Wolf RPG
Kintla Flatlands Lost and confused - Printable Version

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Lost and confused - Elhanna - November 08, 2014

Boop, anyone can jump in on this one :3

The nights were growing colder, it was a basic fact that was amplified by the brief puffs of vapour that followed each long breath. The alabaster boy wandered, his thick coat shielding him from the winters harsh night, every now and then his head turned skyward, pausing his stride to observe. Occasionally he changed direction or kept moving straight.

After a time he stopped turning his eyes skyward once again this time he sat watching the stars. His mind wandering, the obvious path he was following seemed to be gone and once again he felt lost. For the first time in months, he wished to return home.

Since leaving his natal pack he'd discovered life was not so easy, the harsh reality that no one was around to help, that he was responsible for himself was dawning on him. Doing his best to dismiss the thoughts he lifted himself up and began moving once again with little thought given to his direction.

RE: Lost and confused - Meldresi - November 10, 2014

Ohai. :P

She should not have strayed so far from the warmth of the tunnels in Blackfeather. The cold could have a bad effect on her pups' growth, and she knew she had a full litter, five at most. She could lose one or two. Maybe three if she was too reckless. The priestess was searching for something to help them though, ironically. Hoary and Blue Vervain, it would help with lactation, Great Blue Lobelia, to prevent tumors in her pups, Ironweed to strengthen her uterus walls. She had wandered for a few hours looking for the herbs, only finding the latter two.

Meldresi was ready to give up her search and turn back home, where it was warm and she could rest. Her pups stirred in protest to being carried around for so long. But there was something else that caught her eye. A wolf, staring up at the stars, an arctic wolf by the looks of him. The priestess wandered over, speaking softly, more to herself than him. "Something about winter makes the stars more beautiful, no?"