Wolf RPG
Verdigris Ravine She ain't out to get you, but she's better on your side - Printable Version

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She ain't out to get you, but she's better on your side - Rizura - July 20, 2023

Following shortly after this thread!

Soon after her finding, Ri'zura sought her sister, @Sari.

Sister! She gasps, chest heaving and breath quick. She had run far, eager to share this dire news. The ravine... not safe. Poison here! Danger to tribe!

RE: She ain't out to get you, but she's better on your side - Sari - July 20, 2023

Alarm shot through S'ari as she saw her sister rushing toward her looking terrified. Slow down, she said. Explain. Poison? Poison where? In the water? S'ari had just drunk from the water minutes ago and it had smelled and tasted fine. Perhaps Ri'zura meant there were venomous snakes nearby, but those existed everywhere in the desert. Unless a nest of them had set up in the Ravine, and there were babies. That could be very dangerous, as baby snakes did not know when to stop biting, and would release all the venom they had...

RE: She ain't out to get you, but she's better on your side - Rizura - July 20, 2023

S'ari had said she should calm down, but this was hard. Shakily, she tried to even her breaths as she began to explain. Ri'zura find plant. Nightshade, it called. Vines spread fast, cover much area. Lethal, to be more exact! 

Tribekin not know of it. Might touch flowers and berries — or worse, eat!

RE: She ain't out to get you, but she's better on your side - Sari - July 20, 2023

just FYI, this pack is nomadic but will not be leaving the Ravine for some months, so they're just gonna have to be smart and not touch the nightshade lmao

Nightshade? S'ari knew this of this poisonous plant from travelers who came to the Tribe to trade. They also swapped information. Hmm, she said. This is concerning. However, it is not so bad. We will simply tell the others what it looks like and not to touch it. If they die from it after we tell them not to, it is their own fault, yes? This might seem like a cavalier attitude to some, but it was only common sense to S'ari. We cannot let a little poison scare us away, she said, nosing into her sister's flank to try and calm her down. Besides, there is not that much vegetation here. How far could it spread before it ran out of useable soil? The sand is not good for most plant-life.

RE: She ain't out to get you, but she's better on your side - Rizura - July 20, 2023

Ri'zura thought on these words carefully. Yes—don't want that we should leave. 

Sand not good for growth. Ri'zura could try covering with sand to kill. Find other to kill too. 

Growing calmer, she settled herself. Though, a frown was still evident upon her expression.

RE: She ain't out to get you, but she's better on your side - Sari - July 20, 2023

S'ari brightened at Ri'zura's idea. Yes, covering the nightshade with sand sounds like an excellent idea, she said. We should start now. S'ari will help you. Show her where the nightshade is, yes? She stood, waiting for her sister to lead the way, her tail swaying slowly side-to-side. It was always better if one had a plan, instead of wallowing in the problem with no way out. If they could kill the nightshade plants then they would no longer be a problem. We could dig them up, perhaps? But that might be too dangerous. Too easy to touch them, then...