Wolf RPG
Sly Fox Sand Dunes the shadow among the sand - Printable Version

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the shadow among the sand - Kusuma - July 19, 2023


Dark woman always hungered. 

For belonging, for food, for ways of which to prove her worth to her new Tribe. Tribe not pack, pack too structured for Kusuma, the dark woman among sand dunes. But Tribekin always need provide for other Tribekin, which she had quickly attached herself to.

The heat made her grow hot, pink tongue lolling as she sought what little shade could be found. But she was on a mission to study plant, see if healer-Tribekin, if one was found, could use any. It seemed almost waste of time to Kusuma, but plant was important to long-lost Kusuma-love, so she'd picked up a few things. 

Her nose to the ground in studious search for Tribekin Plants.