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Blacktail Deer Plateau let the devil speak his story - Printable Version

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let the devil speak his story - Lasher - November 07, 2014

@Blue Willow. set for tonight/early tomorrow morning. keeping vague about some deets. no hurry to reply!

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he sighed into the darkness. sleep was what he desired, but the events of the day had left him tense and sorrowful. the healer would undoubtedly be at her den, keeping watch devotedly over the redhawk gamma, and so lasher set off to discover prey with which to break her fast.

an hour later he came to the clearing before her den, dropping the limp body of a rabbit to the ground. willow, he called softly, hoping she had not stepped away to gather more herbs — for many reasons, he wished her to eat, and even through the exhaustion of the day, the idea that their children might have been conceived brought him quiet joy.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Blue Willow - November 07, 2014

Blue as of yet was not privy to the details or the torture that Lasher had undoubtedly accidentally brought upon himself. She imagined there would be some hurt feelings along the way, especially since he had gone to tell Peregrine, and both had emotional wounds that were still extremely raw.

Blue heard his soft voice and lifting her head, she turned green gaze towards Finley, seeing that the she wolf was fine, she stood. Stepping from the den, she wagged her tail in greeting and gave him a soft nudge. Hello Lasher. How are you today? Finley is doing better.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Lasher - November 07, 2014

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he gave a gesture of his tail against his hocks, motioning at the rabbit. i brought you a meal. please eat, the gamma asked, settling himself upon his haunches. at her inquiry, his ears swept back. he wondered if blue willow would scold peregrine for his behavior, or otherwise castigate him, and this he did not wish.

but he could keep little from her. i went to tell peregrine of finley and what I discovered of ty's whereabouts. he has asked that i not return with messages -- my presence there is controversial.

the ignominy of the words still hurt him keenly, but he knew he should cease in their recitation. yet it validated the bitterness he bore toward peregrine.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Blue Willow - November 07, 2014

Blue smiled at his kindness, only friends but he was already providing for what she hoped to be a family, no matter how unorthodox it was. Blue took a small bite of the rabbit and then merely sat and waited while he gathered his thoughts. She did not expect him to tell her everything that happened, and she was pleasantly surprised that he did share.

Her eyes narrowed in agitation. I have found that he is not the same wolf at certain times he was since Fox has come among us. I am not sure I like it. She grew silent, and looked down. Taking a chunk out of her rabbit quickly, before she said anything else that would be mean or considered unkind.

She wasn't sure what was making Peregrine be so mean to Lasher or Lasher to him even, other than heartbreak, but surely that didn't give anyone the right to treat another badly. No matter what she could never imagine doing that to Atticus if he returned, nor would she expect him to be cruel and it would surprise her if he was. Perhaps, it was a curse to see the best in others, or to not imagine the cruelty that others could possess even though she knew it was out there.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Lasher - November 08, 2014

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taltos gave a low snort of agreement. peregrine had changed more than he had thought, and while he had softened toward fox somewhat for seeking to shield him from her mate's harshness, forgiveness had not blossomed in his heart yet.

he watched blue willow eat with a fond expression upon his face; presently he stirred and gestured with a wan forepaw in the direction of her belly. when will you know? he asked quietly, trusting she would know despite the fact she had not experienced the stirring of whelps within her before.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Blue Willow - November 08, 2014

Blue did not know if she could ever forgive Fox for some of the things she had done, or how she felt towards others. Perhaps as Blue aged she was becoming bitter and cruel. She hoped not, but her thoughts were not kind when they ventured towards the red furred she wolf.

Blue chuckled at his question and spoke softly We can know within a week to three depending upon what symptoms I have. I should have to relieve myself more, I may have some nausea, I will be tired, and I will want crazy foods. It was at this moment that blue really wished her mother was here, just for the support of a motherly wolf in her corner. I am looking forward to it. Then she gave him a small smile. She was happier than she had been in some time, and time was healing her slowly.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Lasher - November 08, 2014

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i am as well, the man purled — blue willow had been his closest companion, then his lover, and now she would bear his children. the evolution of their relationship had been swift, but he loved her no less, and no differently but for a fierce protectiveness blossoming in his heart toward her.

what sort of odd foods? he asked, amused, as he turned to watch finley, caught deep in the grasp of the witless sleep. her head, surely it had not been affected; he could not recall if the bear had struck her there, however, as the chaos had been quick and savage.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Blue Willow - November 08, 2014

Blue knew that she had moved quickly with Lasher, but it wasn't even quick in their relationship. As much as it was quick from one male to another, there was a word for women like that, but her's had not been born from ill intent, and besides that she had been beside Atticus until he disappeared again. What was she to do anyway. She had a huge fondness and a very deep love for the mahogany male before her. She was glad he was excited as well.

Blue shifted I'm not sure to be honest. I just know that can be a symptom. I imagine it will be strange things like berries and rabbit, or eel or some other type of oddity. Or I may just have a sudden craving for a haunch of deer or a rabbit or a squirrel. I will be able to combat the nausea i'm fairly certain. Her gaze fell upon Finley as well. The girl had strange stirrings in her sleep and uttered names, but she did not seem to be in a coma as Atticus had been. She hoped with all her heart that Finley was merely concussed and not brain dead.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Lasher - November 08, 2014

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he hummed beneath his breath and said no more, setting himself down to regard her quietly. i wonder how many there will be, he mused, half to himself. he had no experience with fatherhood; julien's relationship with his children was his only model, and lasher did not favour the memory of that.

perhaps they would see spirits, or take after the willow, gentle and practical in nature. he wished for none of them to inherit his wanderlust, suppressed insofar as he was happy, or his tumultuous emotions; but his passions; his love for the artistry of their world — taltos would be happy to pass on these things.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Blue Willow - November 08, 2014

Blue looked at him and then looked at the size of herself. I can not be certain but the normal number seems to be 2-4. Of course there can be more than that, or less. Blue wasn't sure how she would do as a mother. Once upon a time she would have thought she would do well, but now with how Amelie and she had grown apart, she wasn't sure if she would, but she hoped.

What would you like to teach them? She wanted to make sure the children knew of both him and her, their lives before and after the birth of the children. She hoped there was a healer among them at least one, and she also hoped they were kind and polite and mannerly, but she supposed if they weren't. If they were the very devil she would love them none the less.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Lasher - November 10, 2014

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lasher nodded, somewhat amazed; he had not expected so many. four children, perhaps, born to wolves newly inducted into parenthood. the thought occurred to him that not all would survive, but he put it aside quickly — he would make sure that they looked to the heavens with the eyes of an adult. kindness, and healing, he murmured in response to blue willow's question.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Blue Willow - November 10, 2014

Blue smiled at his wide eyed amazement. She supposed it wasn't news to her since she was a healer, though the thought of carrying for little lives in her belly was enough to drive her mad with anticipation, worry and overwhelming joy. She was extremely excited for this whole parenting thing the more she thought about it.

Blue smiled again I like those two. Will you teach them your language? I have heard your murmur it once or twice. She had never heard him completely speak in his own home tongue, but it had a pretty quality to it.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Lasher - November 13, 2014

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taltos had not thought of his own mother tongue in some time, though he slipped into its cadence occasionally. i believe that i will, he said softly, and the thought occurred to him that he should speak the glen-words more often. would you care to learn a few words of it? he inquired of her gently, ears cupped forward to hear her response.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Blue Willow - November 13, 2014

Blue smiled at him softly I would love too, but first what is it called? Daddy could speak french, but I am afraid I never learned. Her daddy was a cajin, all you had to do was hear him speak and you knew this of him. With his chile's and his quiet way of taking letters away and adding more. She was a little sad that he would miss her children, but pleased that he would watch over them.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Lasher - November 17, 2014

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taltos shook his head slowly. i do not know its name, only that i have held it upon my tongue since earliest memory. its cadence, its very sound, conjured memories of the glen that were both saddening and joyous. i could begin with your lovely name, he teased softly. saileach gorm, the man lilted softly.

he knew very little french, but the recollection of a smattering of words came to him. saule bleu, he whispered, moving closer unto her to nudge one dark shoulder softly.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Blue Willow - November 19, 2014

Blue smiled as he said her name in both his own tongue and the lilt of her fathers. How she missed that man. She sighed softly and nudged him back. You are an amazing Wolf Lasher and I love that you are a part of my life. That was all she said, she loved him of course, but it was a different love. Not one that she held for Atticus like a raging inferno, nor like her family or even peregrine and Osprey. It was different, but welcoming and she had no words for it.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Lasher - November 20, 2014

fade with your next post? :) i love these two

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likewise, he had come to regard the willow as much more than a companion. his heart did not beat for her as it had for julien, for eismitte, for peregrine, yet it was a comfortable warmth in his spirit. he likened it to the feeling of returning home after a lengthy journey, relief and joy mingled into one.

it is my happiness to be in your life, blue willow, taltos said softly, holding her eyes for a long moment.

presently, he stirred and rose, glancing into the den. there was little room, but he gestured toward it all the same. it has been a long day. perhaps you might rest, taltos suggested with an amiable wave of his plume. i shall sleep nearby.

RE: let the devil speak his story - Blue Willow - November 20, 2014

Adorable I know <3

Blue dipped her muzzle and wagged her tail. Sleep would be welcome. She would sleep more in the next few weeks than she had in a long time, she would realize this as time quickened. Though at the moment she did not know this. She tilted her head and shifted nudging him gently. She would offer him a place to sleep, but her den was full at the moment with Finley, and Junior and herself, none of which were small.