so heavily with his ailments.

RE: scientists would raise it high - Dante RIP - November 08, 2014

Dante wasn't surprised when Lasher asked how he fared. He was always courteous, mindful of others, and in this way he felt he and Blue Willow were kindered spirits. Dante wasn't completely content at the moment, but he was not in the habit of talking through his own troubles. He had done enough of that of late.

"I am well enough." His worries were small and would disappear with time. "And you?" He hadn't asked lately and had been meaning to.

RE: scientists would raise it high - Lasher - November 09, 2014

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the gunmetal man was reserved, which was well for lasher; perhaps he still stung from the gamma's actions. i have been better, he answered honestly, and gazed briefly into the eyes of the man who would one day take a mate and sire pups, would know love, but never heartache, taltos hoped. but dante was a logical sort, unencumbered by emotional largesse; he would prosper.

RE: scientists would raise it high - Dante RIP - November 13, 2014

It wasn't a particularly positive answer, but also wasn't too enlightening. Dante didn't mind, having just given a copout answer of his own, so long as Lasher did not need to talk through his troubles.

"Remember if you need anything, I am here. I am never too busy for that." He said with a small smile, eyes searching Lasher's face for affirmation.

RE: scientists would raise it high - Lasher - November 17, 2014

fade here? <3

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he nodded, meeting dante's kind eyes with a small curve of agreement forming upon his lips. and i will be the same to you, came taltos' soft rejoinder. they would mend from this, and he knew the plateau trusted dante. the gunmetal man would grow from these experiences, and lasher personally felt as if the blacktail wolves would flourish through the winter. dante was intelligent, logical. he would succeed where peregrine had failed.

RE: scientists would raise it high - Dante RIP - November 17, 2014

of course ^.^

Dante nodded, then turned to leave after having delivered a soft farewell. Perhaps in time he would need to borrow Lasher's support as some problems really did merit the bouncing of ideas and opinions. Mostly, however, Dante reserved such practices for issues that affected not only himself but others surrounding him as well. When it came to his own fears and doubts, he kept them close, preferring to mull them over at his own discretion than bemoan them even to a friend. If they became too much it was nice to know that Lasher was there and willing to listen, though. He hoped his offer was also taken to heart and believed it to be so.