Wolf RPG
Kintla Flatlands Do I need a reason to have fun? - Printable Version

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Do I need a reason to have fun? - Wallace - July 08, 2023

Wallace had been too busy marking his territory. His encounter with GreatwaterLake had taught him how aggressive packs can be. However, he still had a thirst for adventure and was thinking of visiting another pack.

He stretched, looking around lazily and saw a leaf. Stealthily, he got up and approached his "prey". When he was a meter away, he jumped and landed on the object. It went flying and Wallace caught it with his fangs.

He shook her off and knocked her to the ground before jumping on her again. Finding a place for his pack was a lot more work than he'd thought, and he didn't want a job.

He was a young wolf! barely older than a puppy, he wanted fun, not worry about marking boundaries! He raised his head and howled. He would try to join a pack. He wanted a fight, some fun. Not endless meadows and dull leaves